White-bellied Yuhina (Yuhina zantholeuca)
Family: TIMALIIDAE Babblers
Scientific name: Yuhina zantholeuca
English name: White-bellied Yuhina
Characteristic: Size 13 cm. A very samll bird with a distinctive low crest and without any pale eyebrow; upperpart yellowish green; underpart white; under tail coverts yellow; bill pinkish.
Distribution: Himalayas to Southern China, Hainan, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Borneo and Sumatra.
Habitat: Evergreen forest, mixed deciduous forest, from the plain to the high altitude of 1,800 m. This particular bird is the one in 4 species of Thai yuhinas that distributing throughout the country from the plain to high hills, whereas the others confine only to the northern mountains. This bird keeps to the ecotone between the dry evergreen forest and the dry disterocarp forest.
Habit: Often observed in pairs; sometime in accompany with other small insect-eating birds in the bird waves. If flits from branch to branch in bushes or tree tops looking for insects and worms, occasionally also for ripe berries and nectar. Breeding from March to May; when a cup-shaped nest is built hanging from a branch not high above the ground in which a clutch of 2-3 pinking-red blotched white eggs is laid.
Status: In Sakaerat forest, it is an uncommonly-seen resident bird.