The Discordant Opposition Journal Issue 9 - File 13
Avoiding the Largest CGI Hole
by cronus []
I realise this isn't going to be the most stimulating of articles but I saw this problem repeated so many times that I had to come up with a solution for my day to day work. My solution is faster, more reliable, more portable and solves this glaring security hole.
So many freeware CGI scripts use sendmail to send email and all of them use the same flawed idea. Here is example code;
open (MAIL, "|$mailprog $email");
print MAIL "Subject: This is a mail...\n";
print MAIL "Here is the text...\n";
print MAIL ".\n";
close (MAIL);
This is the simplest and (admittedly) most logical way to send email from a CGI script. But if the user passed the text;
' < /etc/passwd'
Then the CGI script would mail the passwd file to me. Now before everyone jumps up and down accusing me of stealing other people's ideas - I know this is not new, but I also know this problem is still raising its head over and over.
The tradition solution is to use regular expressions to remove or escape meta characters like the arrow command (<) but its hard to remove every command that will have an effect and there exists no standard perl code to handle dodgy user input.
The SMTP protocol doesn't intercept any metacharacters and so is safer than using a system command or a program to interpret the email. So lets use the SMTP protocol in raw form...
use IO::Socket;
sub send_mail {
($to, $from, $subject, $body) = @_;
print S "HELO\n";
print S "MAIL FROM: <$from>\n";
print S "RCPT TO: <$to>\n";
print S "DATA\n";
print S "From: $from\n";
print S "To: $to\n";
print S "Subject: $subject\n";
print S "$body\n";
print S ".\n";
print S "QUIT\n";
close S;
sub con {
$them = '';
$port = '25';
chop($hostname = `hostname`);
($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
($name, $aliases, $port) = getservbyname($port,'tcp')
unless $port =~ /^\d+$/;
($name,$aliases,$type,$len,$thisaddr) = gethostbyname($hostname);
($name, $aliases,$type,$len,$thataddr) = gethostbyname($them);
die $! unless (socket(S,AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto));
$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
$this = pack($sockaddr, AF_INET, 0, $thisaddr);
$that = pack($sockaddr, AF_INET, $port, $thataddr);
die $! unless (bind(S, $this));
die $! unless (connect(S, $that));
$| = 1;
Not only have I showed you some excellent code, but I've also solved a problem thats cursed CGI programmers for centuries.
Another good day at the office...