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Hoopoe (Upupa epops)

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birds of Thailand
 · 2 years ago
Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
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Family: UPUPIDAE Hoopoe
Scientific name: Upupa epops
English name: Hoopoe

Characteristic: Size 31 cm. Readily identified by having a slender downly-curved bill and black and white plumage. Its crest is exceptionally long, reddish brown and black-tipped; all feathers usually lie flat and drooping from its head, when being excited, they will be fanned up on the head.

Distribution: Africa, Europe, India, China, Taiwan, Sumatra, Borneo and SE Asia.

Habitat: Dipterocarp forest, dry evergreen forest, scrub forest and some agricultural areas.

Habit: Usually observed either climbing up the tree trunk in a woodpecker style or foraging on the forest floor. Its preferred diet is composed of insects and amall vertebrates. Breeding time falls between March-June; constructing its nest in a tree cavity or an earthen burrow; in whivh a normal clutch of 5-7 eggs will be laid.

Status: A common resident. Mostly found seeking for food among the dwarf bamboo thickets in the dipterocarp forest.

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