Plain Flowerpacker (Dicaeum concolor)
Family: DICAEIDAE Flowerpeckers
Scientific name: Dicaeum concolor
English name: Plain Flowerpacker
Characteristic: Size 10 cm. A tiny thick-billed bird of the tree top. Its underpart white with scattered gray streaks; underside of tail feathers white at tips; eyes orange or red. An immature has faint breast and belly streakings and much paler bill.
Distribution: "India, Southeast Asia, Sumatra ,Java and the Lesser Sundas."
Habitat: "Mixed decidous forest , evergreen forest, secondary growths , from the plain to 1,500 m altitude; but most keeping to lower altitudes.In Sakaerat forest,only seen in the dry dipterocarp forest."
Habit: "Encountered either singly or in pairs, forest actively among the tree tops, where it keeps on jumping and flying. Its diet consists of nectar, poolen , eapecially of the mistletoes , ripe berries, insects, insect larvae and spiders. Breeding from March to June; a flask-shaped nest is hung from a low branch,being made of grass leaves, grass inflorescences. leaves,etc., binding together with spider web. A clutch of 3 white eggs will be later laid."
Status: An uncommon-seen resident in Sakaerat forest. Protected legally as a protected wild animal