Puff-throated Bulbul (Alophoixus pallidus)
Family: PYCNONOTIDAE Bulbuls
Scientific name: Alophoixus pallidus
English name: Puff-throated Bulbul
Characteristic: Size 24 cm. A large-sized bulbul with a tall crest; upperpart yellowish brown; underpart pale yellow; also distinguished by greyish cheek patches, white puffy throat and yellow under tail coverts.
Distribution: Southern China, Hainan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam
Habitat: Inhabits evergreen forest, from the plain up to the high altitude of 1,200 m. It mostly keeps to dry evergreen forest in Sakaerat area.
Habit: Usually seen foraging in pairs or in small flocks, jumping and flying actively through the tree canopy and high shrubs for fruits, worms and insects. It picks up its animal preys from branches and leaver, or occasonally sallys shortly from a perch to catch one. Breeds between March to September; its cup-shaped nest is roughly built at site 4-5 m. above the ground.
Status: A common resident of Sakaerat forest, where the local bird population is the subspecies isani found distributing widely in northeastern part of the country. It is a protected wild animal.