HIR Issue 10: Introduction
Hackers Information Report is an electronic magazine that's distributed free of charge over the Internet and bulletin board systems. It is produced by a group of real hackers and phone phreaks, and only discusses ethical hacking and phone phreaking techniques and information. We never cover steaking, blowing things up, or system cracking directly. Some of the information that we publish might be able to be used in a negative fashion, but we provide it to be used in an educational, ethical manner. We may publish some "Walk Through" hacks and tricks, but we really attempt to describe a given system in enough detail for the reader to gain their own information on the topic, rather than just spoon-feeding the masses. Think of it as "Priming the Intellectual Pump".
HiR #10 Release notes
We've really fallen behind. We aren't dead, nor will we be for some time. Due to a very unfortunate turn of events, we've had some major problems producing good articles and getting them out in any sort of timely manner. First, Axon has been moved around to a position of higher responsibility, as well as taking 10 Credit hours of college classes and holding down a second job. This leaves very little time for writing. Next, he was also asked to remove the HiR Distro site from his place of employment. It was thought that the material that was presented may result in legal problems. (I really doubt it would have but that's the breaks.) We've had a few other website offers, and we're trying to get the site up as fast as possible. This involves copying archives and unpacking them, as well as some other evil stuff.
Article Title Author
------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------
1 HiR 10 Intro/Table of Contentz HiR Crew
2 HiR 10 Informative Resources Axon/Frogman
3 Defcon 7 in a nutshell Asmodian X
4 Flying Below The Radar: Avoiding IDS Systems Axon
5 BeOS Revealed (Yes, another OS Overview) Axon
6 RISC, CISC and The concept of the Power-PC Asmodian X
7 Setting up your Home-Net Axon
8 The Official HiR FAQ, Version 0 Axon
9 HiR 10 Hacker Newz HiR Crew