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.* O . . .. ..O .. 368 02 Jun 2001 ) ( ')
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* O o o.*..o.*..o.*..o. .net "A Day in the Life of *
* O .no-one." *
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* |,4- ) )-,_..;\ ( `'-' by .no-one. *
* '---''(_/--' `-'\_) *mE0w* o
*. .......................................*
'Anada is cat-friendly..o*`
Friday 27th April
Midnight - Probably (I can't remember too well now) was having a fag
out of my bedroom window, which isn't too nice because its cold. An
aeroplane flew over so I waved at it, which was vaguely amusing. I was on
the phone to the ex-boyfriend. I always phone him late at night because I
can never be bothered to go to bed and I know I should, but it's dead
So I stayed on the phone chatting shit until I was so tired that I
just had to go to sleep. I've been wearing myself out recently cos I've
been revising loads for my exams (GCSEs) and my mum's been in a dead bad
mood all the time because she didn't get this job she wanted so we couldn't
move nearer to where my dad works (he's working in London and stays there
during the week). So anyway, she was in a really bad mood, so I had to do
loads of little stupid jobs for her cos she is stressed all the time. I
went to sleep at about half one.
At about half 7 in the morning I had to get up and put some le Tigre
on to put me in a good mood for the day. I also listened to one song by Dr
Dre cos I like the little gun noise in it. My make-up on one eye went a bit
wrong but it really didn't matter.
At 8 I got a lift with my mum to school. She's started working
earlier so maybe that's why I'm more tired. So I had to buy some more fags.
Then this stupid little girl who is in year 7 or 8, I reckon, well, I sold a
fag to her the other day, and she's dead irritating and stares at me. She
shouldn't be smoking I don't think cos she's fucking short enough already,
and everyone knows that smoking stunts your growth. She is also a little
young, but then I guess thats quite hypocritical of me. At least I wasn't
dead little and irritating. Well maybe I was irritating, but that's beside
the point.
SO anyway then I went and sat down for a bit, then walked up to
school. I went into this classroom and I don't know the few girls in the
there very well at all, so I didn't speak and there was another
uncomfortable silence. Then some people I know came in, so I started
speaking loads to make up for it.
Then it was form period, i.e. sit there and they check if you're here
and talk to people. They also do uniform checks, which are dead annoying,
cos I haven't exactly got the right uniform. So my form teacher spotted I
was wearing trainers, which are well against the rules. He told me to go to
the year room and ask for a note or something, so I went and hid in the
toilets 'til form period was over, and then I trotted off to french.
On the way I saw this very good-looking lad that I've fancied for
ages, which is sad really cos he's a wanker and he's got this dead stupid
hat and stupid hair and doesn't even know I exist, so I really should get
over it, but he's too gorgeous.
So french, pretty boring. We had to translate this stuff and there's
2 boys behind me -- they really don't pay any attention and they're dead
crap at it, and it's their fault. The teacher was dead short tempered as
usual, which is really quite amusing -- she says some dead funny stuff too,
like telling us she does drugs (a lie I should imagine), that she hates all
the other teachers, and says stuff like "rock on sister!" and "shut the fuck
up. Tres amusant.
After that I had physics, which is boring in every way possible.
I went for a fag at break, and then I had to walk back over to do PE, which
I actually didn't do becuase I lied to my mum in the morning to get a note
because of period pain, which I haven't got. Anyway, the teacher twigged
but still gave us a load of leaflets to read, like ones about sex and
contraception, and drugs and smoking.
Lunch was pretty dull. Went for a fag. We all go to the field
behind the tennis courts to smoke, because teachers only come down at break
and you can always stub them out temporarily so they never really catch you.
I've been caught twice in 2 years, and I have about 4 around school everyday
at least. I was with a girl called Laura, who is pretty much one of my best
friends. and a girl called Becky came up, who is Laura's best friend and a
good friend of mine too. She was going on about lip liner for some reason.
We went and ate, then came back to the field for some more fags. Some other
people were down then and every one of us (six I reckon) all do pills, so we
were having a really nice conversation about them which was pleasant.
Then, not all too soon (lunchtimes are dull and there's too many
irritating people), it was time for a lesson. Textiles, which was pretty
crap too. I don't even get to sit down before she's telling me to take my
coat off, impatient cow. People are boring in it, well, quite. I wasn't
really in the mood for talking or people, like I haven't been recently,
because I really can't see the point. As much as I want to be fun, or
popular, or have loads of friends, I really can't be arsed.
Then english. We were doing a poem, but most of the lesson was spent
watching Laura, Lisa, and Jeremy pretending to be mental. The funniest bit
was when Jez said "Bacon" for no reason at all.
I was waiting with Laura for her boyfriend, and this girl that tried
to shag Laura once came up and started talking to us. She is such an ugly
fat goth. She's so horrible. She has a girlfriend who is equally rank,
like, REALLY horrible, loads of piercings in her mouth, they are all
horrible. We went to Laura's house (minus ugly goths, plus her boyfriend)
and I got a message off Becky saying she was pissed off, and something to do
with lip liner. And so it transpired she was pissed off with Laura,
seriously pissed off. So we wondered about it, then I had to go get the bus
When I got home, I phoned Becky to find out what it was about. This
girl I hate, but is kinda friends with Becky and Laura, is supposed to be
her best friend, but she is such an attention seeking bitch that I can't
stand her. Anyway Zoe told Becky things that Laura supposedly said, some
pretty bad stuff. But Zoe is definitly not famed for telling the truth, so
it could all be bollocks, I wouldn't put it past her. I'm not sure if I'd
put it past Laura as well though. So I spent ages on the phone to them
both, getting confused as to who knows what. I hate all that kind of shit,
I hate being in the middle. I don't even understand it properly.
So I went and ate and smoked, then talked to Becky on Napster. Now
that depressed me because she was talking about all the friends she's gonna
make and the stuff she's gonna do, and that she hates how she used to live,
until yesterday. Laura phoned and she sounded so depressed. So I went and
cheered myself up by selling a load of videos to my mum, and convincing my
dad that my mobile areil is broken (when really it can be moved with your
teeth and i get a signal again, but he's not clever enough to figure that
out), so I am getting a nice new phone. Then I made some spring rolls,
lovely, and watched some TV about people on a plane that crashes.
And wrote this....
Basically that was my day. Maybe it was more interesting than I made
it sound, maybe not. Well whatever, it's pretty much an average day, so now
you know. I'm off to bed. It's 1:36 am.
/\_/\ *
( o.o ) (c) Anada e'zine anada368 by .no-one. o
> ^ < o