Indochinese Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina polioptera)
Family: CAMPEPHAGIDAE Cuckoo-Shrikes, Minivets
Scientific name: Coracina polioptera
English name: Indochinese Cuckoo-shrike
Characteristic: Size 23 cm. Body is predominantly grey in color, with the upperpart clearly darker than the underpart. Its tail is comparatively long and each succeeding feather edged with white, A female has a distinctive pale eyering, and its belly finely barred by grey scale-like pattern.
Distribution: Confined only to Myanmer, Thailand and Indo-China.
Habitat: Prefers open areas in the dry evergreen forest, dipterocarp forest and secondary growth.
Habit: Hunting for Insects either among the canopy or sallying in the air. After being fully fed, it will select a suitable perch and utter its loud harsh call Breeding between April-July, a female lays a clutch of 2-3 eggs
Status: A rarely-encountered resident.