Green-billed Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus tristis)
Family: CUCULIDAE Cuckoos
Scientific name: Phaenicophaeus tristis
English name: Green-billed Malkoha
Characteristic: Size 56 cm. An arboreal-living bird with a long black and white tail. Head and upperpart dark grey, wings and tail show greenish gloss.Underpart paler grey. Underpart pala grey. Underside of tail with feathers of increasing lengths; each tipped with white. Orbital skin is dark red and the bill is green
Distribution: The Himalayas, China, Hainan, Sumatra, and SE Asia. In Thailand, this bird occurs in all parts.
Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, dipterocarp forest, bamboo forest, secondary growth and also in some small forest patches.
Habit: Usually seen solitarily in the middle level of dense tree canopy; it always sits motionless and moves by jumping up along the branches with great agility. Diet consists of insects, amphibians and small animals. Breeding occurs between March-August; when a female lays a clutch of 2-4 eggs.
Status: An uncommon resident, especially in Sakaerat area.