Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)
Family: LANIIDAE Shrikes
Scientific name: Lanius cristatus
English name: Brown Shrike
Characteristic: Size 20 cm. A long-tailed brownish bird with reddish brown back to tail, dark brown wings, and a pale narrow eyebrow. A distinct black mask is present from a base of bill, through an eye, to the ear; chin, throat and breast are white; the belly is tinged pale reddish brown.
Distribution: East Asia, India, the Andamans, the Nicobars, China, Hainan, Taiwan, the Sundas, the Philippines, New Guinea, and SE Asia.
Habitat: Dipterocarp forest, secondary growth, and bamboo forest.
Habit: A winter visitor that frequently seen perching singly in the open area, on a conspicuous perches, as electric wire, house fence, tree stump, etc. It will occasionally swoop down to capture its favourite prey items, such as rodents, large insects, reptiles and birds. Breeds between January-October, with a marked peak between March-June, when a clutch of 3-6 eggs will be laid.
Status: A common winter visitor.