Orange-breasted Trogon (Harpactes oreskios)
Family: TROGONIDAE Trogons
Scientific name: Harpactes oreskios
English name: Orange-breasted Trogon
Characteristic: Size 30 cm. A male has a reddish brown back, darker brown wings that are barred with white; long reddish brown tail, and orange-yellow belly. A female is different in having greyish brown back; wings barred with light yellow and with a yellow belly.
Distribution: China, Myanmer, Thailand, Malaysia, Indo-China and the Greater Sundas.
Habitat: Dry evergreen forest and dipterocarp forest.
Habit: Appears to live a solitary life, except in the breeding season. It stays motionless in the low levels of foliage in its characteristic upright stance with its tail pointing downwards. Devours insects, small reptiles and fruits. Breeds between January-April, when pair nests in tree hollow and female lays 1-2 eggs which requiring an incubation period of 15-16 days.
Status: An uncommon resident.