Yellow-vented Flowerpecker (Dicaeum chrysorrheum)
Family: DICAEIDAE Flowerpeckers
Scientific name: Dicaeum chrysorrheum
English name: Yellow-vented Flowerpecker
Characteristic: Size 11 cm. A tiny bird with yellowish green upperpart; white underpart scatterly streaked with blac; under tail coverts orange ro yellow. An immature bird has pale yellow under tail coverts and indistinct dark streaks on breast and belly.
Distribution: Northern India, Southwest China, Southeast Asia, and the Greater Sundas.
Habitat: Mixed deciduous forest, evergreen forest, secondary growths and forest edges, from the plain to 1,100 m. altitude. Inhabiting dry dipterocarp forest and forest plantations in Sakaerat forest.
Habit: Seen singly or in pairs, activety flying or hopping among branches. Feeding on pollen and nectar from flowers, by perching on a flowering twig or directly on its petal, then pecking for pollen and sipping for nectar with its beak. In addition, it is also fond of insects, insect larvae, spiders and some soft fruits. Breeding from March to July, when it builds an oval-shaped nest hanging from a twig, not higher than 6 m.; then a clutch of 2 white eggs will be deposited.
Status: An infrequently-seen resident in Sakaerat area. Legally protected as a protected wild animal.