The blizzard of oz Issue 2 - Introduction
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888 t h e b l i z z a r d o f o z 888
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888888888888888888 issue two seven.four.ninetynine 888888888888888888
editor - the plague
articles - the plague
design - the plague
help - i really could use some
alright.. well here's another issue of blizzard.. i really am gonna have some articles from people other than me very soon.. i swear.. as you can see i changed up the format in this one .. this issue represents a massive change in blizzard.. from now on its gonna be telco related all the way.. except for guest authors.. in fact in the next issue ..( which is already almost done ).. theres gonna be a massive article by krypto on psx mod's.. also expect to see something on advanced ani killing.. but for now here is blizzard number two. and as you can see by the above date its been in the works for a while.. alright.. im outta here.. and remember its not safe to keep a two headed goat near a jenny craig weight watcher convention.. cya..oh yea also the blizzard of oz website is up at and i will put any file in the archives that has some sort of valuable use....
- one - cable madness
- two - pager bombing like your mom wishes she could
- three - lazy admins and free accounts
- four - defeating ani
- five - underground lameness
- six - in honor of fourth of july.. easy ways to destroy a toilet..