Violet Cuckoo (Cacomantis xanthorhynchus)
Family: CUCULIDAE Cuckoos
Scientific name: Cacomantis xanthorhynchus
English name: Violet Cuckoo
Characteristic: Size 17 cm. A male has its head, neck, breast and all upperpart dark purple; underpart to under tail coverts white crossed by fine violet streks; beak orange with reddish base; eye ring red. A female is different by having copper-red upperpart and brown-streaked white underpart.
Distribution: India, Southwest Chian, Southeast Asia, the Andamans, the Nicobars, the Greater Sundas and the Philippines.
Habitat: Mainly frequenting both mixed deciduous forest and evergreen forests, form the plain to the high altiude of 600 m. In Sakaerat forest, it keeps only to the dry dipterocarp forest.
Habit: Seen usually perching silently on dead branch or tree top. A distinct call "ki-wik ki-wik" will be uttered in the morning and evening during the breeding season. Forages for insects and insect larvae by gleaning from foliage and branches; some soft-peeled fruits may be accepted. It is also a parasitic bird that lay its eggs in the nests of some sunbirds and spiderhanters, whose breeding seasons fall between April to June.
Status: This is mainly a resident bird, though some populations are non-breeding migrants. Quite rare in Sakaerat forest. Protected by law as a protected wild animal.