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 · 2 Apr 2022

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* O o o.*..o.*..o.*..o. .net "Mystery ? Quotes" *
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* /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ *
* |,4- ) )-,_..;\ ( `'-' by Hubris777 *
* '---''(_/--' `-'\_) *mE0w* o
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'Anada is cat-friendly..o*`

1. “If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what
advantageth it me, if the dead rise not?” -1 Corinthians
2. “Need I look upon a death's head in a ring, that have one in my face?”
-John Donne, “Devotions”
3. “He handed her a thick sheaf of papers in a flimsy binding.”
4. “You got it. It's the old story--not enough warm bodies.”
5. “If Lector talks to you at all, he'll just be trying to find out about
you. It's the kind of curiosity that makes a snake look in a bird's
6. “Crawford smiled at her, but his eyes where dead.”
7. “Starling knew without thinking about it that the shine on his
extended hand was lanolin from patting his hair. She let go before
he did.”
8. “He added the tobacco smile he uses to separate his sentences.”
9. “He was wiping out ashtrays with the tail of his shirt.”
10. “He rolled his tongue around in his cheek as he took starling's coat.”
11. “She felt her control solid beneath her, like a good gravel bottom in
a fast current.”
12. “It takes an orderly at least ten minutes a day to remove the staples
from the publications he receives. The volume of his personal mail
used to be enormous.”
13. “He did a good piece on surgical addiction in the Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, I thought.”
14. “Starling didn't know which was worse, the photograph or Chilton's
attention as he gleaned her face with fast grabby eyes. She thought
of a thirsty chicken pecking tears off her face.”
15. “His voice was both high and hoarse.”
16. “His cultured voice has a slight metallic rasp beneath it, possibly
from disuse.”
17. “That's rather slippery of you.”
18. “Dr. Chilton didn't tell me anything about a chair.”
“What do your manners tell you, Barney?”
19. “He's hostile to people, people are hostile to him. It's a loop.”
20. “I'm sorry he's disturbed. Beyond that he's noise.”
21. “Memory, Officer Starling, is what I have instead of a view.”
22. “Oh, Officer Starling, do you think you can dissect me with this blunt
little tool?”
23. “Nothing happened to me, Officer Starling. I happened. You can't
reduce me to a set of influences.”
24. “You've given up good and evil for behaviorism..You've got everybody
in moral dignity pants--nothing is ever anybody's fault. Look at me
officer Starling. Can you stand to say I'm evil? Am I evil, Officer
“I think you've been destructive. For me it's the same thing.”
“Evil's just destructive? Then storms are evil, if it's that simple.
And we have fire, and then there's hail. Underwriters lump it all
under ëActs of God'”
25. “I collect church collapses, recreationally. Did you see the recent
one in Sicily? Marvelous! The facade fell on sixty-five grandmothers
at a special Mass Was that evil? If so, who did it? If he's up
there, He just loves it, Officer Starling. Typhoid and swans--it all
comes from the same place.”
26. “The hand was shapely, (six fingers) she noted, and the middle finger
perfectly replicated. It is the rarest form of polydactyly.”
27. When he spoke again, his tone was soft and pleasant.
“You'd like to quantify me, Officer Starling. You're so ambitious,
aren't you? Do you know what you look like to me, with your good bag
and cheap shoes? You look like a rube. You're a well scrubbed,
hustling rube with a little taste. Your eyes are like cheap
birthstones... desperate not to be like your mother. Good nutrition
has given you some length of bone, but you're not more than one
generation out of the mines.”
28. “All those tedious thank-yous, permitting all that sincere fumbling,
getting all sticky once for every bead Tedious. Tedious. Bo-o-o-o-
r-i-n-g. Being smart spoils a lot of things, doesn't it?... if the
add-a-beads got tacky, what else will as you go along?”
29. “You'd hate to think you where common. Wouldn't that sting?”
30. “A census taker tried to quantify me once. I ate his liver with some
fava beans and a big Amarone”
31. “He stepped backward from the barrier before he turned to his cot
again, and lying on it, became as remote from her as a stone crusader
lying on a tomb.”
32. “Starling felt suddenly empty, as though she had given blood. She
took longer than necessary to put the papers back in her briefcase
because she didn't immediately trust her legs.”
33. “Starling was soaked with the failure she detested”
34. “Close beside her, Miggs voice hissed, “I bit my wrist so I can
dieeeeeeee--see how it bleeds?”
35. “She was on the cold rails of her control now, making steady progress
towards the gate.”
36. “It was as though committing murders had purged him of lesser
37. “The sparks in his eyes flew into his darkness like fireflies down a
38. “The smile over his small white teeth could have come for any reason.”
39. “Some of the things Lecter had said about her where true, and some
only clanged on the truth. For a few seconds she had felt an alien
conscious loose in her head, slapping things off the shelves like a
bear in a camper.”
40. “She drove back to Quantico, back to behavioral Science with its homey
brown-checked curtains and its gray files full of hell.”
41. “Crawford's voice was so terribly quiet.”
42. “The dial tone stung in her ear. The sting spread over her face and
made her eyes burn.”
43. “Back at his chair he cannot remember what he was reading. He feels
the books beside him to find the one that is warm.”
44. “But he wanted to teach her. He wanted her to do well. For Starling,
that beat courtesy every time.”
45. “I just do what they tell me till five o' clock.”
46. “Crawford laced his fingers over his stomach and compared his thumbs.”
47. “Crawford's forefinger pointed to some principle invisible in the air
between them.”
48. “She delt with her impatience, tapping the wheel in time with the
wipers as the traffic crowded down route 301.”
49. “Yow was intelligent, fat, and had a breathing problem. Starling
guessed his age at sixty. So far he was accommodating.”
50. “Crawford made a small, successful effort not to look at her as he
51. “Yow turned in beneath the sign and showed his keys to a spotty young
man in uniform at the gate.”
52. “Split City (storage garages) is a bleak place the wind blows through.
Like the Sunday divorce flight from La Guardia to Juarez, it is a
service industry to the mindless Brownian movement in out population;
most of its business is storing the sundered chattels of divorce...
spotted mattresses, toys, and the photographs of things that didn't
work out... It is also believed among Baltimore's county sheriff's
officers that split city also hides good and valuable consideration
from the bankruptcy courts.”
53. “It was hard for him to bend over and breath at the same time. When
he tried to squat, his knees creaked.”
54. “Starling was glad to see that the padlocks were big chrome American
Standards. They looked formidable, but she knew she could pop the
brass cylinders out easily with a sheet metal screw and a claw
55. “The padlock jumped like a frog in her hand and lay there open, heavy
and greasy.”
56. “She backed the Plymouth up until part of the headlight pattern shone
under the door.”
57. “Might I suggest that you tie your cuffs snugly around your ankles?
TO prevent mouse intrusion.”
58. “The motto of the Roman physician: Primum non nocere. First do no
59. “There where small scurryings at the sound of her voice, and something
inside the piano climbed over a few high notes.”
60. “Now is when it is important to think. Now is more important than all
the crap you tell your pillow for the rest of your life. Suck it up
and do this right.”
61. “Mr. Yow would not have brought me in here if he'd known that there
was a cool one (dead body) in the car.”
62. “Some kind of bite or splinter made the ball of her thumb itch.”
63. “The dusty glass.”
64. “A stale smell of decay and chemical came out of the car. It jogged
her memory in a place she couldn't name.”
65. “She knew it was a large laboratory specimen jar and she knew what
would be in it. With dread, but little doubt, she pulled off the
66. “Migg's cell was vastly empty. She felt its silence like a draft.”
67. “They've only done the preliminary stuff. White male, about twenty-
seven, both American and European dentistry.”
68. “He put Klaus' head in a bowling bag and came back east.” Clarice
Starling leaned against a dice table in the FBI's casino and tried to
pay attention to a lecture on money laundering in gambling.”
69. “A chain-smoking two-fingered typist: See if you can get the window
open if the smoke bothers you.”
70. “One of her classmates, a young man who wore a lot of Canoe after-
71. “Now Starling found herself in a curious state in which she could not
be surprised. For a day and night she'd felt suspended in a diver's
ringing silence.”
72. “Looking at him, Starling was convinced that he'd never let the ball
drop once in his life.”
73. “Crawford looked pale and tough, like a root a bulldozer pushes up.”
74. “He (the killer) was almost certain to be a white male: white because
serial murders usually kill within their own ethnic group and all the
victims where white; male because female serial murders where almost
unknown in our time.”
75. “It's possible to catch him. Starling squeezed on that thought to
help herself sit in this even smaller airplane cabin with her lap of
awful information. She could help stop him cold. then they could put
this slightly sticky, smooth-covered file back in the drawer and turn
the key on it.”
76. “Will Graham, the keenest hound ever to run in Crawford's pack, was a
legend at the academy; he was also drunk in Florida now with a face
that was hard to look at.”
77. “Then it was Jack Crawford hunting, his eyes like a bright winter
78. “When he folded his sunglasses and put on his bifocals, she felt she
knew him again.”
79. “Those who have never been under Jimmy Price's supervision believe him
to be a lovable curmudgeon. Like most curmudgeons, he is really a
mean old man.”
80. “Don't let a herd of policemen confuse you. Live right behind your
eyes. Listen to yourself. Keep the crime separate from what's going
on around you. Don't try to impose any pattern or symmetry on this
guy. Stay open and let him show you.”
81. “The freshly painted house and the steps had, each in its own
direction, settled slightly out of plumb”
82. “Starling looked at these men as the cruiser pulled into the lot, and
at once she knew all about them. She knew they came from houses that
had chifforobes instead of closets and she knew pretty much what was
in the chifforobes. She knew that these men had relatives who hung
their clothes in suitbags on the walls of their trailers. She new
that the older deputy had grown up with a pump on his porch and had
waded to the road in the muddy spring to catch the school bus with his
shoes hanging around his neck by the laces, as her father had done.
She knew they had carried their lunches to school in paper sacks with
grease spots on them from being used over and over and that after that
they folded the sacks and slipped them in the back pockets of their
83. “When she was far enough away, one of the younger deputies, a
newlywed, scratched beneath his jaw and said, “She doesn't look half
as good as she thinks she does.” (confusing Starlings confidence in
the FBI and purpose for sexual arrogance)
84. “I'd put her on like a Mark Five gas mask.”
...“I'd just a soon have a big watermelon, if it was cold,” the older
deputy said, half to himself.”
85. The chief deputy: a small taut man in steel-rimmed glasses and the
kind of elastic-sided boots the catalogs called “Romeos.”
86. “a striped canvas awning wrapped around its poles.”
87. “In an embalming room with cabbage roses in the wallpaper and a
picture molding beneath its high ceiling... The bright green body bag,
tightly zipped, was the only modern object in the room. It lay on an
old-fashion porcelain embalming table, reflected many times in the
glass panes of cabinets holding trochars and packages of rock-hard
cavity fluid.”
88. “The wallpaper billowed in the draft, billowed inward as the doctor
turned on the big, dusty vent fan.”
89. “The victim was a heavy hipped young woman sixty-seven inches long by
Starlings tape. The water had leached her gray where the skin was
90. “She's got maybe two weeks or so hair growth on her legs. And see how
soft it's grown in? I think she got her legs waxed. Armpits too.
Look how she bleached the fuzz on her upper lip.”
91. “The musical offering” (organ music at a church)
92. ëThey were glad to see the young woman had no fingernail marks in her
palms--an indication that, like the others, she had died before
anything else was done to her.” (She was skinned)
93. “Lamar, a lean funeral home assistant with a whiskey bloom in the
middle of his face.”
94. “She did a set of planter prints as well, in case they had only baby
footprints from the hospital for reference.”
95. “Old people get those a lot,” Lamar said.
“What?” Crawford said.
“I heard you fine, I want you to explain it. What about old people?”
“Old people pass away with a heating pad on them, and when they're
dead it burns them, even when it's not all that hot. You burn under a
heating pad when your dead. No circulation under it.”
96. “Lots of times they've got a crank telephone behind the seat in their
Ramcharger, that's a big fine right there, if you don't have to go to
the pen... To telephone fish with... stun the fish with an electric
current when you hang the wires in the water and turn the crank. They
come to the top and you just dip ëem out.”
97. “It was different with the body and problem out of sight. In this
slack moment, what she'd been doing came in on her.”
98. “Next Crawford sent pictures of the victim's teeth and photos of her
face, the head draped by Starling with a towel in the event the
supermarket press got hold of the photographs.”
99. “The young man at the airport seemed in awe of Crawford and drove with
excessive caution.”
100. “That's not a guess. He's very likely right, and he (Lecter) could
have told you why, but he wanted to tease you with it. It's the only
weakness I ever saw in him--he has to look smart, smarter than
anybody. He's been doing it for years.”
101. “They were at Tenth and Pennsylvania, in front of the new FBI
headquarters that nobody ever refers to as the J. Edgar Hoover
102. “His cuffs muddy from the riverbank, going home to what he did at
103. “(Inside the Smithsonian) Dyak baby carriers and ceremonial skulls
gave way to Aphids, and they left Man for the older and more orderly
world of insects. Now the corridor was walled with big metal boxes
painted pale green.”
104. “Two men sat at a laboratory table playing chess. Both where about
thirty, one black haired and lean, the other pudgy with wiry red
105. “Who do you play against (in chess), a sloth.”
106. “When he got up, he was tall.”
107. “Pilcher had a long friendly face, but his black eyes where a little
witchy and to close together, and one of them had a slight cast that
made it catch the light independently. He did not offer to shake
108. “Raised it how?” (A moth)
“In a cage, in a warm place, with some acacia leaves for the larva to
eat until they're ready to button up in their cocoons. It's not hard
to do.”
109. “most people love butterflies and hate moths,” he said. “But moths
are more--interesting, engaging.”
“They're destructive.”
110. “Pilcher polished his teeth, his tongue moving behind his lips like a
cat beneath the covers.”
111. “A handsome clean face and allot of clean hair.”
112. “She found her shoes under the coffee table and went outside.”
113. “The February evening was more raw than cold. A light fog off the
Mississippi River hung breast-high over the big parking area.”
114. “Directly overhead she could see the dying moon, pale and thin as a
bone fishhook.”
115. “Catherine Baker Martin's cat watched out the window as the truck
pulled away, the taillights getting closer and closer together.”
116. “The 1980's, the golden age of terrorism.”

/\_/\ *
( o.o ) (c) Anada e'zine anada317 by Hubris777 o
> ^ < o

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