Greenish Warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides)
Family: SYLVIIDAE Old World Warblers
Scientific name: Phylloscopus trochiloides
English name: Greenish Warbler
Characteristic: size 13 cm. A tiny bird with dark gray head ; brownish green upperpart; reddish brown rump; white underpart. Pale supercilium is conspicuously seen. Two narrow pale wing bars are not as clear as those of other leafwarblers. Legs are much paler in colour than those of others.
Distribution: "Northeast Asia, eastern and southern China , Hainan , Southeast Asia and the Nicobars."
Habitat: "Mixed deciduous forest, evergreen forest , secondary growths, mangrove forest and orchards, from the plain up to 1,500 m altitude. Inhabits both the dry evergreen forest and dry dipterocarp forest in Sakaerat area."
Habit: "Seen mostly in small flocks foraging close to the ground for insects and insect larvae among bushes, undergrowths and low branches. No breeding records from Thailand ."
Status: Uncommon winter visitor in Sakaerat forest. Protected legally as a protected wild animal.