C++ Newsletter/Tutorial Issue 4
Issue #004
January, 1996
- Introduction to C++ Namespaces Part 4 - using declarations
- Clarification of New/Delete Example in Newsletter #003
- Using C++ as a Better C Part 4 - Declaration Statements
- C++ and Java
- Writing Robust C++ Code Part 2 - Constructors and Integrity Checking
- Performance - Declaration Statements
This is the fourth issue of the C++ newsletter. If you have comments or suggestions, please send them to glenm@glenmccl.com. Back issues are available via FTP or the Web (see below).
Previously we talked about how namespaces can be used to group names into logical divisions:
namespace Vendor1 {
class String {
int x;
namespace Vendor2 {
class String {
int x;
and how those names can be accessed via qualification:
Vendor2::String s;
or a using directive:
using namespace Vendor2;
String s;
Another way of accessing names is to employ a using declaration:
using Vendor2::String;
String s;
This can be a little confusing. A using directive:
using namespace X;
says that all the names in namespace X are available for use, but none of them are actually declared or introduced. A using declaration, on the other hand, actually introduces a name into the current scope. So saying:
using namespace Vendor2;
makes String and x available for use, but doesn't declare them.
using Vendor2::String;
actually introduces Vendor2::String into the current scope as a declaration. Saying:
using Vendor1::String;
using Vendor2::String;
will trigger a "duplicate declaration" compiler error.
There are several other aspects of using declarations that are worth learning about; these can be found in a good C++ reference book.
In the previous issue of the newsletter, there was an example:
int* ip;
ip = new int[100];
delete ip;
This code will work with many compilers, but it should instead read:
int* ip;
ip = new int[100];
delete [] ip;
This is an area of C++ that has changed several times in recent years. There are a number of issues to note. The first is that new and delete in C++ have more than one function. The new operator allocates storage, just like malloc() in C, but it is also responsible for calling the constructor for any class object that is being allocated. For example, if we have a String class, saying:
String* p = new String("xxx");
will allocate space for a String object, and then call the constructor to initialize the String object to the value "xxx". In a similar way, the delete operator arranges for the destructor to be called for an object, and then the space is deallocated in a manner similar to the C function free().
If we have an array of class objects, as in:
String* p = new String[100];
then a constructor must be called for each array slot, since each is a class object. Typically this processing is handled by a C++ internal library function that iterates over the array.
In a similar way, deallocation of an array of class objects can be done by saying:
delete [] p;
It used to be that you had to say:
delete [100] p;
but this feature is obsolete. The size of the array is recovered by the library function that implements the delete operator for arrays. The pointer/size pair can be stored in an auxiliary data structure or the size can be stored in the allocated block before the first actual byte of data.
What makes this a bit tricky is that all of this work of calling constructors and destructors doesn't matter for fundamental data types like int:
int* ip;
ip = new int[100];
delete ip;
This code will work in many cases, because there are no destructors to call, and deleting a block of storage works pretty much the same whether it's treated as an array of ints or a single large chunk of bytes.
But more recently, the ANSI standardization committee has decided to break out the new and delete operators for arrays as separate functions, so that a program can control the allocation of arrays separately from other types. For example, you can say:
void* operator new(unsigned int) {/* ... */ return 0;}
void* operator new[](unsigned int) {/* ... */ return 0;}
void f()
int* ip;
ip = new int; // calls operator new()
ip = new int[100]; // calls operator new[]()
and the appropriate functions will be called in each case. This is kind of like defining your own versions of the malloc() and free() library functions in C.
In C, when you write a function, all the declarations of local variables must appear at the top of the function or at the beginning of a block:
void f()
int x;
/* ... */
while (x) {
int y;
/* ... */
Each such variable has a lifetime that corresponds to the lifetime of the block it's declared in. So in this example, x is accessible throughout the whole function, and y is accessible inside the while loop.
In C++, declarations of this type are not required to appear only at the top of the function or block. They can appear wherever C++ statements are allowed:
class A {
void f()
int x;
/* ... */
while (x) {
/* ... */
int y;
y = x + 5;
/* ... */
A aobj(12.34);
and so on. Such a construction is called a "declaration statement". The lifetime of a variable declared in this way is from the point of declaration to the end of the block.
A special case is used with for statements:
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
/* i no longer available */
In this example the scope of i is the for statement. The rule about the scope of such variables has changed fairly recently as part of the ANSI standardization process, so your compiler may have different behavior.
Why are declaration statements useful? One benefit is that introducing variables with shorter lifetimes tends to reduce errors. You've probably encountered very large functions in C or C++ where a single variable declared at the top of the function is used and reused over and over for different purposes. With the C++ feature described here, you can introduce variables only when they're needed.
Another benefit is given below, in the section on performance.
You may have heard recently of the programming language Java, being pushed by Sun Microsystems as the language for Internet programming on the World Wide Web. There is a lot of hoopla about this at present. However, it's interesting to look at Java simply as a language, divorced from its Internet context. C++ was based on C, and Java is based at least in part on C++.
Giving a detailed comparison of the languages is beyond the scope of the newsletter, but if you wish to find out more, there are several places to look. Sun has a Web site:
with useful information in it, and an anonymous FTP site as well:
Another Web site with pointers to many Java resources is:
I've also looked at the book "Java!" by Tim Ritchey, which appears to have a lot of useful information that gives some context to the language and its use. There are many more Java books in the works that will be appearing in the next few months.
Imagine that you want to devise a way to represent calendar dates for use in a C program. You come up with a struct:
struct Date {
int month;
int day;
int year;
and a program using the Date struct can initialize a struct like so:
struct Date d;
d.month = 9;
d.day = 25;
d.year = 1956;
And you devise various functions, for example one to compute the number of days between two dates:
long days_b_dates(struct Date* d1, struct Date* d2);
This approach can work pretty well.
But what happens if someone says:
struct Date d;
d.month = 9;
d.day = 31;
d.year = 1956;
and then calls a function like days_b_dates()? The date in this example is invalid, because month 9 (September) has only 30 days. Once an invalid date is introduced, functions that use the date will not work properly. In C, one way to deal with this problem would be to have a function to do integrity checking on each Date pointer passed to a function like days_b_dates().
In C++, a simpler and cleaner approach is to use a constructor to ensure the validity of an object. A constructor is a function called when an object comes into scope. So I could say:
#include <assert.h>
class Date {
int month;
int day;
int year;
static int isleap(int);
Date(int, int, int);
const char days_in_month[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30,
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
// return 1 if year is a leap year, else 0
int Date::isleap(int y)
if (y % 4)
return 0;
if (y % 100)
return 1;
if (y % 400)
return 0;
return 1;
// constructor for Date class
Date::Date(int m, int d, int y)
assert(m >= 1 && m <= 12);
assert(d >= 1);
assert(y >= 1800 && y <= 2099);
assert(d <= days_in_month[m-1] ||
(m == 2 && d == 29 && isleap(y)));
month = m;
day = d;
year = y;
Date d(9, 25, 1956);
This logic does a complete check of the date. It ensures that a Date object has internal integrity. Note that the three data members of the Date object are private to the class, meaning that a random user of a Date class object cannot change them, and instead must rely on the constructor for setting the value of a Date object.
Suppose that you have a function to compute factorials (1 x 2 x ... N):
double fact(int n)
double f = 1.0;
int i;
for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
f *= (double)i;
return f;
and you need to use this factorial function to initialize a constant in another function, after doing some preliminary checks on the function parameters to ensure that all are greater than zero. In C you can approach this a couple of ways. In the first, you would say:
/* return -1 on error, else 0 */
int f(int a, int b)
const double f = fact(25);
if (a <= 0 || b <= 0)
return -1;
/* use f in calculations */
return 0;
This approach does an expensive computation each time, even under error conditions. A way to avoid this would be to say:
/* return -1 on error, else 0 */
int f(int a, int b)
const double f = (a <= 0 || b <= 0 ? 0.0 : fact(25));
if (a <= 0 || b <= 0)
return -1;
/* use f in calculations */
return 0;
but the logic is a bit torturous. In C++, using declaration statements (see above), this problem can be avoided entirely, by saying:
/* return -1 on error, else 0 */
int f(int a, int b)
if (a <= 0 || b <= 0)
return -1;
const double f = fact(25);
/* use f in calculations */
return 0;
Copyright (c) 1996 Glen McCluskey. All Rights Reserved.
This newsletter may be further distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety, including the newsletter number at the top and the copyright and contact information at the bottom.
Glen McCluskey & Associates
Professional C++ Consulting
Internet: glenm@glenmccl.com
Phone: (800) 722-1613 or (970) 490-2462
Fax: (970) 490-2463
FTP: rmii.com /pub2/glenm/newslett (for back issues)
Web: http://www.rmii.com/~glenm