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.* O . . .. ..O .. 390 30 Jun 2001 ) ( ')
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* ***O O O O O O O O O \( _)|
* O o o.*..o.*..o.*..o. .net "I Don't Feel Sick Yet" *
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* |,4- ) )-,_..;\ ( `'-' by Phelign *
* '---''(_/--' `-'\_) *mE0w* o
*. .......................................*
'Anada is cat-friendly..o*`
to a girl: you are disgusting
to a guy: you are possibly more disgusting
to the same girl: no wait, you are the disgusting one
to the same guy: you are truly disgusting
to a dog: yuck
to a child: yuck
to love: get a number
to a homosexual man: in or out?
to a heterosexual man: top bottom, up or down?
to a heterosexual woman: sex or children?
to a homosexual woman: sex or children?
to a homosexual boy: seven times
to a heterosexual boy: eight times
to a heterosexual girl: what about girls
to a homosexual girl: what about boys
to the classic "people who care": you forgot to email me, I could be dead
to the classic "people who try to change you": why don't you like girls?
to the classic "person who ripped your heart out": if i ask you why, will
you do it again please
to the classic "person who you liked until they spoke": shutup and brush
your teeth
to God: When I see you, relax
to Country: fight another civil war, please
to arms: Hit the snooze button.
to the "Person who said they loved you": you waste my time
to the "person who showed you they loved you": ulterior motives surround you
to the "person who molested a child": you are royally fucked, not fucked up
to group sex: clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. clean up, clean up
everybody do your share
to the "molested child": unmolest yourself
to the homophobic person: yuck
to the "homophobic person": yuck
to the lesbian who had bad experiences with men: try me
to the homosexual who had bad experiences with women: try the lesbian
to the heterosexual who wanted to be gay: don't worry you still can
to the "homosexual person who hates himself for being gay": hate me or god
to a love: the
to the love: hurt
to love (again): is
to the lost: greater
to the found: than
to the scorpio: the
to the taurus: love
/\_/\ *
( o.o ) (c) Anada e'zine anada390 by Phelign o
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