Plain-backed Sparrow (Passer flaveolus)
Family: PASSERIDAE Sparrows
Scientific name: Passer flaveolus
English name: Plain-backed Sparrow
Characteristic: "Size 60 -82 cm. A cock has a distinctive bright red facial skin, a bushy black crest with bluish sheen; yellowish red rump patch and long,curved black tail.A hen is smaller in size and having brownish body crossed boldily by black pattern on wings and tail."
Distribution: Thailand and adjoining Indo-China.
Habitat: "Dry evergreen forest and the ecotone between the dry evergeen and the dipterocarp forest,also found living in the bamboo forest."
Habit: "Mainly terrestrial in foraging habit,scratching among leaf litter for insects, termites,worms,small animals and ripe fruits.Breeds between February-May,and nests on the ground, usually hiding under shrubs or between grass tussocks, and in bamboo clumps,in which 5 - 8 eggs will be laid"
Status: "Generally,a rather scarce resident.Fortunately quite common in Sakaerat area."