HIR Issue 7: Post-Defcon 6.0 Issue
Two months ago, 3 HiR Members were thrilled to be a part of Defcon 6.0, one of the largest annual Computer Underground conventions held here in the U.S. Axon, Asmodian X, and Frogman all attended. Each member has written an article on the event, what they learned, and how they feel about Defcon. This was the first underground convention for all three of them, so this should be interesting. Read and find out, but don't be surprised if you read some things more than once...
This issue was delayed by a month. We apologize for any inconvenience this caused. The delay was caused mostly by a change of jobs for Axon, and school starting up again for some of our other writers. The job change brought a new server for the 'zine, however. It's now running off of Axon's workstation, axon.jccc.net. It's still under a directory. I hope that the personal pages for HiR members will be located there in the near future. Also, the URL we advertise, hir.home.ml.org, still takes you to the site, as promised.
HiR is an electronic publication that is written by real hackers and phone phreaks that have the desire to share information. We only publish articles related to hacking and phreaking. We don't cover viruses, stealing, carding, or blowing things up.
As a general rule, we don't do many walk-thru's; occasionally we might, but we almost always focus more on explaining a given aspect in enough depth to help the reader understand why things happen. With that information, they may learn for themselves and discover many other things related to the article.
We are always looking for new writers. If you are (or were) in the H/P scene, and consider yourself a decent writer, send us some of your work. Our e-mail is h_i_r@hotmail.com or hir@axon.jccc.net.
Current Staff for HiR:
* Axon (Editor, Official Site Webmaster, Writer) Axon@compfind.com
* Asmodian X (Writer, Editorials, Linux Psycho) asmodianx@hotmail.com
* Frogman (Writer, Amiga Feind) Frogman@compfind.com
* The Man in Black (Mirror site webmaster) The.Man.in.Black@compfind.com
We changed servers again, this time to Axon's workstation
You can find us at the following places (that we know of):
Official HiR Distro Site: http://axon.jccc.net/hir
Official HiR Distro Site Virtual Domain URL: http://hir.home.ml.org
Official Southwestern U.S. Mirror site: http://azure.rcn.nmt.edu:2007/HiR
HiR 7 Article list
Num Article Title Writer
---- ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
1 Introduction/Table of Contentz HiR Crew
2 HiR 7 Informative Resources HiR Crew
3 Mobile Haacking III Asmodian X
4 Asmodian's Workbench (Defcon, and other ramblings) Asmodian X
5 Axon's Defcon Experience Axon
6 Cross-Platform Fun with VNC Axon
7 How to not get (physically) noticed Frogman
8 Making a 2 phone line adapter Frogman
9 HiR Hacker Newz HiR Crew