Chestnut-capped Babbler (Timalia pileata)
Family: TIMALIIDAE Babblers
Scientific name: Timalia pileata
English name: Chestnut-capped Babbler
Characteristic: Size 18 cm. A small bird having a short, thick black bill; head and nape bright reddish brown; upperpart greenish brown; a conspicuous black eyeline contrasting sharply with white supercilium, cheeks, throat and breast; also a scattered dark streaking present over its breast; belly and under tail coverts flesh-coloured; tail relatively long.
Distribution: Form Nepl to Southern China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam to Malaysia and Java.
Habitat: Haunting in grass fields and open forest, from the plain to the high 1,400 m. altitude. In Sakerat area, it keeps to the dry dipterocarp forest.
Habit: Seen normally in small groups gleaning twigs and leaves of bushes, grass tussocks and thick vegetations; where they are more heard than seen. Its diet consists of insects. The breeding time starts from April ot September; when it builds its globular nest among grass tussocks; the nesting materials include grass stems, bamboo twings or bamboo leaves. It lays a clutch of 3-5 white eggs. Both sexes participate in nest construction, incubation and tending of nestlings.
Status: A resident bird which is uncommonly found in Sakaerat forest. Being a protected wild animal, according to the local wildlife law.