Rosy Minivet (Pericrocotus roseus)
Family: CAMPEPHAGIDAE Cuckoo-Shrikes, Minivets
Scientific name: Pericrocotus roseus
English name: Rosy Minivet
Characteristic: Size 20 cm. A slim, long-tailed bird. A male is easily told apart from other minivet males by having grey head and upperpart; pinkish underpart and scarlet bands on wings and tail. A female has pale yellow underpart; greyish white throat, and yellow wing and tail bands.
Distribution: India, Southern China, Myanmar, Thailand and Indo-China.
Habitat: Seen inhabiting mixed deciduous forest, dry dipterocarp forest and evergreen forest, form the foothill to the 1,500 m. altitude. It keeps only to dry dipterocarp forest in Sakaerat forest.
Habit: Frequently encountered in flocks, or in mixed flocks with other minivets, perching high on tree tops and on exposed twigs. It is insectivorous in feeding habit, hunting its preys among leafy foliage and along branches. At present, no breeding recors is known from Thailand.
Status: An uncommon seasonal migrant in Sakaerat area. Treated legally as a protected wild animal.