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.* O . . .. ..O .. 335 10 Apr 2001 ) ( ')
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* O o o.*..o.*..o.*..o. .net "James Joyce Ate My Balls" *
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* |,4- ) )-,_..;\ ( `'-' by Pavement *
* '---''(_/--' `-'\_) *mE0w* o
*. .......................................*
'Anada is cat-friendly..o*`
I Burn
(in the style of every 16-year old girl on the planet)
you took
what I didn't have
i gave you
love and you crushed it
i am a fallen angel
i fall
i bleed
i writhe
bitter agony manifests because brian wouldn't go to homecoming with me
my makeup smears
i am a 5,000 year old goddess
but still unborn
i wish i were
sylvia plath
i burn
Untitled (in the style of Emily Dickinson)
yonder sweet nothingness --
if He be not He
Were not His angels o'er me
Then a bluejay
-- would I be!
The Scream (in the style of Allen Ginsberg and/or William Burroughs)
The faggot stood there like a newborn child; his bowels seeded and
torn like grapefruit. His innards twisted like the vine. He fucked every
last one of them, the niggers, the spics, the jews, the old, the young, the
everything elses. But he was an alien, you see. An alien -- oh fuck it.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! The scream of life! The potion that
creates and destroys all that lives and all that dies. I killed my wife.
She didn't like that I was a faggot. I killed her, real good says I. I
burned that bitch. I shot her with a fucking... [786 pages later]
wife thought the junk made me do it. I told her I made the junk do it for
me. Martian men and tangerines. Fuck everything. The End.
Aegis (in the style of James Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake")
Chapter I. (excerpt)
ipsum nosotros adam river running down Feenegayn's mister pants.
hope said he; I saith nay but let us get a nip guv'nor. Crashing burning
flailing turning je ne sais pas what malaise doth afflict the hardiest of
men. eve twisted her hose in the stream job have not a penny to his back
feenegayn hath less than the River Rhine. Bit by bit metre by metre by and
by. Hath not dream and l'ecole said Goethe. Eire is poolish
fiulyshibiliepieo. Billywillynillytilly. gogogogogo run says I. No
forktologial implicate implications for my teogghiadon...
/\_/\ *
( o.o ) (c) Anada e'zine anada335 by Pavement o
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