White-browed Scimitar-Babbler (Pomatorbinus schisticeps)
Family: TIMALIIDAE Babblers
Scientific name: Pomatorbinus schisticeps
English name: White-browed Scimitar-Babbler
Characteristic: Size 23 cm. A medium-sized brown insectivorous bird with long curved yellow bill; distinctive pale supercilium above black eyeling; dark grey head; upperpart brownish-olive with reddish brown nape patch that extending to scapular; throat, breast to belly white stained olive-brown at flanks and under tail coverts.
Distribution: The Himalayas, Myanmer, Thailannd and Indo-Chaina.
Habitat: Highly adaptive to all forest types, i.e. the dry evergreen forest, dry dipterocarp forest, bamboo forest, scrbu forest, etc., whether on the plain or on high hills. In Sakaerat forest, this babbler inhabits both the dry evergreen and dry dipterocarp forests.
Habit: Mainly seen in small parties or accompanying in the flocks of White-crested Laughing-thrushes. Searching or insects through low shrubbery, and also accepting plant seeds and fallen fruits on the forest floor, Nesting on the ground or in low bushes, not higher than 1 m. above the ground; and depositing a clutch of white 2-5 eggs into its nest.
Status: Infrequently-seen resident in the Sakaerat forest. Being a protected wild ainmal, according to our local wildlife law.