Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus caeruleus)
Family: ACCIPITRIDAE Hawks, Kites, Eagles, Vultures
Scientific name: Elanus caeruleus
English name: Black-shouldered Kite
Characteristic: "Size 33 cm. A medium-sized black-and-white hawk with distinctive long black erectile crest; black neck contrasting strongly with white breast band; belly white banded with brown; tail wholly black. In overhead flight, it can be recognized by its wide rounded wings, black under tail coverts. Both sexeds are alike in appearance."
Distribution: "Southern India, eastern Himalayas, to southern china, Southeast Asia and Hainan."
Habitat: "Open graund, dry dipterocarp forest, dry evergreen forest, secondary growths, form the plain to the 1,500 m altitude. In Sakaerat forest, it keeps to the dry dipterocarp forest at Khao Payom."
Habit: "Seen here, during September to November, migrating southwards in largeflocks of 30 - 35 individuals, and also during its northerly mingration between March and April. Its main diets include various insects, especially large beetles caught among the canopy or close to the ground, sometimes observed gleaning insects from the foliage. "
Status: Occurring in this country both as residents and non-breeding migrants. Protected legally as a protected wild animal.