Lineated Barbet (Megalaima lineata)
Family: MEGALAIMIDAE Barbets
Scientific name: Megalaima lineata
English name: Lineated Barbet
Characteristic: Size 29 cm. A large-headed thick-set bird that possessing yellow large bill.A set of long bristles present around the bill base. Back is green; paler green on the belly. Head down to breast are brownish with scale like paler pattern. Black eyes are surrounded by large yellow fleshy patch.
Distribution: The Himalayas, Eastern India, SW China, SE Asia to Java.
Habitat: Dipterocarp forest, dry evergreen forest, secondary growth and agricultural areas.
Habit: Normally stays in small flocks, scurrying in forest canopy for fruits, flowers, buds, insects and small animals. Being satiated, it selects an exposed perch to call for quite a long time, then starts to forage again. Breeding takes place between February-May; nesting in a self-dug cavity, in which 3-4 eggs will be deposited.
Status: A resident. At Sakaerat, often seen in the dry evergreen forest; this bird keeps to high tree tops in the dipterocarp forest.