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Star Trek: Before Destruction - Chapter 3

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StarTrek Before Destruction
 · 1 Nov 2021
Star Trek: Before Destruction - Chapter 3
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*** THREE ***

The dark grey Klingon ship came about and joined the two D-7 cruisers, taking the point of their wing-formation. They headed for the ship coming out of the Federation Neutral Zone into Klingon space. No questions would be asked, no favors granted. The ship was to be destroyed.

Kang sat in his command chair, no stranger to battle. Dark joy beat in his breast, as he awaited the confrontation before him. He was the hunter in search of his prey. His Klingon blood surged through him, heightening his senses, honing his awareness. He was lightning waiting to be unleashed.

"Helmsman, increase speed to warp 8!" commanded Kang.

"Increasing speed, Sir!" said the helmsman boldly, not revealing his nervousness at the order. He felt his ship subtly vibrate, as her velocity progressed and broke warp factor 8.

The Klingonese ship's new engines were designed to exceed warp 9, but her hull structure had yet to be modified to withstand the incredible force of the forward thrust at that level.

"Warp 8 achieved!" reported the helmsman.

"Full power to the weapons," Kang ordered.

His ship, the Fury, was the prototype of the D-8 Predator class battle cruisers. Slightly less armaments adorned her than the D-7's trailing her but she was swifter and more maneuverable. A formidable and lethal weapon in the hands of one with the experience of 'Kang: The Destructor'.

"Commander Kang, I am receiving many Starfleet transmissions concerning a large explosion caused by an unidentified Starship. The sub-space transmissions are garbled and something is hindering reception, but the last report stated that the Starship headed into the neutral zone at approximately the same point we picked up the intruder ahead of us." Gor, the communications officer turned to look directly at his commander. "Sir, the explosion was described as 'force S.N. point 1', one tenth that of a Stellar Nova."

"A Starfleet trick?" Kang queried.

"I do not believe so, Sir. They are using the Federation Emergency channel, non-coded. Though they are clever, we have never known them to broadcast disinformation on the Federation Emergency channel," Gor stated.

"Could it be one of ours, Sir?" the navigator asked.

"That is probably what the Federation believes but until we have found a path around the Organians, we have no way of engaging in open hostilities." Kang leaned forward in his chair. "It is more than likely that this is a result of some miscreant rebel insurrection, spilling out of their hands and into our laps." He cursed the Federation under his breath. "This should be an easy kill; nevertheless, you do not approach a Vorshadragon from the front. The ship's weaponry is an unknown. It may prove prudent to attack from all sides." He paused in thought, then, "Mr. Gor, raise the Terror and Dorgok, ship to ships."

The communications officer quickly opened a comm channel to the flanking ships.

"Done, Sir. Commanders Volte and Pakor on speakers," spoke Gor.

"This is Kang. Prepare to execute battle maneuver Tychon 7-k. Split at my command." He rested confidently back into his chair. "Mark!" he commanded.

All three battle cruisers turned as if joined together by some invisible cable, then suddenly broke formation, each making a wide arc to intersect the intruder's projected position. Like three graceful hawks they flew, awaiting the sight of prey to make the kill. Farther apart, then out of each other's sight. Knowing when next they meet, they will share victory and taste blood.

Kang observed the stars, their patterns, their various colors and degrees of luminescence. They were a majestic back-drop, he thought, for the battle that was ahead. He rubbed his moustache with his forefinger and thumb and watched the light of the heavens before him... Watching and waiting.

Kang was about average size for a Klingon. Although he was a strong man, he had always relied on his cunning in battle, whether it be in hand to hand combat or ship against ship. The dark eyes, under his bushy eyebrows, scanned the view ahead waiting for the moment that his enemy would come into view. He was a warlord in the truest sense, a worthy adversary for any opponent. But he did have a heart. A heart that he kept hid from most men and a tenderness that he would only share with his wife. He could be the truest of friends to those whom he deemed worthy of his friendship, but one would be hard pressed to find an enemy more fierce.

"My lord, the vessel ahead has shields up and her torpedoes are armed. Scans indicate that their warheads are equipped with an unusually unstable material that our computers cannot yet identify." Her eyes expressed her concern to the commander. "I recommend caution, my lord," said Mara, science officer and wife to Kang.

Before Kang could respond, Gor broke in. "Sir, we are being hailed by the intruder." He placed his hand to his ear. "Commander, the intruder wishes to discuss terms of surrender," he said.

"We are Klingons!" he reminded his Comm. officer harshly. "We take no prisoners."

"But," Gor stammered.

"Enough!" Kang ordered. Then to his helmsman, "Prepare to fire!"

Kang could see the two other vessels of Klingon origin coming into view behind and to port of the intruder. Just as the faintest smile of satisfaction crossed Kang's face, the trespassing ship fired directly at the D-7 far to its rear.

The Dorgok tried evasive maneuvers but the torpedo never needed to make contact and in an instant the Dorgok ceased to be. The resulting explosion was spectacular, albeit much smaller than the one fired on the Federation outpost. Nevertheless the concussive force rocked and shook both engaging cruisers and the intruder's vessel as well.

On the Fury, alert claxons sounded and combustion sirens wailed. In the darkness of the temporarily blacked out bridge, smoke spewed from the overhead sensor array, sparks giving off the only light. The emergency lights flickered on, casting a red haze in the smoky command room. Backup power lit up the bridge systems bringing control back to the ship.

"Never have I seen such a weapon," the helmsman spoke in awe.

"Sir," Gor spoke as he clambered to his feet. "It is they who want 'us' to surrender."

Kang glared at the communications officer with murder in his eyes. Gor averted his own. His commander had killed with less rage than this, but it was an anger born of frustration at the situation rather than toward the individual. Kang now knew that their military posture was that of the helpless. He also knew that for a Klingon there was no surrender. They were warriors, bred for conquest, not capitulation. 'This must not be,' he thought to himself.

Kang assessed the field of battle. He assessed his ship and crew. Only forty seconds had passed since the force wave had hit them. If they must die they will at least wound their enemy. He noted that it would take several seconds to penetrate the shields of the Starship and destroy it. He also noted that in the first of those seconds they and the Terror could easily be taken out. Then a thought came to him and he regained his composure.

"This weapon they have would bring power to the Empire. Enough power to destroy Organia and all who would stand in our way." He looked at each of the faces of his crew in turn and finally rested his eyes on his wife. Mara was the only one who could read the doubt on his face, but just looking at her gave him strength.

Kang turned to Gor, "We will play the diplomat until we either have the weapon or an opening, and then I swear, by the strength of the One God, we will crush the invader and scatter his ashes through the universe!" His fist crashed into the arm of his chair.

"Open communications to our enemy!" Kang ordered.

Gor rushed to his post, thankful for his life and heartened by the words of his commander. "Channel open, my lord!" Then "Audio only," he added.

"This is Kang, Commander of the Imperial Cruiser Fury. With whom am I speaking?" He awaited the reply. After a few moments it came.

"This is the Captain of the Starship with no name," the bridge speakers boomed. "Obey my command and you may yet live to serve your Emperor. Defy me on any count and your death will be immediate." There was a pause, long enough for the words to hit home. "You will contact the Imperial Throne World. Make clear to them what you have seen and let them know that it is only a fraction of the power I hold."

The voice spoke eloquently, almost elegantly, but forcefully. Assured that the words which were spoken were weighed heavily by the Klingon and confident that nothing in the Empire could be called his 'rival', the voice continued. "Make it known to the ruling council that you and your sister ship are to escort me to a rendezvous with your Emperor, where we will discuss the future of the known universe."

Kang heard a gasp from his wife. She was not the only one on the bridge who feared for the Empire. To lead this angel of destruction to the Throne World was Galactic suicide; no, genocide.

"I come in peace," the voice said. "However, do not invite my wrath upon yourself, for as you have witnessed, my vengeance is irrevocable. No harm will come to anyone if my will is honored." The voice over the speaker ceased.

Kang began to reply, barely able to control his anger. Before his lips could move in response, his communications officer announced, "Channel is closed, my lord."

Rage hit Kang. Flames of anger began burning in his mind, yet he maintained command of himself. More than anything he wanted to lash out at his enemy. This faceless foe could not know of Klingons and believe they would surrender until their very breath had left them. 'Who is he?' The question reverberated in his mind. Kang needed a plan. Something unpredictable and quick; nothing elaborate. If he could only contact the Terror so they could act as one. But no, he dare not make any open gestures of deceit. He would have to act alone.

"Gor, send a detailed recount of our predicament to Imperious Admiral Sorr. Request immediate advisory. Encode to him that by the time he receives the message we may not be here anymore and that my crew was brave in facing their enemy."

"Yes, Sir," said the Comm. officer.

"Now we act," Kang decided. "Weapons officer, have torpedo bay send 6 torpedoes to the transporter room immediately." Kang turned to his wife. "Mara, keep scanning the intruder. If his shields drop for any reason, we open fire no matter what events are transpiring. Understood?"

"Yes my lord," spoke Mara and the weapons officer in unison as they began their separate tasks.

"Helmsman, when I give the command, I want full reverse, emergency speed!"

The helmsman turned with a surprised look on his face. "We are going to flee, my lord?"

Mara quickly rebuked him, "Have care what you say Torvak. I do not expect you to question his orders again! Your life at least will be at stake, perhaps all of ours."

Kang looked to his wife. Long had they served together. Longer had they loved one another. She could give him no son, no heir, and he was the last of his proud line. He bore her no grudge for that. She had given him everything else. Her loyalty above all had earned her his love, even from the beginning.

"Torpedoes are in position in the transporter room, sir!"

"Transporter room. This is Kang." He spoke carefully so that no word would be misinterpreted. "Set torpedo detonation range for the proximity of zero. Set warheads to arm themselves by timer and set timers at ten seconds minus," he paused, waiting for them to carry out his command. The moments passed slowly.

"Done, my lord," came a disembodied voice from the speaker.

"When I give the command, I want the computer to trip the timers. We are then going to transport all six of the torpedoes simultaneously. Their destinations are to be calculated, handled and executed by computer. They have to materialize exactly when the timer's counter reads zero. Understand that I mean zero."

"Yes, my lord," came the voice.

"Encoded destinations are to be equidistant points against the enemy vessel's deflector shield perimeter. Am I understood on all points?" Kang demanded.

"Yes, Sir."

"Then repeat it!" said Kang, not trying to insinuate that his transporter officer was incompetent, but wanting to stress the importance of his exact compliance. The officer repeated it to the last detail. "Good. Kang out."

Kang turned to his weapons officer. "When the torpedoes have detonated you are to fire all weapons at the enemy vessel, but do not ready weapons until I give the order or the intruder will detect it on his scanners."

"Yes, Sir," said the space veteran. He had total faith in his commander but still expected a glorious death.

"Torvak, when the vessel's shields are down, she is our equal. As our first salvo hits her, she will explode due to the detonation of the very weapons she would use to destroy us. The Federation message we intercepted stated that this ship caused an explosion akin to a micro nova. Do you think it would not be prudent to be elsewhere when detonation occurs?"

"Sir... I spoke from ignorance," the young officer said looking at the floor.

Kang stood, prepared to strike back at the one who would challenge the Empire. His crew was also ready, once again having the hope of the glory of battle. They watched him for the signal that would start the offensive. He put his fist to his chest in salute of his crew, "Victory to the brave!" he shouted.

"Victory to the Strong!" responded his crew.

"Transporter room!" Kang commanded, "Prepare to,"

"MY LORD!" Mara cut in. "The Terror is charging disrupters and has armed her torpedoes. She is going to engage the enemy."

"The fools! Forward viewer on Terror."

The view-screen changed from a high resolution 2-D on the intruder, to a close-up of the Terror. All watching could see her forward torpedo tube go from dark to a glowing red.

"Intruder firing on Terror!" came Mara again.

"Brace yourselves!" spoke Kang.

The screen in front of them glowed brilliantly white and the ship was again hit by the terrible blast, causing the backup power to fade. Fire broke out at the science station while Mara, and others who were standing, now lay sprawled across the aft section of the bridge.

"Damage report!" ordered Kang, coughing for all the smoke.

Mara pulled herself up and headed for her post.

"Torvak, has the enemy's position changed?"

"I can't locate," Torvak paused, "Sir! He's astern," spoke the officer.

"Commander," said Mara. "Damage to shields, 50 percent. On- board computer is down, now operating on station micros. Scanning equipment is damaged, extent not yet assessed."

"My lord, we are being hailed by the vessel with no name," spoke Gor over the sound of the extinguishers.

"On speakers," Kang commanded, though not desiring to face the one who had dishonored him on these terms.

"Commander Kang, is it your intention to attack this ship like your previously 'living' comrades?" the voice asked almost pleasantly.

"What the Terror did, she did of her own accord. Not by my command, which is sovereign here. Though I do not apologize for what she attempted."

"You are a brave man, Commander. But remember, it is a small thing for me to destroy you so do not tempt me... I believe that I will give you a more definitive idea as to whom and what you are up against. I will demonstrate that not only could I be the Empire's greatest ally, but its deadliest enemy." Kang already knew this. "Much of which will be determined by the hospitality I receive from his Imperious Majesty's representative, who's ship I just happen to be targeting presently. Is my meaning plain enough for you?"

"It is," Kang said flatly, already beaten.

"Very well. A force of arms, as the expression goes, will be displayed before you. Do be good enough to make a recording of this demonstration, I shall do it but once, and it is significant that your Emperor understands the import of our meeting."

Another voice was heard in the background, "All is in readiness your Highness," it said.

"Excellent!" came the enemy again then back to Kang. "As well as yourselves, we are targeting the last planet in the nearest solar system. What do you call this planet?"

"Skarr 18" Kang said.

"Witness then that in a few moments, Skarr will have only 17 planets in orbit around her... Fire!" the voice commanded.

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