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GEnieLamp Online Magazine Issue No.1.01

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Published in 
GEnieLamp Online Magazine
 · 3 years ago


|||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| ||||||
|| || || || || ||
|| ||| |||| || || || ||||
|| || || || || || || Your
|||||| |||||| || || |||||| ||||||
GEnie ST
|| |||||| |||||||| ||||||
|| || || || || || || || RoundTable
|| |||||| || || || ||||||
|| || || || || || || RESOURCE!
||||| || || || || || ||


June 1, 1990 ~ A T/TalkNET OnLine Publication ~ Issue No.1.01

Publisher/Editor ................................... John F. Peters
Co-Editor ........................................ Darlah J. Pine

GEnie Lamp staff: Sandy Wilson - Jeff Williams
Fred Beckman - John J. Kennedy - Larry Duke

Notes From The Editor. Page 475 Is Where It's At!

ASK Ms. GEnie ........... [ASK] CLASSICS ................ [CLA]
Q & A About GEnie. You'a Talk'n To Me?

The Realtime Conference. Is That A Letter For Me?

HELP!!! ................. [HEL] SOFT-WHERE? ............. [SOF]
(NOT) For Beginners Only. What's New?

PD_QUICKVIEW ............ [PDQ] TELETALK ONLINE ......... [TEL]
Yours For The Asking. Say Again?

PRINT ME!................ [PRT] LOG OFF ................. [LOG]
GEnie Template To Print. 'Till Next Time.

READING GEnie Lamp GEnie Lamp has incorporated a unique indexing
"""""""""""""""""" system to help make reading the magazine a bit
easier. Just load GEnie Lamp into any ASCII word processor or text
editor. In the index you will find the following example:

Notes From The Editors. Page 475 Is Where It's At!

To get to the article on WHAT'S HAPPENING?, set your find or search
command to [WHA]. If you would rather scan the articles, search for
[EOA]. [EOF] will take you to the last page.

//////////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE /////
/ "If you like this game and want to see other games /
/ like it then show your support by sending me 1 Million /
/ Dollars. I know this sounds like a lot of money but /
/ after all writing these games takes a lot of time."
////////////////////////////////////////// Greg Hess //////

Notes From The Editor

WELCOME to the first issue of GEnie Lamp, the official, authorized,
exclusive, bona-fide voice of the GEnie Atari ST RoundTable!

Unlike other Atari online magazines you may be familiar with,
GEnie Lamp is specifically tailored with you in mind, the ST
RoundTable member.

o Are you looking for a good file to download? You can save time
and money by reading "PD_QUICKVIEW" for information on what's
HOT, (and what's not!).

o Thinking about getting in on a Roundtable Conference?
"NETWORKING" is where to go to find out who, what and when.

o "SOFT-WHERE?" is the place to find information on all the
popular files that have been uploaded since the last issue
of GEnie Lamp.

o Think message bases are boring? Look again. Check out "HEY
for the latest in message highlights.

o Need help navigating around the GEnie maze? Take a look at
"HELP!!!" which is a column directed towards the RoundTable
neophyte who would like to become more efficient, (i.e. save
some bucks!) while on GEnie.

o If you have a particular question or problem in mind, you can
always, "ASK Ms. GEnie," our very own GEnie expert. See Ms.
GEnie's column for more details.

o Did you know ST related topics can be found in other places here
on GEnie besides the ST RoundTable? Starting in the next issue
of GEnie Lamp, we will be exploring other RoundTables in the
"St. Elsewhere" column.

o Finally, each issue will contain a GEnie template that you can
print, cut-out and use while in the Atari ST RoundTable.

All this and more is available to you in each and every issue of
GEnie Lamp Online Magazine. Released on the 1st and the 15th of every
month, GEnie Lamp is the place to be to find out what's happening in
your favorite area in the ST Roundtable.

WHAT'S HAPPENING? / ---------------\
///////////////////////////////// |Don't have a \
Page 475 Is Where It's At! |cow about this...\
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" | Take the |
~ SURVEY: YOUR VOTE COUNTS! |\/\/\/| | on |
| | | PAGE |
~ ATARI TRIVIA | | \ 475 /
| (o)(o) | _____________/
| ,___|
/ \

("Bart" ctsey. of M.VEDERMAN2)
SURVEY? ______
""""""" / >
___________ / >
/ I'm sorry \ / /
| it took me | > >
| so long to | / /
| get here. | > >
| I wanted / / /
| to get my | > >
| hair just | / / That's right, Bart. It's time to take
| right. | ^^^^^ > a stand. By taking a few moments to
\________ | / \ > answer a few questions, you will be
\ | '"
''"' \ > providing us as well as many of the ST
\ | (o)(o) <_> developers here on GEnie information
\| (__ @ of what you want from them.
(____ |
||||) | Interested? You can find the GEnie
\--- / RoundTable survey on Page 457,
\ / option 6.
/ OO \
/ \
Marge" ctsey. of J.EIDSVOOG1)

(#########) There are 23 questions in the current
(#########) survey, some of which require one answer,
(#########) while others allow multiple responses. You
(#########) can skip over any of the questions or quit
(#########) the survey at any time by typing STOP or by
(#########) pressing your break key.
(o)(o)(##) /\ /\ /\
,_< (##) | V \/ \--. /\
/____, (##) \_ / .----/ \----.
\ (#) (o)(o) <__. \ /
| | _< / .__\ (o)(o) /__.
OOOOOOO /____, ) \ \ () /
/ \ \ /----' > ({}) <
ooooo /___\____/___\
Marge" /| |\
Lisa" / \
You will also have
the a chance to send comments "
following the survey. Help us out
and fill out the survey today. It's easy!
Heck, even Homer could do it!

(Marge, Lisa and Maggie ctsey. of CYCLONE.)


ATARI BUFFS! Want to have some fun? Think you know Atari? Here's
"""""""""""" your chance to prove it. Next time you're online, drop
in to the quiz section located on page 475. By doing so, not only will
this help you to sharpen your trivia skills, but it will also allow you
a bit of entertainment and maybe you might even win some free connect

WHAT? FREE CONNECT TIME? You heard right, you can now win free connect
"""""""""""""""""""""""" time on GEnie just by answering a few Atari
trivia questions. Each month, the first person to get a perfect or near
perfect score will win four (4) hours of GEnie connect time. Two (2)
hours of GEnie connect time goes to the next ten persons who get a
perfect or near perfect score.

This contest will run from May 17, 1990 to June 15, 1990. Prizes
will be credited at the end of the contest. (Be aware that we may need
a few days to tabulate the results and make very sure the winners are

By the way, if you have an Atari oriented trivia question, we'd
like to see it. Send any trivia questions you may have to the "
to Sysops" selection found on page 475. If your trivia question is
chosen it will appear in the quiz along with your name.



o Talon Technology is now online in the bulletin board area.
Talon Technology is currently offering the fantastic new PC emulator,
Supercharger. You will find them in CAT 33.

o Double Click, one of the hottest ST software companies to emerge
on the Atari scene is now available to you in the bulletin board area.
Drop by and say hi on CAT 32.

o Would you believe that within the first 48 hours of the trivia
questions being posted, over 300 members responded? WOW!

COMING ATTRACTIONS This summer promises to be an exciting one here in
"""""""""""""""""" the ST Roundtable. Keep an eye on Jeff's
column,"NETWORKING" as there are some exciting RoundTable conferences
coming up. (Unfortunately we can't say anything yet, Jeff has sworn the
GEnie Lamp staff to secrecy!) Also in the works, based on your answers
you gave in the surveys, we will be offering several new contests over
the next few months. Stay tuned for more details as they happen.

Did you know there's more to GEnie then just the Atari ST
RoundTable? In the next issue of GEnie Lamp, we will be exploring some
of the other areas of GEnie that may be of interest to you.


ASK Ms. GEnie /
Questions & Answers About GEnie

Hi everyone, welcome to, "
ASK Ms. GEnie!" I've been selected by
the GEnie Lamp Staff to field any questions that you may have about the
Atari ST RoundTable or GEnie in general.

If you have a question you would like for me to address, post your
question on the GEnie Lamp Bulletin Board, CAT 34, TOPic 4 or leave
E/Mail to me, Ms. GEnie, in the "
Feedback to SysOps" option on page 475.

Have A Happy!

Ms. GEnie


Dear Ms. GEnie,

I just captured the TOPics list and printed them out to make it
easier getting around the Bulletin Board. I'd like to start a new topic
in Category 14, the Atari Corporation Online, but it may overlap several
topics in a couple of other categories. Is that okay? How do you
handle similar topics? Will the topic police come get me?

Confused Reader

Dear Confused Reader,

The GEnie ST RoundTable welcomes new topics. Starting a topic is
as easy as entering the bulletin board by typing M475;1. You must set
to the particular category you are interested in starting a topic in by
typing SET #. (To get a listing of all the categories, just type CAT.)

Starting a topic is as easy as typing STA. Then all you need to do is
follow the prompts. Remember that you will be requested to enter a
title and then a description of up to 3 lines. After this is done you
will be asked to enter a message.

If your topic belongs in an existing topic, one of the SysOps will
gladly move any messages to the existing topic. He or she will then
send you mail telling you exactly where to find it. The SysOps here in
the RoundTable want you to feel free to start topics without feeling
stifled due to mistakes, or a feeling that you may be duplicating an
existing topic. This is what the SysOps are here for. If you find that
you are still confused, please send mail to the SysOps by using the
Feedback to Sysops" option on page 475. One of the SysOps there will
do their best to get an answer for you.
Ms. GEnie


Dear Ms. GEnie,

I'd like to get involved in the message bases, but when I tried,
there were thousands of messages to catch up on. Is there an easy way
to get up-to-date?


Dear Help!,

To get up-to-date in the bulletin board all you have to do is type:

IGN ALL[c/r]

This will ignore all messages that have been posted up till you
issued the command. (This process takes a few minutes, so be patient.)
The next time you enter the bulletin board all you have to do is type:


This will allow you to see all new messages posted after you issued
the IGN ALL command. There are various other ways to read the bulletin
board. Check out the help files found in library one. They contain a
wealth of information.
Ms. GEnie


SOMETHING ON YOUR MIND? Sometimes things are not what they seem.
Although this message wasn't directed to me, I
felt that it would be beneficial to the readers of GEnie Lamp to
reprint it here, along with the response from Sandy Wilson who is a
SysOp here in the ST RoundTable. --Ms. GEnie


A ST RoundTable member writes:

It is very annoying to log on, come to the ST area, read of several
new files available for download, and then discover that they are NOT,
in fact, available! Am I alone in feeling annoyed when this happens?

I am very annoyed to find, for the second straight day, that the
opening bulletin for the ST section announces several new files
available for download and yet I find nothing under those numbers!! Why
are the GEnie sysops wasting my money?

The files in question are:
15221 QUIZ.INF -- how do you play without the rules?
15216 DBIIDEMO.LZH -- DiamondBack demo
15242 ?????? -- no one had the decency to even give the filename.

Come on, people; get your act together: don't announce a file until
you actually see it posted!!!!


Dear nufsed,

Those file numbers are all correct, and the files are available.
Most likely you have chosen to use the JOIN/IGNORE command in the
Software Library to ignore certain libraries. If the file you want is
in a library you have ignored, you will not be able to access it until
you use the JOIN/IGNORE option to restore your access to that library.
Demos are usually found in Library 10 (Demos), and GEnie help/
information/rules are usually found in Library 1.

The JOIN/IGNORE command is very useful if you are sure you do not
want to see certain types of files, but it is an all or nothing type of
command. You are either a participant in the library or you are not.


//////////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE //
/ "Sorry, but even a chance of getting a glimpse of an /
/ Atari in a major TV production won't get me to sit /
/ through "
The Brady Bunch".;-)" Mark /
////////////////////////////////////////// PSINC ////////

You'a Talk'n To Me?

OLDIES BUT GOODIES Program Name : Accent (Nov. 30, 1987)
"""""""""""""""""" Filename : ACCENT.ARC
Library Area : 21
Program Number : 4995
File Size : 46620
Program Type : Text Utility (???)
Author : Ken Badertscher
Ver. Reviewed : N/A
File Type : Public Domain

[*] [*] [*]

WHAT IT IS A program to add a little spice to your text files...

WHAT IT DOES Accent takes a text file and regurgitates it to appear
"""""""""""" as if it were being read with whatever accents are
specified. It will run from the desktop or from a shell. From the
desktop you are presented with a dialog with icons representing the
various options, and have your choice of writing to the screen, to a
disk file or to your printer.

The accent options are:

-J(apanese) -C(hinese) -G(erman) -I(talian) -P(ig Latin) -K(cocKney)
-S(tutter) -L(isp) -D(nerD) -O(bscene/censored) -R(andom) and
-N(pass Nroff commands)

You may specify as many options as you like (nerd with a lisp,
stuttering obscene Italian, etc.) I hope you have as much fun with
this program as I've had writing it!

[*] [*] [*]



PD_QO COMMENTSA Tis is onu 'ecke of a fun programi. Wit Accentu, you
""""""""""""""" can take any ASCII text fily and 'ave it instantly
translated" into a "foriegny" language such as Italian, Chinese or
even Pigy Latin. As an added bonus, you can print youra "
text to te printero, te disk or screen. I'll admit tat Accent isn't
reala useful foru te practical world, 'oweveri, if your lookingy for
a few chucklesy, it's wort te downloado as accento cani certainly
injecto new life into your old, boringi a text files. Give tis classice
a try.

(For those of you who failed Italian 101, here's the english version.)

PD_Q COMMENTS This is one heck of a fun program. With Accent, you can
take any ASCII text file and have it instantly
"translated" into a "foreign" language such as Italian, Chinese or even
Pig Latin. As an added bonus, you can print your "translated" text to
the printer, the disk or screen. I'll admit that Accent isn't real
useful for the practical world, however, if your looking for a few
chuckles, it's worth the download as accent can certainly inject new
life into your old, boring text files. Give this classic a try.

The Realtime Conference

by Jeff ("
JEFF.W") Williams

Have you ever been to an Atari user group meeting? Or an Atari
event, like an AtariFest or World Of Atari Show? If you haven't done
any of these things, you haven't let yourself explore the real world of
Atari computing. Oh sure, you know what you want to do with your
computer, don't you? Are you sure about that?

Our Atari computers are tools of great potential and power. But
try as you may, it's a virtual certainty that someone else with the same
computer setup as yours is doing something you never considered doing
with your computer. There is always going to be some piece of software
you haven't heard about or a piece of hardware you didn't realize would
make your life just a bit more comfortable.

You can read about software and hardware products in the Atari-
oriented magazines..._if_ the magazines run an ad or a review of those
products. There is no certainty that they will. And by the time the
products show up in the magazines, they could be old news.

This is where the user group meetings and Atari events are so
informational. You can usually hear all about the latest happenings in
the Atari world from other Atari computer owners and from Atari product
developers. Better yet, you can probably see them demonstrated for you.

The problem is most user group meetings are just once a month and
sometimes your schedule and those meetings just don't probably jive with
one another. As for the Atari events, they just don't happen often
enough and they probably will demand a trek of some distance and an
overnight stay out of town.

What if you could attend a user group every week? You could catch
up on all the latest developments, hear the latest gossip, chuckle at
the latest speculation about the CD-ROM unit's release date, ask
questions, get advice, and witness for that new program or hardware you
just bought.

What if there was something of a mini-Atari event that you could go
to each week? You could talk with the developers of many of the
wonderful products they make for Atari computer owners. Take advantage
of the other users, experience with that new word processor you just

That would be wonderful, but let's get real. First, there is no
way that anything like a weekly user group meeting or weekly Atari event
is going to happen anywhere remotely close to where you live. And even
if they could happen, just imagine all the miles you'd rack up and the
hours you'd spend traveling back and forth between the meeting site(s)
and home. It could get old fast.

But, y'know something? There is a weekly user group/Atari event
happening every week. And you don't have to step out of your home to

Yes, it all comes to your home every week. And it happens right
here in the Atari ST Roundtable on GEnie!

Each week, Atari ST owners from all over the country, and sometimes
from other nations as well, gather in the ST Roundtable's Realtime
Conference room to swap stories, spread gossip, advise and counsel one
another, and to just have a good time in general. And if this isn't
enough to entice you to check out the weekly conferences, many of the
Atari's community's luminaries frequent these very same conferences! It
is not at all unusual to run into folks like Dan Wilga and Rick Flashman
(Gribnif Software), Charles F. Johnson and John Eidsvoog (CodeHead
Software), Bob Luneski (author of Diamond Back II), David Plotkin
(reviewer/columnist for STart and ST Journal magazines), Richard Betson
(Talon Technology), Darek Mihocka (Branch Always Software), Nathan
Potechin (ISD Marketing), Dave Small and Doug Wheeler (Gadgets By
Small), Eric Rosenquist (Strata Software), Nevin Shalit (ST Informer
columnist, Softlogik Sysop, One Step Forward Software), Mike Vederman
(Double Click Software), John Barnes ("
Junkyard Pussycat" columnist from
Current Notes), Dorothy Brumleve (D.A. Brumleve Software), John Nagy
(reporter/columnist with Z*Net, ST Journal, and Computer Shopper), Jim
Allen (Fast Technology), Pattie and Bill Rayl (Atari Interface Magazine)
and that's the partial list! (I just KNOW I've made some glaring
omissions, so to those I've neglected to mention, my apologies!)

You might run into some folks from Atari Corporation, like Bob
Brodie, John Townsend, Ken Badertscher, Jim Tittsler, and Dan McNamee.

So much for the Atari community's superstars. There are also many
other folks, just like you and me. Atari users who want to share our
experiences and the experiences of others all in the interest of getting
more out of our Atari computers.

There's something that all these folks have in common. Whether
you're an Atari developer, an Atari employee, or an Atari consumer, we
are all part of the same community. We're all friends. This is not an
exclusive club. You don't need a membership card. Just drop by on any
Wednesday evening around 10:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (or later).
We'll be waiting for you in conference room one!

What a cool roster for your "
user group" meetings! And you don't
have to leave your home...they come to you via The Atari ST Roundtable's
Realtime Conference on GEnie.

(Next issue: Hints and Tips for enjoying The Realtime Conference.)


(See PRINT ME! [PRT] for a RoundTable Conference template you can
clip and use while online in the conference area. -JP)

Is That A Letter For Me?

While on GEnie, do you spend most of your time downloading files?
If so, you may be missing out some excellent information in the Bulletin
Board area. To help get you started, here are some of the bulletin
board highlights that have been posted in the last couple of weeks.


VIRUS? What started out as a message on a possible virus on a hard
"""""" drive has turned into a message chain on the infamous 40 folder
bug and whether or not TOS 1.4 corrects it or not. To get in on the
chain, go to CAT 3, TOPic 13.

AN ADVANTAGE? Atari is releasing a Atari 520 ST computer bundled with
several pieces of software all wrapped up in a single
package called The Advantage. What's so unusual about this package is
that Atari plans to distribute it in discount and department stores.
Think it will sell? Is it a good idea? Express your thoughts in CAT
14, TOPic 3.

BART IS BACK! Bart and his family has been showing up in a few places
""""""""""""" besides T.V. and at least one GEnie member seems to
think that using his likeness, (which is in a crude ASCII graphics
format) infringes on its copyright. What do you think? See CAT 26,
TOPic 2.

COKE VS. PEPSI? Yes, it's true! One of the hotter message bases going
on right now is talking about whether or not the New
Generation thinks that Coke Is It. There are some pretty strong
opinions being presented here, enter with caution. See CAT 12, TOPic

WOMEN AND COMPUTERS Women and computing is another non-ST-related
""""""""""""""""""" subject which has generated quite a few responses.
See CAT 22 TOPic 6.

DOUBLE OR SINGLE? Charles Johnson (C.F.JOHNSON) left a note in CAT 32,
TOPic 2 asking whether or not they should start
releasing their products on a double-sided disk or stick with the
current setup of compressing files.

SQUEEZED! Updated versions of Lharcer and Fast LZH have been recently
""""""""" uploaded to the library. (See files 15231 & 15235.) Debate
about the advantages and disadvantages of LZH over ARC are now going on
in CAT 1 TOPic 18.

ATARI BASHING A heated discussion is going on CAT 18, TOPic 9 about
Atari Corp. WARNING: This area is not for the timid!

YOU CAN CALL ME... A off-shoot of the gender topic has been started
"""""""""""""""""" asking the RT members whether or not they consider
their computer a he or a she. One response was, "I call my computer
See CAT 22, TOPic 6.

HAGTERM DEMO A popular shareware terminal program called, "HagTerm"
"""""""""""" has gone pro and is now available as a commercial
product. To keep up with the latest on HagTerm, see CAT 8, TOPic 16

MVG Dr. Bob has released his fantastic MVG, the "other" larger than
""" screen bit image editor/manipulator. Dr. Bob just recently went
online here on GEnie and now you can get answers to your questions
directly from him. See CAT 7, TOPic 5.

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT Ron Grant recently posted the following tip that
has created a lot of excitement with the Calamus

Category 16, Topic 9
Message 62 Mon May 21, 1990
R.GRANT11 [Ron Grant] at 01:10 PDT


OK, ok, 96 percent of you probably already know this, but if so,

I have been struggling along with an unmanageable font folder, some
four megabytes of them, and all along I thought that adding multiple
paths for fonts would be a good upgrade for our much- anticipated
upgrade. I'd tried putting the fonts in different folders, but Calamus
always came up with that "Cannot locate such- and-such font..." dialog.

NOW, I find out that if you put those additional folders INSIDE
your main FONT folder, Calamus will search the subdirectories for the
font in question.

I like to have the fonts arranged on my hard disk so that I know
where they came from. Now, I simply have my CALAMUS FONTS folder, CHERRY
inside my \CALAMUS\FONTS\ folder. Calamus finds 'em every time. Hooray!

(now, if a single soul says "Oh, I knew that, why didn't you ask?"
I may not be responsible for my actions). (Thankfully, no one has. --

CALAMUS USERS This is just one example of the many tips and tricks you
""""""""""""" can use when using Calamus. If you're into Calamus
Desktop Publishing, CAT 16, TOPic 9 is the place to be.

[*][*][*] [*][*][*]

The message highlights which are listed above only scratch the
surface of what's available and waiting for you in the bulletin board
area. If you are serious about your Atari, I strongly urge you to give
the bulletin board area a try. There are literally thousands of
messages posted here from people like you from all over the country.

HELP!!! /
(NOT) For Beginners Only

GETTING HELP Time is money, and that is especially true when you're
"""""""""""" online. Your best defense against a enormous bill at the
end of the month is knowing what to do and when to do it. "
(NOT) For
Beginners Only" is a column written with that principle in mind. Over
the next few issues, this column will discuss some of the tricks and
procedures that you can use on GEnie that will cut the amount of time
you spend online AND at the same time increase your online productivity.

JUST FOR YOU Unfortunately, it takes time to learn any system.
"""""""""""" However, a lot of people have gone to a lot of trouble to
help you decrease the learning curve as much as possible. Here's how to
take advantage of it.

For general information on the entire GEnie system, there is an
online manual available to you that you can capture and then print out
at your convenience. Just type, "
MANUAL" at any prompt. You will then
see the following menu:

GEnie MANUAL Page 910
GEnie Online Manual

1. Getting Started
2. GE Mail
3. LiveWire Chat & RTCs
4. Computing & Other RoundTables
5. Travel
6. Finance
7. Shopping
8. News
9. Games
10. Professional
11. Leisure
12. Reference

You will also find help right here in the Atari ST RoundTable
Library. Library number one (1) has been set aside specifically for
help files ranging in topics from down and uploading to how to use the
message bases. Here's a partial list of some of the help files you
can download.

Library: 1 - Genie Help Files

No. Name Bytes Description

11984 BB.HLP 32760 Help file for the Bulletin Board.
10480 NEW_BB.HLP 5040 New commands for the Bulletin Area.
9741 RULES_CO.TXT 2520 Rules for formal conferences.
9289 IGN_PERM.HLP 16380 How to use the Bulletin Board.
9154 SETTINGS.HLP 6300 How to set your settings for GEnie.
8918 LIB_NEW.HLP 6300 New Library Commands.
7630 YMODEM.HLP 10080 This is a Ymodem Batch Help file.
7629 XMODEM.HLP 10080 Help with Xmodem/Xmodem 1-K.
7272 ARCUNARC.HLP 10080 Help on extracting and archiving.
4805 MAIL.HLP 8820 Help with GEnie Mail.
4804 TEXTUPLD.HLP 6300 Help on uploading text to GEnie.
4794 GENIE.HLP 6300 Help with Navigating on GEnie.
4790 UPLOAD.HLP 10080 Help on uploading files to GEnie.


GENIE LAMP QWIK_TIP Many people use the control/C key combination to
""""""""""""""""""" send a break code to GEnie. Why? Because GEnie
defaults to the Control/C break. Now I know that the Control/C
combination is pretty much the standard in the telecommunication world
for sending a break signal, but wouldn't hitting the ESCape key make a
little more sense? If it does, there is an easy way you can change it
to the ESCape key, (or any other key).

To set your break to a specific key, type M 905;2 at any GEnie
prompt. You will see the following menu:

Terminal Settings

1. Prompt Character 63
2. Break Char. (0=True Break) 27
3. Character Delete Character 8
4. Line Delete Character 24
5. Terminal Type 6
6. Host echo On/Off OFF
7. Page Width (# of chars) 75
8. Page Length (# of lines) 23
9. Save changes and return
10. Return, no save

Which Item?

From this menu, choose #2, "
Break Char." To change your key-
press to [ESC], merely enter 32, the [ESC] key ASCII code, when prompted
by GEnie. When finished, enter option 9 to save your new break key

That's it. Now, whenever you want to stop receiving that long
message chain, or for some reason you seem to be hopelessly lost, do
what makes sense, get outt'a there fast... hit the ESCape key!

IMPORTANT NOTE If you have set your GEnie BREAK character to ESCAPE
"""""""""""""" using the above method, you will not be able enter
flight when playing AIR WARRIOR on GEnie.


////////////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK QUOTE ///
/ "
$10.00 was suggested, but whatever you could do would /
/ be super. (Or at least supper.)" /
//////////////////////////////////////// Greg Hess ////////

What's New?

PD_PICK_QWIKS As usual, the libraries have been racking up a lot of
""""""""""""" new files the last couple of weeks. Here's a partial
list of some of the files you may want to consider downloading.

(05/15/90 - 05/28/90)

No. File Name Bytes Lib Description (05/15/90 - 05/28/90)
15323 JUNE_90.ARC 16380 5 June of 90 Calendar in PI3 format.
15322 SCHOOL!.LZH 22680 30 Superb Schoolbook for Calamus!
15321 QUARPOP1.LZH 70560 11 3 Three songs I've written.
15318 PGSFE08.ARC 124740 2 PageStream Font Editor.
15317 FONTSAM2.ARC 8820 18 Sample of Page Stream fonts.
15315 DSKDROPS.ARC 56700 12 Nice deskdrops for DC D or Quick ST.
15314 SLMPATCH.ARC 2520 5 Patch for IMAGE CAT and SLM dev #.
15313 PEANUT.ARC 52920 8 Crazy Detective Game.
15312 FONEVOIC.ARC 69300 8 Phone Answering Message Maker.
15311 SCRAM.ARC 49140 8 Scrambled Cartoon Game.
15310 PRIME1.LZH 31500 5 Degas add for BBS! Real Sharp!
15307 UMBRAGEC.LZH 7560 30 Umbrage Font for Calamus.
15306 LUBBY2.LZH 28980 30 Lubilan - Variations/Fonts/Calamus.
15305 LUBBY1.LZH 27720 30 Lubilan - Variations/Fonts/Calamus.
15304 GGPDEMO.LZH 275940 10 DEMO of Generation Gap Plus v2.12.
15302 HAGDEM40.LZH 113400 10 Demo of HagTerm 4.0.
15301 COMPNIES.ARC 3780 14 Companies in the Atari Marketplace.
15300 ZNET521.ARC 21420 25 ***** Latest Atari News *****
15299 OAKLAND.ARC 32760 8 Flight Simulator II Situations.
15298 VSQUARED.LZH 27720 8 Welltris type game - Color.
15297 QST21BM1.ARC 7560 2 Quick ST 2.1 benchmark results (1).
15296 BMVGTEFF.ARC 7560 2 New benchmark utility for GEM text.
15295 STR621.ARC 59220 19 Current Events Atari 16/32 World.
15294 CIRCMAK1.ARC 12600 2 Assorted CircuitMaker 'macro-ables'
15293 GSTRING.LZH 3780 12 X-rated Ascii Picture.
15292 JANE.LZH 3780 12 X-rated Ascii Picture.
15291 BATGIRL.LZH 2520 12 X-Rated Ascii Picture of Batgirl.
15290 QST21NEW.ARC 6300 14 Quick ST 2.1 new features info.
15289 QST21UPD.ARC 127260 2 Quick ST 2.0->2.1 update utility.
15288 CO052390.ARC 8820 13 Talon Technology RTC - May 23, 1990.
15287 WOMAN.LZH 15120 5 A TNY pic of a beautiful woman.
15286 BUTTERFLY.LZH 21420 5 An exquisite TNY pic of a butterfly.
15284 SYNOPSIS.ARC 17640 26 Synopsis of 32 New ST Products.
15282 FNCY_R_Z.LZH 95760 5 300dpi IMGs of Victorian style R-Z.
15281 LYNXBATP.TXT 5040 27 6 D'Cell Battery Pack for the Lynx!
15280 FNCY_I_Q.LZH 76860 5 300dpi IMGs of Victorian style I-Q.
15279 FNCY_A_H.LZH 56700 5 300dpi IMGs of Victorian style A-H.
15278 PREFIX.ARC 8820 3 Local free prefix finder.
15277 NETFONT.LZH 12600 8 Neat new mono font.prg for NetHACK3x.
15276 L_LZH11.LZH 3780 3 GFA source to verbose LZH file v1.1.
15274 PRODUCTS.DOC 3780 14 ATTN: Atari Dealers/Distributors.
15272 SUPRBAS1.ARC 57960 13 Superbase messages 8/88-4/90.
15271 USCRIPT4.ARC 51660 13 Ultrascript topic 10/89 - 5/90.
15270 DESKJET3.ARC 52920 13 DeskJet messages 8/2/89-5/20/90.
15268 COLA_2.ARC 25200 6 Cost of Living Adjustment Calculator.
15267 SOHOGOD.ARC 11340 13 Logo for the South Houston Trojans.
15266 BIGCOLOR.LZH 17640 2 Shareware color monitor emulator!!!
15265 TETRASID.LZH 15120 8 Tetris type 2 player game.
15263 MMM161.LZH 86940 29 Midi Music player for many file type.
15261 SHREDR.LZH 18900 2 SHREDR v1.1 <--update!
15252 Z_INDEX3.ARC 7560 25 Issue Index - Issues #501 thru #520.
15251 ZNET1990.LZH 89460 4 ZNet Animation, LZHarced SEQ file.
15250 SMRTPLAY.ARC 26460 17 Sound Player/Editor "
15249 PRINT_SC.LZH 5040 2 A Very QUICK Print Screen. Fix GEM.
15247 USACONST.ARC 25200 9 USA Constitution in HyperScreen fmt.
15246 BBCWORLD.LZH 56700 4 BBC spinning globe and map.
15245 HYSCRN13.ARC 265860 9 Practical Hypertext v.1.3 Complete.
15244 VETTES.LZH 35280 5 300dpi scan of 3 Corvettes, IMG.
15242 GOODEMO.ARC 97020 10 GOOD Backup Utility V1.8 demo.
15241 PART027.DOC 8820 15 PART 27 ASCii file- The REVOLUTION.
15240 VICTTN2.ARC 342720 12 Scanned lingerie converted to TN2.
15239 PRTORSAV.ARC 31500 2 ALT/HELP dumper for HPDJ,HPLJ,EPSON.
15236 ZNET520.ARC 26460 25 ***** Atari News First *****
15235 FASTLZH.LZH 26460 2 FASTLZH.PRG and ACC version.
15232 MUXCIRC.ARC 11340 2 CircuitMaker II 'macro-ables'.
15231 LHARC060.LZH 46620 2 LZH 0.60 from DeltaVision (J.Webb).
15230 STR620.ARC 61740 19 Current Events Atari 16/32 World.
15229 TACCAT21.ARC 160020 2 User Group Librarian Program v.2.12
15227 AAF.ARC 2520 32 PF plays Australian Nat'l anthem.
15226 WAACVEN5.ARC 8820 14 Vendor Packet for WAACE '90.900517
15225 TUI_DOCS.ARC 8820 10 Docs for TUI_DEMO.ARC
15224 INV_PRO5.ARC 268380 10 Inventory-Pro V5.00 NEW!!!
15223 ST_15000.LZH 25200 13 Library list of files #14251-#15000.
15222 PATCHTST.ARC 3780 2 Patch TURBO ST 1.8 for DC DESKTOP.
15221 QUIZ.INF 2520 1 Trivia Quiz Rules - PRIZES!!!
15217 KXP5260.ARC 20160 2 Avery 5260 lables on the KX-P4450.
15216 DBIIDEMO.LZH 105840 10 DiamondBack II & Diamond Cache Demo.
15215 WARNING.TXT 3780 21 STart magazine ignores users!
15213 GIFTOPS.ARC 13860 28 Converts .gif files to postscript.
15212 BIGLETRS.ARC 2520 3 Explode input text size on screen.
15211 TRACKUPT.TXT 2520 14 News on FREE upgrade for Tracker/ST!
15210 PLUG_012.LZH 83160 15 Demo of ST-PLUG newsletter...
15208 MULTIPIC.ARC 126000 4 Multi image cyber animation. Good!
15207 DOWNLOAD.LZH 1260 7 An Autopilot script for Genie dl's.
15206 CRATESAL.ARC 2520 26 Crate hard Drives For The ST!
15205 FONTPATH.ARC 10080 30 Font Construction hints with FontEd.
15204 ZBREAK9.TXT 3780 25 More News On NEC/Atari Games Venture.
15203 KP_6_2DM.ARC 71820 31 Kidpublisher Professional 6.2 Demo.

Yours For The Asking

Program Name : The Virtue
Filename : VIRTUE.ARC
Library Area : 8
Program Number : 4995
File Size : 74112
Program Type : Arcade/Interaction Game
Author : Gregg Hess
Ver. Reviewed : N/A
File Type : Shareware ($10.00)

[*] [*] [*]

WHAT IT IS This game is an arcade and interaction type game. You will
"""""""""" start out with the mission or rescuing the starbase #5 crew.
You land on the base and find it empty. But be careful because the
werf's are on the prowl.

WHAT IT DOES You start the game with 10 energy units and 2 laser guns.
"""""""""""" The mouse controls the gun. Move the mouse left or right
to position the gun. The left button fires one energy unit, the right
button fires one homing unit. What is a homing unit? Well when you fire
a homing unit it will kill any thing in the air without having to aim.
The catch is that you can only get very few of these puppies because
they are very expensive.

So you got it so far? O.K. now when you run out of energy or
lasers you will be taken to the General store to buy more energy, lasers
or homing units. If for some reason you want to go shopping before you
run out then just hit RETURN and you will have several options. You
will need to get here from time to time so remember to hit RETURN to
pause game and get to the options.

Once in awhile you will have time to look around and find various
notes and items that will help you in your trek. You should have a pen
and paper close by so you can write down some valuable info. Like a
secret code word or number.....(hint)

If you know all there is to get and how to use it the game should
take you about 30 minutes to complete. However if I told you how to do
it then it wouldn't be much fun. So if you have trouble then let me
know by E-Mail on GEnie. G.HESS2 is my address.

[*] [*] [*]


PD_Q COMMENTS Virtue takes the old tired worn-out shoot-'em-up game
theme and gives it a new flavor by adding adventure-like
elements to the game. On one hand, it plays somewhat like Space
Invaders. On the other hand, you have to buy energy, lasers, and homing
devices. There are space ships to explore, secret notes (hints) to find
and special keywords to enter. As with most arcade games, the higher
the level you reach, the more difficult the game becomes. The author
claims that with the right clues and actions you can complete the game
in 30 minutes.

All is not rosey, however. I found the opening screen(s) to be
especially frustrating as there doesn't seem to be any way to abort out
of them. (And this is one long intro.) Also, the controls are a bit
troublesome to get used to, since you are dealing with the mouse,
keyboard and joystick in various parts of the game. The transition
between the peripherals could be a little smoother, but for the most part
it works well once you catch on to it. The graphics aren't outstanding,
but more then adequate.

One aspect I found unusual is that Mr. Hess had included a
save/restore game option, a feature which is, for some odd reason, often
left out of many PD/Shareware games.

Even if you're not into arcade games, Virtue is worth looking at if
for no other reason then to experience it unique way of combining the
action of an arcade game with the interaction of a computer adventure.

Say Again?

When chatting online or when leaving messages to other RT members,
sometimes problems, mis-understandings or downright angry confrontations
are created simply because the other person doesn't understand what
you're _really_ trying to say. If you're not careful in how you convey
your thoughts via the keyboard, what you meant as a joke or wrote in
jest, can sometimes be taken the wrong way or blown entirely out of

The problem is it's not _what_ you say that creates this situation,
but it is _how_ you say it. For instance, a sentence said with a smile
can take on a whole new meaning than if it was said with a frown or
angry look. Facial movements and voice inflections are difficult to
interject into your writing, especially when you're writing on the fly
as in an informal RoundTable Conference or when writing a message
or reply online. Since the reader can't see your face or body-language,
he or she may not know that you're making a joke or that you are

There is a solution. Over the years a "modem-language" has
developed to help take care of this predicament. By interjecting a
smiley face, " :) " within your message or a descriptive word in
brackets, such as [grin] or [laugh], you can tell the other person,
"Hey, don't take this seriously, I'm just having fun." A well placed
[grin] can go a long way to help stop a misunderstanding.

Another reason this modem-language developed is to help minimize
the amount of typing it takes to convey a message to someone else while
online. For example, it is much quicker to type, "BTW" then to type,
"By The Way" or "IMHO" instead of "In My Humble Opinion."

Confusing? Not really. As you become more familiar with the
lingo, the strange characters and funny faces will be easier to figure
out. If you do come across an unusual cluster of letters and you don't
understand what they mean, by all means ask the person who sent them.
To help you get started, here's a partial list of some of the more
popular modem-phrases being used today on GEnie.

(Re-printed from a GEnie help file on CHATting - Type MANUAL at any
GEnie prompt.)

b4 - before BCNU - Be See 'N You

brb - be right back BTW - By the way

chuckle - something was kinda channel hoppers - someone who
funny jumps from one channel to

c u l8tr - see you later go pri - go into private

GR8 - that's great grin - something was humorous

groan - I can't believe you hahaha - something was funny
said that

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - something was MORF - Male or Female
REALLY funny

OIC - Oh, I see re - about (as in re last night)

rehi - hi again TTFN - Ta Ta For Now

turbo sta - doing a /sta * to get UR- you are
a list of all Chat Lines users

wave - to someone monitoring yawn - I've heard that before
(like "
Waving at Fuzzball on
channel 15)

???? - I don't understand... [] = hugs
or What?

:) - a sideways smiley face ;) - a winking smiley face

:P - a smiley face sticking :( - a sad face
tongue out

:/ - frustrated/perturbed =:0 - surprise

Some others that I've seen online are:


LOL - Laughing Out Loud ROFL - Rolling On the Floor

IMHO - In My Humble Opinion // -Start or do it now! (Send
file, go to voice mode etc.)

Think about what you're typing.

Does it say what you really mean?

RTC Template

PRINT ME! This issue's PRINT ME! template is a handy little chart to
""""""""" help you when you are participating in a formal or informal
RoundTable Conference. To make your RTC template, "
clip" the following
chart and print it on your printer. Cut to size, then tape it to a
heavy piece of paper or thin cardboard. To use the chart, just insert
it behind your "
F" keys located right above the main keyboard.

~ cut here ~

GEnie Lamp Template Atari ST RoundTable Conference

/HELp - List of commands /BLAnk - add blank lines
/BYE - log-off the RTC /CALl jj - call on job jj
/ECHo - echo to sender on /EXIt - return to menu
/JOB - add job # to message /KNOck rr - knock on door of room rr
/MONitor rr - monitor room rr /NAMe nn - add name nn to address
/PRIvate jj - go private with JOB jj /QUIt - return to menu
/RAIse-hand - get attention of leader /ROLl nDs - roll n dice of s sides
/ROOm rr - move to room rr /SCRamble k - scramble, w/ key kkkk
/SENd jj m - sends to job jj, message m /SHOw hh - show job of address hh
/SQUelch jj - squelch job jj - 4 max /STAtus rr - see users in room rr
/TIMe - display time and day /USErs - see number of users
/WHO jj - see address of JOB jj /XBLank - exit blank line mode
/XECho - exit echo mode /XJOb - exit job mode
/XMOnitor - exit monitor mode /XPRivate - exit private mode
/XSCramble - exit scramble mode /XSQuelch - exit squelch

~ Fold Here ~

~ Cut Here ~

'Till Next Time

COMMENTS? We hope you've enjoyed the first issue of GEnie Lamp. If
you would like to ask a question, leave a comment or just
drop in and say hi, you can contact us in CAT 34. Or if you prefer to
remain private, you may use the "FEEDBACK TO SYSOPS" command on page
475, or leave a message to one or more of the following addresses:

o John F. Peters (J.F.PETERS) Publisher/Editor
o Darlah J. Pine (DARLAH) Editor
o Sandy Wilson (SANDY.W)
o Fred Beckman (FB)
o Jeff Williams (JEFF.W)
o John J. Kennedy (JJKENNEDY)
o Larry Duke (LARRY.D)

HOT OFF THE PRESS GEnie Lamp is published on the 1st and the 15th of
""""""""""""""""" every month for our Atari ST RoundTable members on
page 145, option 5.

If you prefer to download your issue of GEnie Lamp, you will find
the current issue as well as all the back issues on page 146, in the
GEnie Lamp library, #35.

PROBLEMS? If you are having trouble finding your way around GEnie or
have a question you would like an answer to, we've asked
Ms. GEnie, our resident expert, to start a column just for you. If
you would like to have Ms. GEnie tackle one of your questions, you can
post your message in CAT 34, TOPic 4. (See "[ASK] MS. GEnie" for more

(C) 1990 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May
be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on
GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation.

Signed articles are the opinion of the authors and are not necessarily
the opinion of the publisher or staff of GEnie Lamp. We reserve the
right to edit all letters and copy.

To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon
connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.
Type XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for
your information.

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