Green-eared Barbet (Megalaima faiostricta)
Family: MEGALAIMIDAE Barbets
Scientific name: Megalaima faiostricta
English name: Green-eared Barbet
Characteristic: Size 24 cm. A stocky big-headed bird with large thick beak, wide gape and rows of long bristly hairs at beak corners; general plumage colour green with pale brown head, so similar closely to the Lineated Barbet, except that this one has a green ear patch and red dots at side of neck.
Distribution: Southeast Chian, Thailand and Indo-Chiana.
Habitat: Inhabits dry evergreen forest, mixed deciduous forest, from the plain to the high altitude of 1,015 m. In Sakaerat forest, it can be found in dry dipterocarp forest, dry evergreen forest and forest plantation.
Habit: Encountered mostly singly or in pairs; sometimes a large concentration was recorded feeding on fruiting trees. It is a fruit-eater, particularly fonding of figs and plums, also consuming flower petals and nectar, insects and small animals. After satiated from moring meal, it will fly up to sit on the dominant perch for basking and commence to utter its typical call repeatedly. Breeding starts from March to May; nest is done in tree cavity, in which 2-4 white elliptical-shaped eggs are laid. The incubation period is 13-15 days.
Status: An abundant resident bird in Sakaerat forest. It is protected by law as a protected wild animal.