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GEnieLamp Online Magazine Issue No.1.02

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Published in 
GEnieLamp Online Magazine
 · 3 years ago


|||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| ||||||
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|| ||| |||| || || || ||||
|| || || || || || || Your
|||||| |||||| || || |||||| ||||||
GEnie ST
|| |||||| |||||||| ||||||
|| || || || || || || || RoundTable
|| |||||| || || || ||||||
|| || || || || || || RESOURCE!
||||| || || || || || ||


June 1, 1990 ~ A T/TalkNET OnLine Publication ~ Issue No.1.02

Publisher/Editor ................................... John F. Peters
Co-Editor ........................................ Darlah J. Pine

GEnie Lamp Staff: Sandy Wilson - Jeff Williams
Fred Beckman - John J. Kennedy - Larry Duke

FROM THE DESKTOP ........ [FRM] HELP!!! ................. [HEL]
Notes From The Editor. (NOT) For Beginners Only.

CLASSICS ................ [CLA] NETWORKING .............. [NET]
An Old Favorite, Re-visited. The Realtime Conference.

Is That A Letter For Me? Introduction To The Libraries.

CAPT'N VON GENIE ........ [CAP] SOFT-WHERE? ............. [SOF]
The NOT So Friendly Skies. What's New?

PD_QUICKVIEW ............ [PDQ] TELETALK ONLINE ......... [TEL]
Yours For The Asking. Having A Bad Day?

PRINT ME!................ [PRT] LOG OFF ................. [LOG]
GEnie Template To Print. 'Till Next Time.

READING GEnie Lamp GEnie Lamp has incorporated a unique indexing
"""""""""""""""""" system to help make reading the magazine a bit
easier. Just load GEnie Lamp into any ASCII word processor or text
editor. In the index you will find the following example:

FROM THE DESKTOP ........ [FRM] HELP!!! ................. [HEL]
Notes From The Editor. (NOT) For Beginners Only.

To get to the article on HELP!!!, set your find or search command
to [HEL]. If you would rather scan the articles, search for [EOA].
[EOF] will take you to the last page.

//////////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE ///
/ "To begin play, double click on the VALGUS.PRG icon /
/ (as if you'd never done this before)."
/////////////////////////////////////// J. Glenn //////

Notes From The Editor
}__{ /-----------\
Yup, last issue we had (oo) ( COWTOONS ? )
Bart and his family, this /-------\/ --'\___________/
issue, COWS! / | ||
* ||----||
~~ ~~

WE'RE BACK! (__)
(oo) And we're running stronger then ever! The
/-------\/ response to the premier issue of GEnie Lamp has
/ | || been overwhelming positive. The staff here at
* ||----|| GEnie Lamp would like to thank all of the
~~ ~~ ST RT members for their help and support.
"Cow at 1 meter"

Keep in mind that GEnie Lamp is written for U
_you_, the Atari RoundTable member. If you /---V
have something you would like to see or share, * |--|
visit us in CAT 34 or leave a note in the "Cow at 100 meters"
FEEDBACK TO SYSOPS area on page 475.


"Cow at 10,000 meters"


o Ms. GEnie has come up with some intriguing answers to some very
good questions submitted by GEnie Lamp readers.

o Jeff, our RoundTable Conference leader delves a little deeper
into why you should consider joining in on a formal or informal
RTC in his continuing column, NETWORKING.

o When you think of a library, what do you think of? Books,
information, library fines? :-) The file section here in the
Atari RoundTable goes by the name library to identify itself and
for good reason. Like the public library, information in the
form of utilities, games, applications, graphics and text files
are all available to you, quick and easy. Larry Duke, our
RoundTable librarian/SysOp has started a new column, "
LIBRARY," to help keep you informed on what's new. Larry will
also be writing about tips and tricks you can use to help you
save time and money while in the library.

o Who is CAPTAIN VON GEnie? Do the words, "
I'm off into the wild
blue yonder" have any meaning to you? If your idea of fun is
spending the afternoon with Flight Simulator or Falcon, don't
miss Captain Von GEnie's column.

o Messages by the hundreds are being posted in the bulletin board
area every day. Find out where the hot topics are... you'll
save time, money and hassles if you check "

o Are you confused about ARC and LZH? Get the information you
need in HELP!!!

ODDS & ENDS Two exciting and informative RTCs are planned. One is with
Chet Walters, author of IMAGE CAT and MUG SHOT and W. David
Parks (Dr. Bob) author of MULTIVIEWER GRAPHICA.

Several Express BBS ST sysops are going to meet in the ST
Roundtable's Realtime Conference Room 1. They will be discussing how
they've used Express BBS ST to set up their bulletin boards and discuss
problems and offer advice to one another.

For more information on either of these RTCs, see NETWORKING in
this issue.

DARLAH'S LEAVING? Yes, it's true. From June 17th till June 20th Darlah
""""""""""""""""" will be taking a much deserved vacation.

~~ (oo) The Cowtoons picture here were drawn
~~~~ /-------\/ by various artists and were compiled
~~~~~ / | || and circulated on USEnet by Eric W.
~~~~~ * ||----|| Tilenius.
~~~~~~~~ ====~~====~~====
~~~~~~~~~~~~/ If you have an idea for a great cow-
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ toon, we would like to see it. Upload
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ your cowtoon to CAT 34 today.
"Cow Hanging Ten at Malibu"

HELP!!! /
(NOT) For Beginners Only





GETTING HELP Time is money, and that is especially true when you're
"""""""""""" online. Your best defense against a enormous bill at the
end of the month is knowing what to do and when to do it. "(NOT) For
Beginners Only"
is a column written with that principle in mind. Over
the next few issues, this column will discuss some of the tricks and
procedures that you can use on GEnie that will cut the amount of time
you spend online AND at the same time increase your online productivity.

& the GEnie ST Library

by Larry Duke
(ST Library Sysop)

ARC FILES Most files on GEnie are archived. As a matter of fact,
""""""""" files larger than 10K in length are required to be archived
in order to be added into the library (this is an arbitrary number
selected and used by the library staff...some files larger than 10K may
exist in an unarchived state, but we try to stick to this number as
close as possible). Archiving allows multiple files to be included in a
single file, and compresses the files to allow for quicker and therefore
less expensive downloading. Archived files cannot be used until they
have been "
extracted" from the archive file. The extraction process is
simple and relatively painless.

The ST libraries use two types of archives. Though more types are
available (ZIP, ZOO, etc.), the standards used in the ST Library are
.ARC and .LZH file extensions, showing the compression techniques and
archiving program used.

A file with the extension of .ARC can be extracted using ARC602ST
(file #13310) or DCOPY36 (file #15339). ARC602ST and DCOPY36 are
enhanced versions of original archive program ARC.TTP (which is still
available as file #1271). The newer programs allow extraction of files
into specific directories. This way, specific folders or directories
necessary to run a particular program may be automatically produced by
the extraction of the files in the archive. Makes life a lot simpler.
Besides, the speed of the newer programs are greatly enhanced as well.
If you don't already have them, both ARC602ST and DCOPY are highly

LZH FILES Files ending with an extension of .LZH are archived using a
newer technique called LHARC. The compression technique of
this archive is usually more efficient than .ARC files, but are not as
widely accepted. This compression technique is new, and has not been
standardized by common usage. The programs that will extract these
files are:
#15231 LHARC060
#15442 UNLZH17
#15454 FASTLZH
#14190 LHARC102

I would suggest having at least the first three in the list.
LHARC060 is more or less the standard, but is still only in beta
release. UNLZH appears to dearchive all of the files, and is extremely
quick and easy to use. FASTLZH is available as either a .TTP program,
GEM .PRG, or desk accessory. It, too has many features that make it
desirable. LHARC060 has some problems extracting files that were
archived using FASTLZH. For these reasons, it is best to have ALL of
the archiving programs available. If one doesn't work, you can try

MAKE IT EASY! ARCSHELL makes easy access to the power of these
""""""""""""" archiving programs. SHAREWARE from C.F. Johnson of
CODEHEAD fame, it is almost a mandatory addition for any online user.
Make sure you have file ARCSH21B (file #13523) in your personal library.

As always, if you have any questions or problems with the software
libraries, feel free to ask the sysop for assistance, using the FEEDBACK
TO SYSOPS menu selection on page 475.


GENIE LAMP QWIK_TIPS ZMODEM is the fastest protocol available that you
"""""""""""""""""""" can use here in the ST RoundTable. So fast, it
has become _the_ protocol of choice for many ST users. If you do use
ZMODEM on GEnie, be aware that the current version of software that
GEnie is using has a problem when changing between ZMODEM and other
download or upload protocols. Once you have used ZMODEM, you must
disconnect and redial GEnie to use another transfer protocol. If you
would like to know more about ZMODEM and other transfer protocols
available here in the RoundTable, see Larry Duke's article, ONLINE

CONTROL C/ESCAPE UPDATE In the last issue of GEnie Lamp, we told you
about a quick and easy way to change your
break-key code here on GEnie. Before you change your break key code,
there are a couple of other things that you should know. First off,
GEnie does not default to <control><c> as your break key as was stated
in the article. The first time you log on, you are taken through the
setup script. One of the questions in that script is what would you
like to use for your break key. If no key is selected (pressed), it
defaults to ASCII 0 which is a "true break." Other than the setup
script, you do have to know the ASCII code to change your break key.
(The GEnie manual is incorrect when it states it defaults to
<control><c>. I believe they caught that error in some of the versions,
but possibly not all.)

Secondly, during the script setup, there are some keys on the ST
keyboard that GEnie doesn't recognize, so the true break ("0") is used.
For example, the ST's DELETE key doesn't return a value that GEnie
recognizes, so you end up with 0. Although many STers do use the ESCape
key for a break code on GEnie, CONTROL-C can be advantageous over a
single key-press since it is more difficult to hit both keys at the same

MESSAGE BASE QWIK_TIP Did you know that if you don't log onto the
""""""""""""""""""""" Bulletin Board area at least once per month,
your message counter will not be updated?

//////////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE //////
/ "
I am worried about you and this Vanna White thing. /
/ You really need to cut back on R&D and get out more. :)" /
//////////////////////////////////////// - TOM - //////////

An Old Favorite Re-visited

OLDIES BUT GOODIES Program Name : Monopoly
"""""""""""""""""" Filename : MONOPOLY.ARC
Library Area : 8
Program Number : 2239
File Size : 76860
Program Type : Board Game
Author : David Addison
Ver. Reviewed : N/A
File Type : Public Domain

[*] [*] [*]

WHAT IT IS MONOPOLY.PRG is a compiled GFA BASIC program that can be
"""""""""" directly executed from the desktop. It requires the system
to be in low resolution mode. All of the other files in MONOPOLY.ARC
except MONOPOLY.BAS are data files required by the program. These files
may be put into a folder named MONOFILE for ease of use.

MONOPOLY.BAS is the GFA BASIC source code that was compiled into
MONOPOLY.PRG The program and GFA BASIC source are in the Public Domain,
and are not to be sold, especially because Monopoly is of course a
Trademark of Parker Brothers.

[*] [*] [*]

PD_Q RATING * * * *

PD_Q COMMENTS I don't like Monopoly. It takes too long to set-up and
to play. Someone has to keep track of the bank,
property is traded, taxes are paid, sheessh... this is too much like
_real_ life! When somebody drags out the Monopoly game, I conveniently
find something else to do.

But then, that all pertains primarily to the board game, NOT with
the computer version! I'm happy to report that playing Monopoly on the
ST is a whole new experience. All the muss and fuss of the board game
is gone; the computer keeps track of everything. Finally, no more
calculators or keeping track of the money or properties. The computer
version let's you concentrate on when to sell, when to build and when to
get out of jail-you know, the fun stuff. There's even an option to
trade properties with the other computer players.

As far as game play goes, the documentation is mostly fluff. David
must have assumed that _everyone_ knows how to play Monopoly. I'd have
to agree with that as I would think most everyone has played Monopoly at
one time or another. However, if you have been trapped in a closet for
the past 30 years or you've forgotten how to play Monopoly and need a
refresher course, you'll have to dig out the board game to get the rules
of play. Even without docs, the point and click interface makes the
game is easy to figure out.

The graphics, sound and play value are everything you'd expect from
a commercial game, (i.e. excellent). However, this is not a, "Wow, I
can't wait to get started game."
Rather, Monopoly is the type of game
that grabs you _after_ you've gone around the board a couple of times.

For the programmer, the GFA source code is included in the file.
Monopoly was originally written in True BASIC on an Amiga and David later
converted it into GFA BASIC for the ST.

Sitting around with nothing to do? Download Monopoly and play a
couple of rounds. I can almost guarantee that you'll finish the game.


\ | \ (__)
\\|| \(oo) "Cow skiing a Black Diamond
\||\ \\/ at Aspen."

~~ \||
\\ ||
The Realtime Conference

by Jeff ("
JEFF.W") Williams

RTC NEWS Please be with us on June 20, 1990 for the WizWorks/Dr.
"""""""" Bobware Realtime Conference. Our guests will be Chet
Walters, author of IMAGE CAT and MUG SHOT, and W. David Parks (Dr. Bob),
author of MULTIVIEWER GRAPHICA. The RTC will begin at 10:00pm EDT on
Wednesday, June 20th. Be there!

SYSOPS! There is a special RTC coming up this weekend. On Saturday,
June 16, at 9pm EDT, several Express BBS ST sysops are going
to meet in the ST Roundtable's Realtime Conference Room 1. They will be
discussing how they've used Express BBS ST to set up their bulletin
boards and discuss problems and offer advice to one another. If you are
the sysop of an Express BBS ST board, you are most welcome to attend.

If you are thinking about starting your own BBS, come along as might pick up some useful information from the veteran
sysops. This is a special date and a special time, so remember, the
Express BBS ST Sysop RTC will be Saturday, June 16 at 9pm EDT.


NETWORKING In the previous issue of GEnie Lamp, we talked about how
"""""""""" the Wednesday evening Realtime Conferences (which start at
10:00 pm EDT) in the ST Roundtable are like online user group meetings.
And like user group meetings, we have our "normal" meetings, where it's
just the regular gang (although, our regular gang consists often of
several well-known names in the Atari community as well as folks like
you and me), but many times, as in a user group meeting, we have one or
more special guests visiting with us. These special conferences are
called "formal" conferences. This does not mean that you must get
decked out in your finest apparel. During a formal conference, only the
guest(s) and myself can talk at any given time. For anyone else to
talk, I have to take them out of "listen only" mode. We'll get more
into formal conferences in a future article.

The normal meetings have a very casual atmosphere to them. Anyone
can talk at any time and usually there are two or more conversations
happening concurrently. This can be a bit confusing to newcomers,
however one quickly learns to "multitask", following or participating
in one or more of the conversations taking place. This is where your
terminal program's capture buffer comes into good use. It makes it easy
to quickly review a thread of conversation that you may have missed.

When I first began telecommunicating on services like GEnie and
Compuserve, I was terribly intimidated by the CB/Chat areas. I would
just be there, following the conversations, but not participating. In
Citizen's Band terms, I had "mike fright". I was a "lurker." Nothing
sinister is meant by that tag. A lurker is simply someone who chooses
not to say anything in a conference. If a lurker is more comfortable by
being silent, that's okay. If it works for you the way it worked for
me, you'll soon get over that case of nerves.

There is one aspect of conferencing that can be terribly confusing.
To "speak", you just type in a sentence and hit your RETURN key. It
goes out to everyone in the conference room. Likewise, your screen is
constantly being updated by messages from your companions in the room.
If messages from conference participants pop up on your screen while
you are typing in a sentence, the incoming text will mix with yours,
making your sentence a jumbled mess to your view. It does not alter
your message to anyone else in the room, but it sure looks goofy to
you. To eliminate incoming text interfering with your own messages, a
type ahead buffer is indispensable.

A type ahead buffer reserves a portion of the screen, usually along
the bottom, where you can type your message without interference from
incoming text. When you are done with your message, hitting RETURN will
send it to GEnie. Of the commercial terminal programs for the ST that I
am most familiar with, Interlink and STalker have the best type ahead
buffers. Flash has a type ahead buffer, but it is dinky. It only
permits about 78 characters, where Interlink's type ahead buffer is
configurable to nearly any length and STalker allows at least 3 lines of
text to be entered (maybe more...I'm not sure). Flash users might
consider looking into Jim Ness' CO*WORKER, a smart utility that can be
executed within any terminal program that permits running external
programs. CO*WORKER provides a large type ahead buffer, replacing the
puny one in Flash. CO*WORKER is available in the ST Roundtable's
Software Library. It is COWORKER.LZH (file #13727).

In the RTC, there are several useful RTC commands. All of them
(except one of form of the HELP command) start out with a
slash ("/") in the first position of a new line of text. These commands
can be listed by typing in "/HELP" or just "?".

/HELp - List of commands /BLAnk - add blank lines
/BYE - log-off the RTC /CALl jj - call on job jj
/ECHo - echo to sender on /EXIt - return to menu
/JOB - add job # to message /KNOck rr - knock on door of room rr
/MONitor rr - monitor room rr /NAMe nn - add name nn to address
/PRIvate jj - go private with JOB jj /QUIt - return to menu
/RAIse-hand - get attention of leader /ROLl nDs - roll n dice of s sides
/ROOm rr - move to room rr /SCRamble k - scramble, w/ key kkkk
/SENd jj m - sends to job jj, message m /SHOw hh - show job of address hh
/SQUelch jj - squelch job jj - 4 max /STAtus rr - see users in room rr
/TIMe - display time and day /USErs - see number of users
/WHO jj - see address of JOB jj /XBLank - exit blank line mode
/XECho - exit echo mode /XJOb - exit job mode
/XMOnitor - exit monitor mode /XPRivate - exit private mode
/XSCramble - exit scramble mode /XSQuelch - exit squelch
/HELp - list of commands

The important ones to remember are "/HEL" or simply "?". Knowing
how to call up the help listing of commands shows you every command you
could possibly use.

It is useful to remember how to leave the RTC room. There are two
commands for this. "/EXI" will take you back to the ST Roundtable's
main menu on Page 475. "/BYE" will log you off of GEnie directly from
the RTC. We'll touch on many of the other RTC commands in a future

Next time out, we'll cover what goes on during a formal conference
and more of those RTC commands. I'll try to squeeze in a bit about RTC
etiquette as well. In the meantime, any questions or suggestions for
our Wednesday evening conferences can be posted in Category 1, Topic 11
of the ST Roundtable Bulletin Board. This is also where you can read of
upcoming special events in the RTC.

See you in the Realtime Conference!

(Next issue: Hints and Tips for enjoying The Realtime Conference.)


| |-------------|
| | ________ |
| COWNTY | | (|__|) | |
| JAIL | | |oo| | |
| | |__|\/|__| |
| | o |
| | ~ |
| | ] |
| | |

Is That A Letter For Me?

BULLETIN BOARD UPDATE While on GEnie, do you spend most of your time
""""""""""""""""""""" downloading files? If so, you may be missing
out some excellent information in the Bulletin Board area. To help get
you started, here are some of the bulletin board highlights that have
been posted in the last couple of weeks.

NOTICE Intersect is no longer providing online support, so the topics
"""""" in their category have been moved to existing categories. Help
for existing products is still available from other owners of these

Category 20 Topic 2 (Interlink) is now in Category 8 Topic 13
Category 20 Topic 4 (Masterlink) is now in Category 8 Topic 17
Category 20 Topic 3 (Revolver) is now in Category 2 Topic 44


SQUISH OR NOT TO SQUISH A conversation has started on the advantages
and disadvantages of "squishing" files, a
method of compressing a file to save disk space, yet it remains
executable when double-clicked. Cat. 30, TOPic 12.

SHADOW UPDATE? There's talk about a _possible_ update to Shadow.
"""""""""""""" Would you believe background Zmodem? Nothing for sure
yet, but just maybe... CAT. 30, TOPic 7.

JAPAN_COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT? A member posted a message about a book
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" recently released in Japan which has
been loosely translated into English and is now being uploaded to
various BBSs around the country. It has been reported that it is being
circulated on Capitol Hill and in large corporations. As of now, you
can't get a English version. Does that make it right? CAT 18, TOPic

ST FAX? Are you considering buying a dedicated FAX machine? There are
a couple of solutions that allow you to use your ST as a fax
machine. Check out CAT 4, TOPic 15.

STart MAGAZINE Start magazine has been taking a little heat about its
"""""""""""""" upgrade policies and subscription procedures. Cat 6,
TOPic 13.

NEW BLOOD FOR ATARI? Elle, an Atari France executive who is
"""""""""""""""""""" responsible for taking Atari France from 0 to
50 million a year may be headed for Atari US. Can he make a difference?
Cat 18, TOPic 9.

LZH PROBLEMS It seems that some versions of LZH are still have
"""""""""""" problems interacting with each other. A discussion on
LZH can be found in CAT 2, TOPic 28.

LYNX! Atari's new hand-held Lynx is HOT! You can find out about new
""""" releases, advertising and where to get one in CAT 36, TOPic 12.

PACKED PROGRAMS Do you have a preference on whether or not programs
offered on GEnie should be PACKed? Voice your opinion
in CAT 2, TOPic 12. For a related discussion on Double Click's version
of packing, Squish, see CAT 30, TOPic 12.

WHAT TIME IS IT? Watches seems to be the hot "non-Atari" topic this
"""""""""""""""" time around. Is yours digital, analog or do you use
a sundial? :-) If If you have a particular thing about watches, get in
on the fun in CAT 22, TOPic 8.

WORDFLAIR The advantages and disadvantages of a new five-in-one word
""""""""" processor called Wordflair from Goldleaf Publishing is now
being discussed in Cat 13, TOPic 11.

ZMODEM HASSLES? If you are having problems downloading files off of
GEnie using Zmodem, check out Cat 18, TOPic 14 for
some helpful tips and information.

[*][*][*] [*][*][*]

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHTS The Message Highlights for this issue were posted by
"""""""""""""""""" Mike Easter who spotted a helpful message for pc
ditto II users and from J. Garrison who posted a tip for Masterlink

Category 8, Topic 13
Message 22 Thu Apr 12, 1990
J.GARRISON5 (Forwarded)

Joe, I finally figured it out. The part of the manual that deals
with that subject contains a confusing run-on sentence. Here's what you
need to do:

1) Create a folder (I call mine DIAL) and put INTERLOG.PRG,
INTERLOG.RSC, DIAL.DAT, and I think DIAL.DA$, in it.

2) In the Startup Parameters, specify the location of DIAL.DAT on
the "Phone File =" line.

3) In the Global Setup, at the bottom of the screen, type in the
Activate the LOG ON button and then exit and go to File and
activate Save Phone File.

You should now be able to get automatic call logging as soon as
your connection to GEnie (or whatever) is ended. After saving your
buffer and quitting, just go to the DIAL folder and run INTERLOG.PRG.
Type in the hourly GEnie cost and save it, and you will be ready to use
INTERLOG.PRG to calculate your on-line costs. I hope this helps you.


----------Category 19, Topic 2
Message 31 Thu Jun 07, 1990
M.EASTER [Mike] at 03:13 PDT

Here's a message downloaded from a local board describing a method
for bending PC-DITTO II's clip pins in a manner that sounds pretty good
to me for achieving the spring tension of an S-bend for better non-
soldered clip reliability.

Message : 4380 [Open] 6-07-90 2:04am
From : William Loo
To : Gordon Glenn
Subject : #4373 PCDITTO II UPDATE
Sig(s) : 1 (General news)

I am glad to hear that you successfully resolved your PC Ditto
II's problem by adjusting your clip. In as far as bending the clip
to make sure that all 64 clip pins make good contact with the 64
MC68000 chip's pins, here is my clip pin bending recommendations.
(BTW, I spent over 9 years in the Navy as an Electronics Tech.)

Using pliers (or an "S" bender), carefully bend each clip pin
into a modified "S" shape so that the clip pin's point of contact
will be at as close to the motherboard as possible (this is to give
the clip's pins a "spring" effect for maximum contact tension).
The bottom of the pin's "S" does two things: 1) allows the
squeezing of the opposing clip pins as tight as possible while also
allowing the pins to be able to seat onto and over the MC68000
chip; 2) the bottom upturn of the "S" pin will not contact and
therefore will not possibly short out on the motherboard's many
circuit traces. Also, the "S" pin's "spring" effect allows each
pin to independently adjust its tension, plus or minus, for each
MC68000 pin, therefore, assuring good contact. (The Avante-Garde
method of bending the clip's *straight* pins will not give the clip
a "spring effect" and the point of contact is nearer the top of the
MC68000 resulting in possible hit or miss contacts for all 64 pins.)

My PC Ditto II is still working great and the clip did not need to
be soldered onto the MC68000 chip. The below diagram is a rough
description of what my clip's "S" bend looks like:

| |################################| |
\ _|################################|_ /
| |################################| |
\ | |####### ######| | /
| |####### MC68000 IC Chip ######| |
"S" shape \ | |####### ######| | /
"spring" | |################################| |
effect--> >| |################################| |<
/ | |################################| | \
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Atari ST "Mother Board" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

[*][*][*] [*][*][*]

The message highlights which are listed above only scratch the
surface of what's available and waiting for you in the bulletin board

If you are serious about your Atari, I strongly urge you to give
the bulletin board area a try. There are literally thousands of
messages posted here from people like you from all over the country.

//////////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE ///////
/ "What's going on with Atari users these days! We used /
/ to argue with the Amiga we are fighting with /
/ each other!"
///////////////////////////////////////// - TOM - ///////////

Introduction To The GEnie ST Libraries

by Larry Duke
(ST Library Sysop)

The GEnie ST Libraries are probably the most extensive collection
of files available anywhere for the ST line of computers. There are over
15,000 files covering anything from newsletters and reviews to some
exceptional shareware and freeware programs, with new files added daily.

For first time or novice users, the immense size of the libraries
my be a bit intimidating at first, and some of the terms used may be a
bit confusing. Your sysops are here to help, however, and will usually
answer any question you may have quickly. Feel free to use the FEEDBACK
TO SYSOPS menu selection on page 475 to forward comments, suggestions,
or questions.

The ST Libraries are actually many libraries banded together. Each
library has similar types of files, much like your local public library
keeps fiction and non-fiction in different areas. The library names, and
therefore the types of files you may see in each, are listed on page 477
(GEnie command -> m 477 <CR>). You may also set particular libraries to
<J>oin or <I>gnore using the menu selection of 12 on page 475 (GEnie
command m 475,12 <CR>) and following the simple directions available to
set your particular library preferences.

A complete list of files is accomplished by selecting item 2 from
the main menu on page 475. This listing WILL give you a COMPLETE listing
of the files in the selected libraries, or of a particular library. In
order to stop the listing, CONTROL S will pause, CONTROL Q will
continue, and BREAK will quit the listing. Once you have done this
command once, your personal pointers are set in GEnie to remember the
highest number file you have seen. This allows you to use the NEW FILES
command (GEnie command M 475,11 <CR>) to list all of the files that have
been added since your last logon.

Downloading files can be accomplished using standard file transfer
protocols of XMODEM (with either CHECKSUM or CRC error checking...check
your terminal emulation software documentation to see which is
supported), XMODEM-1K (again, check your software documentation), YMODEM
BATCH, and ZMODEM protocols.

XMODEM is the tried and true file transfer protocol used by most
everyone. It transfers files in 128 byte BLOCKS, and is available on ALL
terminal emulation software packages available for the ST (all that I
know of, anyway). The original protocol used CHECKSUM error checking,
and was later enhanced to use a better method called CRC. Most (if not
all) of the emulation packages for the ST include the enhanced CRC error
checking method. GEnie will use XMODEM-CRC if possible, but will return
to XMODEM CHECKSUM if the appropriate commands are not exchanged to
trigger the enhanced protocol. This is all done automatically by your

XMODEM-1K uses 1024 byte BLOCK transfers, and is therefore slightly
faster to use. Some software packages (such as INTERLINK) refer to this
as YMODEM, though under the strictest of definitions (as used by GEnie)
they are somewhat different.

YMODEM on GEnie is a BATCH download protocol. Using any BATCH
protocol with GEnie, you can specify up to 20 files at a time to
download. The host computer (GEnie) will transmit the filenames prior to
the actual file data, triggering your computer to save the file to disk
under that name. YMODEM BATCH also uses 1024 byte BLOCKS for the
transfer, making it slightly more efficient than XMODEM. GEnie's YMODEM
protocol ALWAYS sends the filename with the file, even if only one file
was requested. For this reason, when you select YMODEM as your download
protocol from GEnie, make sure you use a YMODEM-BATCH server for your
software. (INTERLINK users...use YMODEM protocol for XMODEM-1K
downloading, and YMOBAT for YMODEM downloading on GEnie).

ZMODEM is the newest protocol available on GEnie. I don't know of
any current Terminal Emulation Software packages for the ST that have
this protocol in their current releases, but you will probably see it
coming out soon. ZMODEM is an exceptionally fast download protocol,
allowing for 95%+ efficiency in file transfers. It is a BATCH transfer
only protocol, so filenames on receive do not have to be specified as
they will be passed along by GEnie with the download. ZMODEM is
available for the ST as an external program. Major terminal emulation
software will usually have the capacity to run external programs. ZMODEM
version 1.85 is available on GEnie as file #11626, and XYZ as file
#13099. Both of these programs are very well written, and give the ST
user the ability to use this exceptional download protocol. ZFLASH
(#14929) offers a very nice shell program for RZ.TTP and SZ.TTP (for
Receive ZMODEM and Send ZMODEM, both files available in the archive of
ZMODEM 1.85).

NOTE: On GEnie, ZMODEM and other protocols don't mix. See HELP!!!
for details.

The Not So Friendly Skies

Does flying around in your very own P-51D Mustang, Messerchmitt ME-
262 or Spitfire MK IX warplane hunting down other planes like yourself
give you a tinge of excitement? It makes my heart beat a few extra times
just thinking about it!

Here on GEnie is a online simulation that will allow you to take
the control of a fully armed war-bird. Called Air Warrior, this program
takes airplane simulators to the max. The graphics in Air Warrior,
although not on the same level as Flight Simulator or Falcon, are
excellent, far above what one would expect from an online game. But
alas, from a new players point of view, (like me!) Air Warrior _appears_
to be a very complex program. From the looks of the doc and help files
supplied with the program, it also looks as though I'm in for some heavy

Still, if your heart flutters a few extra beats at the thought of
taking to the skies, then I invite you to follow me up into the wild
blue yonder right here in this column. Each issue we'll explore Air
Warrior a little more in depth. Keep in mind that we're starting out
from ground zero together. My purpose here is not to teach you, but to
relate to you my experiences as a Air Warrior pilot. If you like,
you may sit in the co-pilot seat along side of me.

To get to Air Warrior, type at any GEnie prompt M870. Once you
are in the library area, the Air Warrior program file number is 1090.
(STARTER.LZH.STV20A) Other files that you may want to grab are:

No. File Name Bytes/Lib Description
787 BIGMAPS.ARC 56700 9 V.1.2eAW maps w/5 formats+corrects
430 CHOICE.ARC 8820 9 Choosing the planes
774 DOUGSMAP.ARC.ATARI_ST 37800 9 Large scale AW map, Degas Med Res
389 ST.SOUND.ARC.1.2 71820 5 Digital Sound Data for Atari ST
367 ST_MAPS.ARC 20160 9 AirWarrior maps-DEGAS HiRes

That's it for this issue. Take some time to get oriented to the
program. Run the practice mode and go over the documentation. Next
column we'll get into the practice mode and take a solo flight or two.
See you then!


Captain Von GEnie has come up with a couple of helpful templates to
help make Air Warrior easier. To make your Air Warrior template, see
PRINT ME!" for more details.

What's New?

PD_PICK_QWIKS As usual, the libraries have been racking up a lot of
""""""""""""" new files the last couple of weeks. In fact, this time
around the files descriptions total to over 7K -- way too many to list
here. If you would like to find out what has been uploaded to the
RoundTable, GEnie Lamp suggests you download file #15413, MAY_ADD.ARC.

No. File Name Bytes Lib Description

15415 MAY_ADD.ARC 16380 13 May 90 Library Additions

15375 LIB_1.ARC 2520 13 #1 - Help
15376 LIB_2.ARC 64260 13 #2 - Utility
15377 LIB3.ARC 32760 13 #3 - Program
15378 LIB_4.ARC 16380 13 #4 - Animate
15379 LIB_5.ARC 79380 13 #5 - Graphics
15380 LIB_6.ARC 13860 13 #6 - Business
15381 LIB_7.ARC 25200 13 #7 - Telecompute
15382 LIB_8.ARC 46620 13 #8 - Games
15383 LIB_9.ARC 7560 13 #9 - Education
15384 LIB_10.ARC 17640 13 #10 - Demos
15385 LIB_11.ARC 39060 13 #11 - Music
15386 LIB_12.ARC 25200 13 #12 - Adult
15397 LIB_13.ARC 16380 13 #13 - Archives
15398 LIB_14.ARC 12600 13 #14 - Press Relations
15400 LIB_15.ARC 21420 13 #15 - Reviews
15401 LIB_17.ARC 12600 13 #17 - Sounds
15402 LIB_18.ARC 25200 13 #18 - Desktop Publishing
15403 LIB_19.ARC 7560 13 #19 - ST Report
15404 LIB_20.ARC 7560 13 #20 - Printer Drivers
15405 LIB_21.ARC 5040 13 #21 - T.O.S.
15406 LIB_22.ARC 1260 13 #22 - ICD Support
15407 LIB_24.ARC 7560 13 #24 - Emulator Support
15408 LIB_25.ARC 6300 13 #25 - ST*ZMAG Online
15409 LIB_27.ARC 3780 13 #27 - Hardware Projects
15410 LIB_28.ARC 7560 13 #28 - Graphic Utility
15411 LIB_29.ARC 7560 13 #29 - Music Utilities
15412 LIB_30.ARC 8820 13 #30 - ISD Support
15413 LIB_31.ARC 3780 13 #31 - Children's Applications
15414 LIB_32.ARC 2520 13 #32 - Portfolio Support


\~~~~~~~~\ (__)
It's a bird... \~~~~~~~~\\ (oo)
~_______/ --- \______~
~--------\ \S/ /\_____~
\______/ It's a plane..."

Yours For The Asking

Program Name : Headline
Library Area : 8
Program Number : 14803
File Size : 21760
Program Type : Humor/Application
Author : Albert Baggetta
Ver. Reviewed : 1.0
File Type : Shareware ($5.00)

[*] [*] [*]

WHAT IT IS One of the few moments of enjoyment I experience while
"""""""""" grocery shopping is standing in the slow line at the
register. I enjoy it because it gives me a chance to read the headlines
on those rag papers that hang from the racks next to the register,
between the candy bars and the TV Guide.

I don't buy them because they are really nothing but a lot of
malarkey, but it is interesting to just glean the headlines. Here you
will find the most preposterous of the most preposterous. "
Man from
Mars Gives Birth to Rock!!" "Hitler Alive and Living in New Jersey" --
Wow...have you ever.... Oh, well.

I don't always get to the market to shop, so I thought it would be
interesting to write a program for the ol' ST that would generate
fantastic headings like these. Then I could switch on the Mega and
have a good laugh in my own living room.

WHAT IT DOES Here it is -- "
Headline" produces those silly banners,
"""""""""""" similar to those found in the market rags. I've even got
them "
news-flashing!" across the screen, at the touch of a key.

The program runs in either medium resolution on a color monitor or
in high resolution on a monochrome. Boot up HEADLINE.PRG from your pull
down menu. After a few seconds you will get a prompt that asks you if
you want to personalize each headline. Maybe you want to include your
name, a friend's name or your boss's name in the headline (not a good
idea, by the way). Answer Y and press Return, if you do. You will
then be asked to enter a short name. You must press Return again to
start the program into action.

If you do not want to personalize, just press Return and the
program will get going. The banners will spring onto the screen and
fade off, at the touch of a key. Pressing Q will cause the program to

So settle back at your computer (no need to go to the market
anymore) and have a chuckle or two at the strange goings-on in your

[*] [*] [*]


PD_Q COMMENTS Headline has a professional look to it - it's obvious
that Albert put a lot of effort into this project.
Unfortunately, while Headline is cute and initially fun, it quickly grows
tiring. Useful? Not really. Fun? Yes, at least for the first few
minutes or so.

Headline is the type of program that you would boot-up at a party
or show to the kids. However, even under party conditions, I doubt
Headline would hold anybody's attention for any length of time. (For
$6.00 more, you can get an adult version of Headline from Albert which
may hold your interest a little longer. :-))


(____) (____)
(oo ) (o o)
/-----------\ / /-----\ /----
/ || | \/ / | | \/ |
/ || |||| \ | | | | |
* ||||-----|||| *| | |-----| | |
/\/\ /\/\ /\ /\ /\ /\
"This cow belonged "This was Salvatore
to Pablo Picasso" Dali's favorite cow."

ASK Ms. GEnie /
Questions & Answers About GEnie

Hi everyone, welcome to, "
ASK Ms. GEnie!" I've been selected by
the GEnie Lamp Staff to field any questions that you may have about the
Atari ST RoundTable or GEnie in general. Let's get started...


Dear Ms. GEnie,

I've recruited a lot of prospective GEnie users and I've run into
many new users here online. Sometimes I see them only once, for example
during a hectic conference when they are ill-prepared to participate,
and then they disappear. I remember how hard it was to be a new user
and how much time I wasted online going in circles...The bills after a
few of these exploratory sessions might be enough to discourage
further use of the service by a novice. I lead my recruits through
their first few conferences and bb sessions. Suppose there might be a
formal "
ST-PALS" system set up to give all new users an opportunity
for that kind of support?

Dear D.A.,

It's a good idea D.A., but there is already quite a bit of hand
holding that already exists here on GEnie and in the Atari RoundTable.
There are help files, notifies online, category 1, GEnie Lamp ST
RoundTable Magazine and especially relevant to this situation, the
FEEDBACK TO SYSOPS option on the main RT menu page.

I am not sure what the "
pals" would do that is not already
available through those options. A "
pal" would basically just be
answering questions, but it would cost the newbie just as much to get
information from the "
pal" as it does to get it from us. Now local
users who would help others in user group meetings or just because they are
friends are another matter. A cadre of "
locals" that a new person
could ask for help offline is theoretically possible, but would still
probably be available to only a small minority of our new users. That
is basically what you have done for those you have signed up. All
things considered, the "
pal" system online probably wouldn't help that
much, and would be redundant to what we already have.

Have a Happy!
Ms. GEnie


Dear Ms. GEnie,

If someone uploaded a file (say file #40) and 10 other files were
uploaded (41-50). Now suppose files 41-50 were cleared for release and
I log in and get an update list and see all the new files except #40.
If 40 is cleared for release a few days later, will I see it in my next
new-files list or not?

Dear Perplexed,

Good question, Perplexed! You almost stumped 'ole Ms. Genie with
that one... I did some research and came up with the following.

Each time you use the NEW FILES command, GEnie "
remembers" the
highest file number listed by the NEW FILES command. The next time the
NEW FILES command is used, GEnie lists all the visible files that come
after the file number it remembered from your previous use of the NEW
FILES command.

This means that the very first time you use NEW FILES, GEnie will
start with the most current visible file and work its way backward
through the library until it either lists -all- the files in the library
or until the user issues a break.

In the event you describe, you will indeed miss file number 40 if
that file is released -after- you have used NEW FILES to list file
numbers that are greater than 40. For this reason, every effort is made
to release uploaded files in sequence. But there are occasions where a
file requires additional testing by the sysops or more information from
the uploader before it can be cleared for downloading. Maybe the
program won't run on a system with Turbo 16 on it, or it won't run under
TOS 1.4, or the documentation with the file doesn't adequately describe
the file and its functions. Whenever a sysop checking a file can't get
something to work on his or her system, another sysop has to download
and test it also. Here's the dilemma. Do the sysops hold all
subsequent files until the questionable file can be cleared? Or do the
sysops release the backlog of new files that have followed the file in

Depending on the timeframe and the number of files involved, the
sysops will exercise one or the other of those two options. On those
occasions where a file has to be released out-of-sequence, the NEW FILES
command may miss the recently released, older file.

However, Software Library menu option 2 will hit ALL visible files,
starting with the newest visible one and going backwards through the
libraries until you use your break key. You can use this option to go
through the new files, using the break key to stop the list after you
feel you've gone back far enough to catch any stragglers.

Have a Happy!
Ms. GEnie


If you have a question you would like for me to address, post your
question on the GEnie Lamp Bulletin Board, CAT 34, TOPic 4 or leave
E/Mail to me, Ms. GEnie, in the "
Feedback to SysOps" option on page 475.

Having A Bad Day?

You know you are having a bad day when...

o You wake up face down on the pavement.

o You put your bra on backwards and it fits better.

o You call Suicide Prevention hot line and they put you on hold.

o You see a "60 Minutes" news team waiting in your office.

o Your birthday cake collapses from the weight of the candles.

o You want to put your clothes on you wore home from the party
and there aren't any.

o You turn on the news and they're showing emergency routes out
of the city.

o Your twin forgot your birthday.

o Your car horn accidentally goes off and gets stuck as you
follow a group of Hell's Angels on the freeway.

o Your boss tells you not to bother taking off your hat.

o The bird singing outside your window is a buzzard.

o You wake up with your braces locked together.

o You call your answering service and they refuse to give you
your messages.

o Your blind date turns out to be your ex-wife.

o Your income tax check bounces.

o You put both contact lenses in the same eye.

o Your pet rock snaps at you.

o Your wife wakes up happy, and wishes you good morning George...
and that's not your name.

Coffee, Tea, Or?

PRINT ME! Do you want to follow Captain Von GEnie into the not-so-
""""""""" friendly skies? To help you get started, here's a handy
little template that the Capt'n himself uses when hunting down his next

To make your Air Warrior template, "
clip" the following chart and
print it on your printer. Cut to size, then tape it to a heavy piece of
paper or thin cardboard. To use the chart, just insert it behind your
F" keys located right above the main keyboard.

Remember, it's not just a simulation, it's an adventure!

~ cut here ~

GEnie Lamp Template #2 AIR WARRIOR!
Country A = Gray Country B = Green Country C = Black
Esc = Enter Command line mode x = Enter/Exit expert flight controls
w or < =Raise the flaps one notch e or > = Lower the flaps one notch
; = Raise/Lower landing gear f = Fire guns
b = Drop bombs (*)a = Move rudder one notch left
(*)s = Center the rudder (*)d = Move rudder one notch right
1 = FULL picture range 2 = MEDIUM picture range
3 = SHORT picture range 4 = COMBAT picture range
F1 = Picture display mode F2 = Radar display mode
F3 = Bombsight display mode F4 = Gun sight On/Off
F5 = Dive bombing sight On/Off F4 = Text buffer display mode
F9 = Raise/Lower landing gear F10 = Start/Stop engine(s)
UpArrow = Look forward DownArrow = Look backward
LeftArrow = Look left RightArrow = Look right
e = End (on the ground/stationary) p = Parachute
t <number> = Set the radio channel /<text> = Send text over the radio
'<text> = Send text all crew r = Display a roster of all players
m<number> = Set range of the radar a = Arm/Disarm bombs
j<a..z> = Jump between turrets w = Where am I?
Alternate =

Apply brakes Left Mouse Btn = Throttle
Right Mouse Btn = Fire guns (*)Left Mouse Btn = Roll plane

~ Fold Here ~

~ Cut Here ~

The following diagram shows the keypad commands:

GEnie Lamp Template Air Warrior!
| ( | ) | / | * |
| | Forward | | Tilt |
| | | | Up |
| 7 | 8 | 9 | - |
| Left | Down | Right | Straight |
| | | | Ahead |
| 4 | 5 | 6 | + |
| Left & | Back | Right & | Tilt |
| Back | | Back | Down |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | |
| Turret | Turret | Turret | Turret |
| Left | Stop | Right | Up |
+-----------+-----------+-----------+ |
| 0 | . | |
| Turret | | |
| Down | | |


/\ __
/ \ ||
(__) (__) \ / (_||_)
SooS (oo) \/ (oo)
/------S\/S /-------\/ /S /-------\/
/ | || / | || / S / | ||
* ||----|| * ||----||___/ S * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
This cow belonged Ben Franklin owned Abe Lincoln's
to George Washington this cow cow

'Till Next Time

COMMENTS? If you would like to ask a question, leave a comment or just
""""""""" drop in and say hi, you can contact us in CAT 34. Or if you
prefer to remain private, you may use the "FEEDBACK TO SYSOPS" command
on page 475, or leave a message to one or more of the following

o John F. Peters (J.F.PETERS) Publisher/Editor
o Darlah J. Pine (DARLAH) Editor
o Sandy Wilson (SANDY.W)
o Fred Beckman (FB)
o Jeff Williams (JEFF.W)
o John J. Kennedy (JJKENNEDY)
o Larry Duke (LARRY.D)

HOT OFF THE PRESS GEnie Lamp is published on the 1st and the 15th of
""""""""""""""""" every month for our Atari ST RoundTable members on
page 145, option 5.

If you prefer to download your issue of GEnie Lamp, you will find
the current issue as well as all the back issues on page 146, in the
GEnie Lamp library, #35.

"Cow at..." Author Unknown
"Vacationing Cow" Steve Schultz
"Cownty Jail" Boyd
"It's a cow..." Dennis Mc Cunney

PROBLEMS? If you are having trouble finding your way around GEnie or
""""""""" have a question you would like an answer to, we've asked
Ms. GEnie, our resident expert, to start a column just for you. If
you would like to have Ms. GEnie tackle one of your questions, you can
post your message in CAT 34, TOPic 4. (See "[ASK] MS. GEnie" for more

½ 1990 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May
be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on
GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation.

Signed articles are the opinion of the authors and are not necessarily
the opinion of the publisher or staff of GEnie Lamp. We reserve the
right to edit all letters and copy.

To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon
connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.
Type XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for
your information.

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