Small Minivet (Pericrocotus Cinnamomeus)
Family: CAMPEPHAGIDAE Cuckoo-Shrikes, Minivets
Scientific name: Pericrocotus Cinnamomeus
English name: Small Minivet
Characteristic: "Size 23 cm. A big-headed stocky ird with bia beak of rather wide gape; body plumage dark reddish; back, wings to tail all black, marked throughout with yellow patches; underpart dark red; its beak distinctly greenish blue. A male has a small dark crossband at upper breast. Immature has subdued body colouration; brownish head, and underpart heavily splashed with greyish white."
Distribution: Southeast Asiz and the Greater Sundas.
Habitat: "Dry evergreen forest, moist evergreen forest, mixed deciduous forest, from a ;lain extending up to 900 m altitude. In Sakaerat forest, it keeps to the dry evergreen forest."
Habit: "Found looking for food amongst dense foiage; it may occasionally hawking for insects above the canopy. Diet includes insects and spidres, and also sometimes fruits. It is more active in early morning and late evening, whereas during the hot hours it rests or conceals itself in dense vegetation. This bird breeds from March to May and builds a pursehigh above the forest stream. Egg colour is white varyingly dotted with purple or reddish brown. Both sexes assist in nest building, incubation and nourishing young."
Status: An infrequently-seen resident in Sakaerat area. Being a protected wild animal according to the wildife law.