HIR Issue 6: Hacker Newz
Website Stuph
Sorry for getting on the website so late. We ran into some last-minute problems with the Zine (like certain articles not getting finished, and some other things.
On a happier note, Axon added a couple of little things to spice the site up. The first thing he did was to add a navbar to the top of most of the pages. Then, Hoolio (an HiR Reader) suggested that we come up with a graphical Schem for the goldbox. Axon spent a few minutes in Photoshop and whipped out a schematic. It's accessible through the HiR Links & Files page on the distro site, and it's an excerpt from the Mobile hack/phreak article, the entire section dealing with the goldbox, except the ascii schematics have been replaced by jpegs, and I also included a picture of what a finished goldbox looks like.
Also, Axon was looking at the site in lynx a while back ago, and noticed that all the graphics were showing up as [INLINE], meaning that no "ALT" properties had been set up on the images. This has been fixed, and the entire page is VERY Lynx friendly.
The new Links & Files page has tons of other cool stuff on it. Be sure to take a peek.
HiR 7's Tentative release date is Sept. 1, 1998. Happy Hackin'!