VCM3: Updating antivirus
Updating antivirus
by VirusBuster
One of the golden rules of all virus collectors is "update antivirus before making new logs".
This article is a short guide about how and from where update the most popular antivirus among virus collectors.
Updating KAV:
KAV has a module specifically designed to update antivirus databases.
This module can be launched from the menu KAV creates at installation or it can be directly executed from "KAV Shared Files\AVPUPD.EXE" located at common files of program files directory.
The updating module let the user to define from where to update and its use is really simple.
Updating F-Prot console:
F-Prot databases can be retrieved from:
You must download and
Updating Nod console:
You must download:
Rename the EXE to RAR and extract the "NOD32.000".
Updating McAfee console:
You must download:
Updating Dr. Web console:
Updates can be retrieved from:
Updating BitDefender console:
You must download:
Updating Sophos console:
You must visit:
You must fill product evaluation request and you will receive the link to download the update at mail.
Updating VirusBuster console:
You must retrieve files from:
Updating RAV console:
RAV console has an internal updating modules. You only must execute:
ravav --update=full
Updating other antivirus software like Avast, AVG, Vet, AntiVir, etc can be done using the updating modules they bring with GUI versions.