Thick-billed Flowerpecker (Dicaeum agile)
Family: DICAEIDAE Flowerpeckers
Scientific name: Dicaeum agile
English name: Thick-billed Flowerpecker
Characteristic: Size 10 cm. A tiny thick-billed bird of the tree top. Its upperpart brownish green, dark on wings; underpart white with scattered gray streaks; underside of tail feathers white at tips; eyes orange or red. An immature has faint breast and belly streakings and much paler bill.
Distribution: India, Southeast Asia, Sumatra ,Java and the Lesser Sundas.
Habitat: Mixed deciduous forest, evergreen forest, secondary growths, from the plain up to 1,500 m. altitude; but mostly keeping to lower altitudes. In Sakaerat forest, only seen in the dry dipterocarp forest.
Habit: Encountered either singly or in pairs, foraging actively among the tree tops, where it keeps on jumping and flying. Its diet consists of nectar, pollen, especially of the mistletoes, ripe berries, insects, insect larvae and spiders. Breeding from March to June; a flask-shaped nest is hung from a low branch, being made of grass leaves, grass inflorescences, leaves, etc., binding together with spider web. A clutch of 3 white eggs will be later laid.
Status: An uncommonly-seen resident in Sakaerat forest. Protected legally as a protected wild animal