Richard`s Pipit (Anthus richardi)
Family: MOTACILLIDAE Pipits, Wagtails
Scientific name: Anthus richardi
English name: Richard`s Pipit
Characteristic: "Size 21 cm. A male bird has a conspicuous middle tail feathers that extending about 23 cm. longer than other tail feathers. Two colour morphs are known: the pale or white morph is almost all white, except the shiny black hood; and the reddish-brown morph which is reddish brown throughout the upperpart of the body and tail. A female is similar to a male of reddish brown morph, but having a shorter tail."
Distribution: "Turkistan, Afghanistan, Manchuria, China, the Sundas, the Nicobars, the Andamans, and through SE Asia."
Habitat: "Dry Evergreen forest, dipterocarp forest and secondary growth."
Habit: "Forages solitarily or in pairs. Preferring to perch motionless on a twing and sallying after a passing insect. Breeding time falls between March-June, when a female will deposit a clutch of 2-3 eggs."
Status: Both an uncommon resident and migrant.