Tiger Shrike (Lanius tiprinus)
Family: LANIIDAE Shrikes
Scientific name: Lanius tiprinus
English name: Tiger Shrike
Characteristic: Size 19 cm. A medium-sized shrike with thicker bill and shorter tail than other shrikes. A male has grey crown and nape; black forehead and a large eye band; upperpart reddish brown with closely-setted black lines; wings and tail reddish brown; underpart white. A female is more sombre in colour, with more black lines on flanks.
Distribution: East Asia, Southern and Eastern China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Taiwan to Malaysia, the Greater Sundas and the Philippines.
Habitat: Dwelling in open forests, edges of evergreen forest, secondary growths, from the plain to 300 m. altitude and may be found occurring in mangrove forest and orchards. In Sakaerat forest , it is seen in clearings and grass fields among the dry dipterocarp forest.
Habit: Seen mostly solitarily, perching on branches or exposed tree stumps and watching for preys; once detected ,it will rapidly sally after to catch.Other habits are similar to those of other shrikes. No breeding records known from Thailand.
Status: This shrike is a passage migrant that occurring here in the early and late phases of migrating season; on its southwardly journey to Malaysia and Indonesia. Scarce in Sakaerat forest. It is protected wild animal legally.