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Average Users Monthly Vol 1 Issue 1 - Contact
The Average Users Monthly (AUM) can be contacted by:
Snail Mail:
AUM c/o
Todd Clayton
74 Somerset Drive
Brampton, Ontario
L6Z 1C5
Hub-Route to (NO DIRECT MAIL)
[Fido] 1:259/210
[TNC] 20:22/210
[NANET] 81:416/510
[SBC] 13:416/1
Telephone: Todd Clayton @ (416) 846-6181
Between 4pm and 10pm Toronto Time, please.
Any questions/comments are welcome. We always welcome submissions for articles, but they may be edited/spell checked and not printed in their entirety. Of course, all submissions become the property of AUM.
c. 1993 Todd Clayton, Except where noted otherwise.