Hill Blue Fltcatcher (Cyornis banyumas)
Family: MUSCICAPIDAE Flycatchers
Scientific name: Cyornis banyumas
English name: Hill Blue Fltcatcher
Characteristic: "Size 23 cm. Aplump - looking, short-necked nocturnal bird of prey with distinct pale eyebrows and large yellow-ringed eyes on a facial disc.Body is mainly mottled brown barred finely by paler brown bands.Its neck is exceptionally pale.Tail is short and square in shape,wholly and alternatively barred with dark brown and creamish bands."
Distribution: "India,China,Hainan,Java,Bali and SE Asia."
Habitat: "Dry evergreen forest, dipterocarp forest and secondary growth."
Habit: "This one is peculiar in foraging mainly in the daytime ; frequently cbserved sunning itself on an exposed branch.Its hunting ability is as efficient as other diurnal birds of prey : usual prey items include large insects, rodents, small reptiles and birds.Breeding time falls between aPril -May, when a pair will nest in a high hollow tree,and a female lays a clutch of 4 eggs."
Status: A comparatively rare resident.