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GEnieLamp Online Magazine Issue No.1.04

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Published in 
GEnieLamp Online Magazine
 · 3 years ago


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|| || || || || || || Your
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GEnie ST
|| |||||| |||||||| ||||||
|| || || || || || || || RoundTable
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|| || || || || || || RESOURCE!
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July 15, 1990 ~ A T/TalkNET OnLine Publication ~ Issue No.1.04

Publisher/Editor ................................... John F. Peters
Co-Editor ........................................ Darlah J. Pine

GEnie Lamp Staff: Sandy Wilson - Jeff Williams
Fred Beckman - John J. Kennedy - Larry Duke

Notes From The Editor. GEnie Library Statistics.

Women And Computing. Cowtoons!

HELP!!! ................. [HEL] OFF THE RECORD .......... [OFF]
(NOT) For Beginners Only. Mini-Qwik-Views.

Q & A About GEnie. Is That A Letter For Me?

UPS & DOWNS ............. [UPS] ST ELSEWHERE ............ [ELS]
Singing The Download Blues... Other Areas Of Interest.

PD_QUICKVIEW ............ [PDQ] LOG OFF ................. [LOG]
Yours For The Asking. 'Till Next Time.

READING GEnie Lamp GEnie Lamp has incorporated a unique indexing
"""""""""""""""""" system to help make reading the magazine a bit
easier. Just load GEnie Lamp into any ASCII word processor or text
editor. In the index you will find the following example:

Notes From The Editor. GEnie Library Statistics.

To get to the ONLINE LIBRARY column, set your find or search
command to [ONL]. If you would rather scan the articles, search for
[EOA]. [EOF] will take you to the last page.

///////////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "Naturally the person in charge of the mainframe knows /
/ absolutely NOTHING about telecommunications. There was /
/ line noise so he changed the keyboard. ARRRRRGGGGHH!!! /
/ I had to leave the room. :-)" /
//////////////////////////////////// WAYNED. //////////////

Notes From The Editor

o Gift of Time Update

o It's Gonna Be A Loooong HOT Summer!

o HP DESKJET OWNERS: An Offer You Can't Refuse!

o RoundTable News


o GEnie Lamp Contributors

GIFT OF TIME UPDATE In GEnie Lamp #3, I suggested to shareware authors
""""""""""""""""""" to check into the Gift Of Time feature offered
here on GEnie as an alternative method for users to register their
programs. The idea is a good one. It allows the user to register the
program with a minimum of hassles. There is one small caveat you should
be aware of... the Gift Of Time option is available only in the United
States. My thanks to Sandy Cerovich for filling me in on this.

--= john =--

MORE RT TRIVIA Have you ever wondered which files have been downloaded
"""""""""""""" the most, what the average size of a file uploaded to
GEnie is or who has uploaded the most files to the RoundTable? If so,
don't miss Larry Duke's column, ONLINE LIBRARY for some interesting facts
about the Atari ST library.

HOT, HOT, HOT! Think it's hot outside? You should see how hot things
"""""""""""""" are heating up in the bulletin board area! Be sure to
check out, "IS THAT A LETTER FOR ME?" in this issue for all the HOT

HP_DESKJET OWNERS! The following message was posted in CATegory 4,
"""""""""""""""""" TOPic 9 by J.MEEHAN3. If you own a HP Deskjet, Joe
has an offer you can't refuse!


If you have considered doing the cable modification I have a deal
you can't refuse.

I moved my set up and did not have an extra plug for the line
booster, so I decided to try the cable fix a'la DJ_MOD.FIX file #12219.
It did work by the way. When I went to get the diode (the only part
needed) I found the the smallest quantity I could find was 50. Since
I don't need to modify 50 cables I will give-a-way "F R E E" the
other 49.

Just be one of the first 49 DJ and DJ+ owners to send me a stamped
self address envelope. I will even send information on how to find
line (pin) #1 at no extra cost!

To take advantage of this offer, send a SASE to:

Joseph E. Meehan
3034 Falcon Bridge Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43232

Joseph's EMail address is: J.MEEHANS3


o For the quiz results, see the file QUIZ.RES (#15711) or download
GEnie Lamp 1.03 (#15661).

o Check out the demos of TWO new products from CodeHead Software,
for the price of one! File #15719 contains demo versions of
LookIt! and PopIt!

o ISD Marketing is proud to announce the 1ST Annual Outline Art
Creativity contest. -*GREAT PRIZES*- Check out file #15660
called OLARTCON.TST for details.

NEOCEPT REALTIME CONFERENCE! Neocept, the makers of Word Up!, a full
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" featured word processor, have been
scheduled for an RTC. Here's your chance to get your questions about
version 3.0 answered.

The day : Wednesday - July 18, 1990
The time : 10:00 pm EDT
The Place: ST Roundtable, Conference Room 1

ATARI RT QWIK_TIP For those of you who are no longer beginners, but
""""""""""""""""" still looking for help with more advanced subjects,
check out "Intermediate and Advanced Atari ST Subjects," a new book from
Ralph C. Turner. It covers such subjects as binary code, file editors
and control codes, disks and file recovery, hard drives, attaching 5 1/4
inch floppy drives, and more. I've enjoyed reading it, both for the
review and for new information. (SANDY.W)

CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE A special thank you to following people who
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" have contributed, (whether they know it or
not!) to this issue of GEnie Lamp. They are: D.A.BRUMLEVE, DAVESMALL,
C.WALTERS1, JEFF.W, LARRY.D and probably a few others we may have
missed. (Sorry 'bout that!)

The questions and answers found in Ask Ms. GEnie have been taken
from the bulletin board area. Ms. GEnie would like to thank the
following RT members for their contribution to this column: A.WESTON,

Thanks, everyone.
The GEnie Lamp Staff

//////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE /////
/ "Chet, Oh yes....and about the clock coming on at /
/ midnight .... you're exactly right, it was a joke! /
/ <grin> (I'll have to remember that in the future, /
/ that's the best euphemism for "bug" I've ever heard./
/ "Oh sure, that wiping out the hard drive thing ... /
/ that's a JOKE! Hahaha! Don't you get it?")" /
/////////////////////////////////// C.F.JOHNSON ///////

GEnie Library Statistics
By Larry D. Duke (LARRY.D)

For those of you that have a need to know extremely trivial facts
(I include myself in this arena), I have compiled some statistics
(sorta) of the ST Libraries. Some of the data surprised me. Little did
I know...

o The average file length is 38877 bytes. Sizes range from the
minimum 1260 bytes (lots of them) to one gigantic upload. The largest
file in the library is 1,830,780 bytes in length, uploaded by Dan Scott
on 2/2/89. This file, GUITAR.ARC, contains digitized guitar music, and
has been downloaded by some 29 people.

o There have been 1797 uploaders to the libraries. Of these
uploaders, the top 10 are:


o The average number of accesses on each file is 144. All files in
the library have at least one download to their credit (sysops download
ALL files before releasing them), with the top 10 in the library listed

1271 ARC.TTP X MPMONTGOMERY 860922 37800 5196 2
Desc: Archive for the ST.. at last!
12916 LHARC.ARC X ST.REPORT 891123 54180 2553 2
Desc: LH ARC VER .51
13310 ARC602ST.ARC X D.WAYRYNEN 891222 73080 2158 2
Desc: Latest ARC. 175% faster than 5.21C
2637 PICSW7.ARC X JAKOB 870421 39060 2150 28
Desc: New PicSwitch version 0.7
3122 STINVDRS.ARC X D.K.F. 870609 18900 1851 8
5148 SPSLIDE8.ARC X JKERSHNER 871213 8820 1537 28
4789 GALACTIC.ARC X J.FRADKIN 871116 37800 1517 8
Desc: Full version of Galactic Warriors
1558 MACNUDE.TNY X BOBR 861121 26460 1507 12
Desc: Possibly the BEST nude pic EVER!
12127 PINHED14.ARC X C.F.JOHNSON 890916 11340 1485 2
Desc: PinHead v1.4 - load programs *fast*!
8078 HAC_MAN.ARC X D.HELMS 880910 46620 1420 8
Desc: Pac-Man clone. Color.Good(joystick)

These I found to be quite interesting. Most of the files in the
1000+ access category were older files. That shouldn't be too much of
a surprise, since the greater time in the library naturally leads to
greater availability. But, the files in the lower library numbers are
still getting download counts. These files are all exceptional, and
deserve the banner of being the top ten. If you don't have them yet,
take the time out to download them (some of these files have been
updated...PINHED14.ARC is now PINHED17.ARC, and LHARC.ARC is now

o The libraries continue to grow at a functional rate. In the
past year, 4,720 files have been added. That's 12.9 files per day, 90.5
per week, and 393.3 files per month made available for downloading.

o The current storage needed to contain the ST Libraries (as of
7/12) is an amazing 397,482,120 bytes (that's 388,166 Kbytes or 379
Mbytes). At max capacity for a double sided floppy ( 80 tracks, 9
sectors/track...I know you can go bigger, but this is the standard), it
would take 548 (1095 single sided) disks to hold this data.

Where else could you get ST related programs, files, and product

Women & Computing
By Dorothy Brumleve

I think the fact that fewer women use computers has many causes,
so here's a peek at the ones I can think of offhand:

(1) Many men got into computing as a subset of a hobby in electronics
projects, an almost exclusively male hobby.

(2) For years and years, computing required a kind of "inside"
knowledge, much as UNIX does today. Those who weren't on the
inside didn't have the info.

(3) The general public does seem to think that computing requires an
awful lot of math, and as we all know, girls are a rarity in math
classes beyond trig, in fact, beyond algebra. This is a much-
studied subject, and both societal and gender-difference reasons
have been cited by researchers. I tend to think it isn't gender
related. (inherently that is)

(4) You have to know what a tool is for before you'll use it, and you
won't use it then even if you do know what it's for. All the
women I know in town who are into computing (including me!) got
into it because of word processing. They were typists, or
researchers, or simply letter-to-mom writers, and they used their
computer first as a typewriter. Later they began to explore other
applications. People keep buying these word-processing computers
when they could be buying a more general computer. I'm betting
it's mostly women who buy the damn things; they are scared off by
the word "computer" but if it will only do typing, then they think
of it as a typewriter and that's safe. My sister bought one of
these overzealous typewriters that waits for 16 characters or
something before it prints... $550. What a waste!

(5) Every blessed arcade game out there (ok, TETRIS and KLAX are excep-
tions are very carefully designed to appeal to boys). This means
that few girls play arcade games, and since arcades are a portal into
computing, I'm betting we'll have this gender disparity for many,
many years to come. I have a daughter who is every bit as computer-
literate as her brothers, but I only have one daughter compared to
four sons, so my family is not going to put a dent in this problem
when they mature...

(6) Who makes financial decisions in a family? Who chooses the stereo?
Who chooses the car? Who chooses the computer? At my house, my
husband used to do all this stuff, and still does to some extent;
I kept screwing up the checkbook. He brought home an ST. He
didn't encourage me to use it, but my son did, and I learned in
spite of him and ultimately took it over for myself. I think in a
lot of families the man makes these decisions, and he makes them
according to his needs. If my husband had brought home an MS-DOS
machine as so many do, I don't think I EVER would have touched it.

(7) Who designs the software? Is it designed with a woman's needs, a
woman's approach to computing, in mind? Hardly. As in the games,
many of the topics of computer applications are of little interest
to the typical woman, especially if she doesn't know a database can
help her do things, etc. Women not working outside the home are
only exposed to the kinds of things the man of the house (if any)
does on his computer (if any), and after all, the software was
designed for men and by men. Women in business are exposed to all
sorts of uses for computers, and they are more apt to use them at
home as well, even if the software is sex-biased.

Well, that's a start...


If you would like to comment or respond to Dorothy, you can contact
her in CATegory 22, TOPic 6. Her address is D.A.BRUMLEVE.

//////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "Doctor Bob, Doctor Bob ( wasn't that a line from /
/ Muppets? ).. Yo, Dr. Bob! I downloaded the demo /
/ last night.. I haven't seen any thing this nice /
/ for a LOOOONG time on the ST.." /
///////////////////////////////////// TJ-TREE ////////


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The cyclops that Jason and This cow lived with
the Argonauts met had this cow Dr. Doolittle


HELP!!! /
(NOT) For Beginners Only

o GE MAIL: Be a POWER user!

o GEnie Lamp QWIK_TIP:

GETTING HELP Time is money, and that is especially true when you're
"""""""""""" online. Your best defense against a enormous bill at the
end of the month is knowing what to do and when to do it. "(NOT) For
Beginners Only" is a column written with that principle in mind. Over
the next few issues, this column will discuss some of the tricks and
procedures that you can use on GEnie that will cut the amount of time
you spend online AND at the same time increase your online productivity.


GE MAIL POWER One of the best ways to save money on GEnie is to learn
""""""""""""" how to use the editor in GE Mail. Here is a list of
commands available in GE Mail at the command prompt. Following that,
are the Sub-commands available at the ENTER command.

1. ACCEPT - Accepts input from local microcomputer. To send an
an XMODEM file, use 'Upload XMODEM file' item on
page 200.
2. CANCEL nnnnnnn - Permits the sender to cancel a letter at any
3. DEFER - Marks the specified letter(s) as listed without
actually having listed.
4. DELEGATE addr - Redirects letters from the current address to the
specified address.
5. DISPLAY - Provides status of all letters that are current.
6. DISPLAY nnnnnnn - Provides activity status of a specific letter.
7. ENTER - Used for preparing and/or sending letters.
8. EXIT/STOP - Returns user back to GEnie Menu System.
9. FORWARD nnnnnnn - The letter is forwarded to designated
10. HELP - Lists the available GE Mail commands.
11. LIST I - Used to list respondent's current GE Mail
12. LIST nnnnnnn - Lists out a specific letter.
13. RELEASE ALL - Purges all letters that have been listed by the
14. RELEASE nnnnnnn - Purges letter nnnnnnn provided that it has been
15. REMIND nnnnnnn - Places a REQUIRED ACTION tag on a letter.
16. REPLY nnnnnnn - Similar to ENTER, provides automatic addressing.
17. REQUE - Sets Queue status to be recognized with unlisted
18. SCAN I - Same as LIST, except user will continue to be
reminded about letters and will not be released
as in LIST.
19. TBATCH - Same as ACCEPT except first 3 lines are taken as
as To, cc, and SUB.
20. USERS - Please select Page 200 - Item 8 to Search the
GE Mail Directory.

The following commands are available within the GE Mail ENTER

1. *ACC,addr - Adds addresses to the CC list.
2. *ATO,addr - Adds addresses to the TO list.
3. *CC,addr - Changes the addresses in the CC list.
4. *CHAVC - Editing command to change the text of the current
5. *COPY,nnnnnnn - Copies an existing letter into the current
6. *DELETE,n - Deletes line n from the current letter.
7. *HELP - Prints commands available to the ENTER command.
8. *INSERT,n - Inserts subsequent line text after line.
9. *LIST - Lists the current entered letter.
10. *LNH - Lists the current letter without header
11. *LOCATE - Editing command to locate text in the current
12. *M - Same as *CHAVC.
13. *NEXT - Permits the current letter to authorized users
and returns user to the ENTER mode.
14. *n,text - Replaces line n in the current letter with text.
15. ^n - Back up n lines in the current letter.
16. *PASS - Provides extra security protection to the current
17. *RESEQUENCE - Resequences the line numbers in the current text.
18. *SEND - Permits the current letter to authorized users
and returns user to the GE Mail command level.
19. *SUB,desc - Changes the letter subject.
20. *TAB,/ch/n - Establishes a TAB character and positions.
21. *TO,addr - Changes the addresses in the TO list.
22. *UPLOAD - Accepts input from Local disk file or tape.
23. *WIPE - Erases the text of the current letter and
returns to ENTER level.
24. *X - Erases the text of current letter and returns to
GE Mail command level.

GENIE QWIK_TIP Is it a good idea to leave a message in different BB
"""""""""""""" areas? No. Normally we delete multiple posts of the
same message, but sometimes we do not catch it for awhile. There is
really no reason to leave the same post in multiple topics. It is best
to just pick the most likely topic and leave it there. If you are
concerned that it may be missed, you can leave a short message in
another topic pointing to the longer message.







I have had a chance to use Word Up some since I posted my message
on Saturday and so far, I'm pretty happy with what I've seen.

The print quality on my Epson LX-810 is much better with Version
3.0 because Neocept shipped a new printer driver that provides me with
better resolution. Text only mode printing is _much_ better and offers
me the choice of 10 pitch, 12 pitch, or 15 pitch printouts.

All of the fonts supplied with 3.0 are new - Swiss is now Sans
(Serif), Dutch is now Serif, and Typewriter is now Typed and there are
several new fonts as well such as Book Sans, Book Serif, Corporate,
Distinctive, and Small and Large Math.

Old WordUp 2.0 files must be "opened" and then "saved" to convert
them to WordUp 3.0 format. The only problem that I experienced in the
conversion was that most of my old documents used either 14-point Swiss
or Dutch and the 14-point size was dropped in version 3.0. Otherwise,
no sweat!

The spell checker works fine. I loaded in my personal dictionary
file from Word Perfect and, after inserting carriage returns between
the words contained in it, ran Word Up's spell check program and
started a new personal dictionary file for Word Up.

There appears to be an import/export capability for 1st Word Plus
and Word Writer files as well as ASCII. I didn't try that since I use
Word Perfect as my other word processor.

There is now a Print Preview feature that proved to be really
handy to me in getting my text centered just right on the page (in
terms of vertical spacing).

The method of storing GDOS screen and printer drivers is new. You
place the printer driver and a file called NOT_USED.FNT in your GDOS.SYS
folder and the remainder of your screen and printer font files go in a
series of folders called FONTSDEV.xx where xx = the GDOS device number.
This is how they implement their new memory management scheme where you
can have all of the fonts available to you, but only load those into
memory that you need. However, I discovered that my Mega2 could not
handle _all_ of the GDOS fonts that I have (when I did, Word Up went
into terminal G+Plus load mode) and I wound up subdividing them into
three collections of folders.

Finally, there appears to be at least one lingering bug, this
related to screen garbage. While working with Word Up 3.0 for a while,
I noticed that when I called up command screens, picked my option, and
clicked on "OK" that some of the command box was left on the screen,
generally where the mouse pointer had been. I'm not certain if this is
entirely a Word Up problem or whether part of the problem is
attributable to my use of Turbo ST 1.82 or CodeHead Software's HotSaver
1.1 which reserves some 32K of RAM for screen memory. Perhaps, I can
isolated the cause during my future use of Word Up.

GENIE LAMP REMINDER Do you have any questions or comments that you
""""""""""""""""""" would like to relay to Neocept? Here's your
chance. Neocept will be in the RTC hot-seat on Wednesday - July 18,
1990, at 10:00 pm EDT in the ST Roundtable, Conference Room 1.

[*][*][*] [*][*][*]


Doug's (the author of OPUS) very modest. I used to (way back when)
use Swiftcalc 2.0 and Opus blows it well out of the water! From what
I've seen of a lot of other sheets in the $50-$75 range, Opus has no
competition. It's the shareware sleeper of the year for sure. No risk
here, just a super nice spreadsheet at a bargain price.

If you have GDOS (or better yet, G+Plus!) and the rest of the GDOS
requirements, then you get to access the fancy graphing functions too.
Doug must be a math prof or something, all the high-powered math
functions he put in Opus really leaves me at the gate. Nice to know
the power is there, though.


Well, I've finally got my internal 1.44 MB drive up and running on
my Mega ST4. The only problem installing it was in trying to get the
drive to the right height to match the existing slot in the Mega cover.
If you shim it up with nuts and washers (as DreamPark suggests) then
your screws will be about 1/4" too short. I used some cable posts and
they worked great! Cutting out the front of the Mega cover is a snap
as well.

So far, it seems to work exceptionally well. Instead of transfer
rates of around .3 - .35 MB per minute (as measured by Cheetah), you
get transfer rates up around .65 - .85 MB per minute! All of the normal
ST GEM software seems to work well with the drive. Procopy works - up
to version 1.70. Something was changed in version 1.80, and it's
unreliable with the PowerDrive.

The Blitz cable is dead. And it kills your machine (won't boot
properly). So if you get a PowerDrive, get rid of your blitz cable.

Every game I tried to boot worked well, and disk utilities handled
the new drive without a glitch. Michtron Utilities, and CleanUp worked
fine on it. Diamond Back II doesn't work right... yet. I should get a
beta copy any day now that has a fix for the PowerDrive! What a way to
back up your hard drive. Just format the disk with 20 sectors instead
of 18, and you get 1.6 MB per disk!

SuperCharger works OK with the PowerDrive, but I haven't managed
to get 1.44 MB working yet. I'm still trying... let you know in a
couple of days.

So far I love it! This is another "gotta have"! (If you read ST-
Informer, you'll know the significance of this phrase...)

See ya later... gotta go play now!


I just got the new Wuztek monitor cable, and it is slick. The
output on my monitor is even sharper than it was before, and now you
can use the Wuztek monitor with Revolver and have a mono session and a
color session running simultaneously! Wow! There will be a DA coming
that will allow you to switch resolutions with the click of a mouse

The only thing I would like to see changed is that the box
defaults to color mode when you first boot up. That should be user
selectable. I'd like to default to mono, but right now I have to hold
down the mono button while I'm booting up. Maybe in the next

ASK Ms. GEnie /
Questions & Answers About GEnie

o Read messages efficiently.

o Where is Gadgets?

o Why does GEnie use two different editors?

o What happens when a Category is replaced?

Hi everyone, welcome to, "ASK Ms. GEnie!" I've been selected by
the GEnie Lamp Staff to field any questions that you may have about the
Atari ST RoundTable or GEnie in general. Let's get started...


Dear Ms. GEnie,

I need a way to efficiently read messages from multiple categories.
I have downloaded several help files, and have yet to figure out a way
to do it. The best I have done so far is to set the cat, then do a read
date>xxxxxx nor, then repeat the process for each cat I'm interested in.
The problem with this method is that it is very slow == expensive. Is
there a better way? Anyone have a do file or something I can use as an
example? Thanks. -Alan

Dear Alan,

The IGN PERM is a very useful command, but if you IGN PERM CAT, you
will still see new topics as they are started in that category. If you
never want to see a particular category again, use the CANCEL command.
Just type CAN # (category #). You can always rejoin a category later if
you wish to.

IGN ALL will set your pointers to make all messages prior to the
time that you executed the function old. Then, all of the msgs posted
afterward will be new, and will called by any of the "new" commands,
such as browse (for read new) and ram (for read all new marked).

Some of us prefer to mark topics for reading rather than ignore
all of the ones we don't want to read. (Or, to browse some places and
to read marked in others.) One of my do files that logs me onto GEnie
takes me to the ST RT, browses cats 1, 2, and 14, and then reads all
of the marked topics in all of the other categories. It then goes to
the library, gets a brief listing of the directory, and then starts to
browse the longer listings from the highest file number available.

It uses the NOR suffix for its BRO CAT NOR, and RAM NOR
functions, so that it won't be interrupted by reply prompts, since I
do all of my replies offline.

If you use marking to select your topics instead of ignore to
de-select, you will also need to fix up a do file to periodically
examine each category for new topics, so you won't be left out of
knowing about some hot new topic that you have missed in categories
you don't browse.

You might also want to check out the file BB.HLP in the Software
Library. It contains explanations of a number of commands, as well as
navigation shortcuts.
Have a Happy!
Ms. GEnie


Dear Ms. GEnie,

What's going on? I can't find the Gadgets by Small support area.
Am I looking in the right place, i.e. under an ST area? Any help will
be appreciated. Thanks, Bob

Dear Bob,

Bob, Gadgets has its own RoundTable. Just type GADGETS or m690 at
one of the prompts to get there.
Have a Happy!
Ms. GEnie


Dear Ms. GEnie,

Why does GEnie use a different editor in the E-Mail area than it
does here? I've gotten into the habit of always doing a *P after I've
entered each post to make sure it came through the way I sent it, but
you can't do that in E-Mail.

Dear Wonder'n,

Most of the editor commands in email and the BB are identical, but
some (like the "*P") are not. The email message editor doesn't reformat
text to the recipient's screen width so *P is not a valid command there,
so use the *L instead.

The differences in the email and BB editors are a minor annoyance
to me also. For instance, whatever you do, don't use the *W command in
email. It will clear out the contents of the message and return you to a
blank line one as it does here, but it also clears the TO:, CC:, and
SUBJECT: lines also.

However, the differences are subtle ones for the most part and many
people never stumble over them. To my knowledge, there are no plans to
change any email or BB editor commands to bring them totally in sync
with each other. However, any suggestions or complaints about it can be
directed to FEEDBACK.
Have a Happy!
Ms. GEnie


Dear Ms. GEnie,

When a category gets replaced by a new one do individual user's
settings get reset (categories which were ignored become joined once
Need to know

Dear Need to know,

Yes, unless it is created as a private category. When a new
category is created, everyone is invited into it. If you never want to
see it again you can use the CANCEL command to avoid it.

[*][*][*] [*][*][*]

If you have a question you would like for me to address, post your
question on the GEnie Lamp Bulletin Board, CAT 34, TOPic 4 or leave
E/Mail to me, Ms. GEnie, in the "Feedback to SysOps" option on page 475.

Is That A Letter For Me?





You think it's hot outside? You should see what's cooking in the
bulletin board area!

[*][*][*] [*][*][*]

HOT, HOT, HOT! Want to get in on the "phony fax" scandle? You can
"""""""""""""" find all the latest gossip in CATegory 11, TOPic 7.

HOT, HOT, HOT II If you're not into Phony-faxes, how about
"""""""""""""""" who-dun-its? The mystery surrounding the file
access pumping has been solved... or has it? The saga continues in
CATegory 26, TOPic 4.

HOT, HOT, HOT III There's a little friction going on between the
""""""""""""""""" makers of QUICKST and TurboST. Seems as though
Softrek has made an offer that Darek would like everyone to refuse.
See CATegory 2, TOPic 13 for more details.

HOT, HOT, HOT IV It appears that Atari has some problems to work
"""""""""""""""" out with its new STe line. There have been
reports from all over the U.S. of people trashing their hard drives
upon boot-up. Strangely enough, not all STe computers seem to be at
fault. To keep up on the topic, see CATegory 14, TOPic 40.

One of the pleasures of reading the message bases is when I come
across a tip or a new way of doing something with my computer. Here's a
few examples of what has been posted in the last couple of weeks.

TOUCH-TYPISTS Here's a hint for touch-typists on the ST: Put a tiny
""""""""""""" drop of white glue in the middle of your F and J keys,
and allow to dry. Then it's easier to find the right keys when your
hands return to the keyboard, after using the mouse or whatever.
No more looking at the keys each time you come back! A.ZARCHY [Andrew]

HP DESKJET OWNERS I noticed that when printing the DJ+ would do some
""""""""""""""""" strange things towards the end of the page, like
leave a great big gap then form feed to a new page. Flipping up switch
#8 of the firstbank and #1 of the second bank take care of that
problem. These dips happen to be for skipping the perf and text

On plain ol' text dumps from my desk top it seems that the printer
does not want to print the last line or so. Mainly because it needs to
get a formfeed command from the desktop. Instead the busy light blinks
letting you know that there is no more data...but..gee dad is this all?
Kick the FF button, Mr. DJ+ is all smiles again! [M.GALE1]

WHAT IS ERROR 36? There are many reasons for an Error 36 (Access
""""""""""""""""" Denied/Not Possible). In my experiences the most
common is a file left open. For instance in a FoReM BBS the only time
you can play with the programs log file is if you use it the 'right'
way. Seems that FoReM keeps the file open except for when using the
System command, or executing a doors program. Any other time (while
FoReM is running) and you get an Error 36 because the file is still
'owned' by FoReM.

I'm not 100% sure, but under TOS 1.4 I believe that's the error #
that will pop up if you try to create a folder the same as a filename
already in existence, or vice-versa. Don't recall that restriction
under earlier TOS'. I'm sure there are other ways of getting that
error also. [WAYNE.D]

You can get the same error number if you attempt to delete a
folder that still has files in it or if you try to rename or delete
a file that is set to read-only. Dan [GRIBNIF]

COMLYNX FIX Had an interesting experience with the COMLYNX cable that
""""""""""" I thought I would pass on in case it would help others.

We had a real bad time getting either of our two cables to work.
You know, California Games and Gauntlet both would not "see" the other
machine. We played all sorts of games with the power-on timing between
machines, but ..

Anywho, I took a continuity tester the leads. They're stereo
plugs, mini sized, meaning you've got the tip, the ring below the tip,
and the lower ring (if you're holding a plug up). Interestingly, the
tip is not continuous through the wire; only the lower and higher rings
are. (Well, big surprise ... it's a two wire cable). Still, 'twas a
little eerie seeing tip disconnected.

I found that the plugs were not seating fully due to the plastic
molding halfway down the plug. They'd get most of the way in, but about
1/16th inch of the way home, they'd stop.

They collide with the plug and plastic of the Lynx case.

I took an Exacto blade and carefully trimmed about 1/8" off the
plastic molding by the plug. So you know, the metal extends down that
far, then expands outwards. I trimmed the plastic much as a pencil
sharpener would have.

Surprise, surprise, surprise ... next time I tried Gauntlet, it
worked fine the first try ... and it had never worked before. Ditto for
Cal Games.

We had a disk cable maker extend the plastic a little too far on
the GCR cable mold, and the solution is the exact same. (That prevented
the GCR cable from getting far enough into the 14-pin disk drive

So, if your cable is flaky and you don't mind violating your
warranty (grin), try trimming off the first 1/8th of plastic completely
and tapering it back from there. Just might do the trick.
-- thanks, Dave / Gadgets [DAVESMALL]

In GOING BUGGY? you will find messages that have been posted by RT
members that have found a problem with a particular piece of software
or hardware. It's important to remember that just because someone says
they have found a bug or caught a virus that things are sometimes not
always as they seem. There is always the possibility that they may be
having a problem with a conflicting desk accessory or auto-program or
it could even be hardware related and specific only to their set-up.

AUTO FOLDER MISH-MASH Software conflicts can make the best-built ST
""""""""""""""""""""" system unusable and make its user wail with
frustration. What is the best order in which to load AUTO Folder
programs and desk accessories? CATegory 2, TOPic 30.

BUGS AND THE TT John Townsend from Atari confirms that Ultrascript
""""""""""""""" does not work on the TT. He also stated that,
"Any problems that we find that are ours, we will fix. Any that are
the applications, we will notify the company of what they are doing
wrong. Ultrascript is high on the list of programs to be tested."
CATegory 14. TOPic 35.

CALAMUS I think I've discovered a new bug. When I mark a block of
""""""" text with the I-Beam cursor and click on centered text, I get
an internal error. This happens consistantly when performed upon the
first line of text. Normally I just change in the body of the text
but the first line. I don't think I have the latest update so maybe
this happens only to me. ...Bob [R.GILLIES] CATegory 16, TOPic 2

[*][*][*] [*][*][*]

Chet Walters is the focus of this issue's Message Spotlight. With
all the talk about problems users are having with the new STe, Chet's
message does bring a little dose of reality to it all.

-----------Category 14, Topic 40
Message 213 Tue Jul 10, 1990
C.WALTERS1 [Chet] at 04:31 EDT

Well, it just goes along with all the rest. I bought a lawn
mower motor to replace one that died. Turns out I needed a step shaft
and did not know it. I took it back and ordered one with a step shaft.
It came in. I took it home without looking in the carton. Opened it.
No step shaft. Took it back. Got another and this time opened it at
the shop. No step shaft. Got another. Finally a step shaft. Four
motors before I could cut the grass (by then it looked like those
"amber waves of grain" you've all heard about).

Next I bought a photocopier for productivity. Brought it to
the office. It was DOA. Took it back. It was the last one so I chose
another model. Brought it home. DOA. Screw this! Got the money and
bought a Laser printer instead for productivity. Nice printer. KX-
P4450 from Panasonic. Set it up and printed fine for about 10 minutes.
When the fuse got hot the laser got out of the kitchen. Would not
print even a self test. Called in the techie to replace the laser
unit. Worked fine thereafter if you like the left side of the page to
always print a quarter of an inch above the right. The text lines
looked remarkably like bezier curves. Finally screamed my way into a
replacement of the entire unit. Now it's ok.

Next, I got an air conditioner so's I could work in the office
during the day without shorting the keyboard from perspiration (sweat,
really) dropping on it from my forehead. The AC unit worked ok, but
the control was shorted probably from the sweat of an assembler's
forehead dropping on it at the factory. Got another. It's ok now.

Got an STe from Atari last week. Works fine for games and
such. Try to plug a harddrive into it and bye bye HD. Total havoc.
Called Atari. "Well, a certain percentage of the first run of US STe's
have weak DMA chains. (About 10% it seems) Send it back."

Oh, well, does anything work first time out of the box anymore?
Seems not. Some of the fireworks I had for the fourth of July were
duds too. The ones that worked were spectacular though! That's sort
of like Atari computers. When they work there's nothing can touch them.
To that I must add that the STe was the first bad unit I ever got from
Atari. Everything else I ever got from them worked fine and forever.
I sold my first beige beast 800 to a person and it's still going strong
after seven years. All of the Megas purchased by WizWorks have
performed flawlessly since they were plugged in. Except for a surge
that fried a monitor and power supply once, they've just been great

So, can I blame it on them? Not really. If you read the
above, it's just been my luck lately. Must be in the stars. I'll be
sure to check with Nancy's astrologer before I buy another big ticket
item. Mebbe I'll just have it shipped to a different address under an
assumed name and have my son pick it up for me. That might trick cloud
I've been working under lately.

Ralph - I will say this. They did not quibble at Atari at all.
They just said send it back. Not bad. They are getting better.
Atari that is. Lets not kick them while they're down. If there's a
problem then give 'em a chance. Saying they did this deliberately
smacks of paranoia. Sure, they've been lax in their duties, but hey,
look at the above and see who ain't been lately! The DEV program is
getting really responsive and responsible. Atari is on the way up.
Keep your eye on it! Might be a good time to invest in Atari stock now
that it's rock bottom priced. Dunno, I never was much good at that
stock stuff. Ok, I promise _I_ won't buy any. It'd be sure to dive if
_I_ got some. That's the way it's been for me lately.

_______Chet at \/\/iz\/\/orks :^{)

[*][*][*] [*][*][*]

While on GEnie, do you spend most of your time downloading files?
If so, you may be missing out some excellent information in the Bulletin
Board area. The messages which are listed above only scratch the
surface of what's available and waiting for you in the bulletin board
area.To help get you started, here are some of the bulletin board
highlights that have been posted in the last couple of weeks.

If you are serious about your Atari, the GEnie Lamp staff strongly
urge you to give the bulletin board area a try. There are literally
thousands of messages posted from people like you from all over the

//////////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE /////
/ "'s amazing how many glaring errors you can see /
/ in a newsletter that you spent days putting together... /
/ after it's printed! <grin>)." /
////////////////////////////////// LEPULLEY ///////////////

Other Areas Of Interest

GADGETS RT NEWS We've long wanted a self-running demo of the Spectre,
""""""""""""""" but we just haven't had the time to make one. So we
thought we'd ask if you would be interested.

What it needs to be is a demo that works without a Spectre or GCR
(or ROMs) of what the Spectre can do. It's straightforward to imagine
some screen shots (perhaps taken with a screen-snapshotter from the Mac
RT?) and a small program to fade between them. If we see one we like,
we'd be happy to trade a real, live MegaTalk board for it. Or perhaps
cash, but heck, who wants cash when a MegaTalk is available?

Naturally, any of the usual facts about Spectre (speed, etc) would
be welcome, but we're primarily looking for a demo that shows what
Spectre can do. It doesn't have to be a 2000 hour special, just some
good stuff. Other than that, I'd like to leave it to your imagination.

Contest is open to everyone except Doug, whom it wouldn't be fair
to include. (*grin*). All the usual stuff you read about contests --
you know, we judge 'em, etc -- applies here too. You know us.

Have fun, and feel free to send a disk over to us at our usual
address. Any questions? Feel free to ask. (Yes, it would be good if
it ran on color monitors -- but that's kinda difficult, as you know.)
-- thanks, Dave / Gadgets

////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE ///////
/ "BTW, According to Coca Cola, 12 oz = 355ml, and /
/ according to Pepsi Cola, 12 oz = 354ml. They can't /
/ agree on anything! *GRIN*" /
/////////////////////////////////// DOUG.W ////////////

Singing The Download Blues...
By Jeff Williams

Recently, I came across the message in the "Feedback To SysOps"
area from a new RoundTable member, Richard J. Sampognaro. (R.SAMPOGNARO)

In the interest of helping other new members, I'm reprinting
Richard's letter along with my response to him here in GEnie Lamp.


Hi, I'm new at GEnie, but I have used download from local BBS for
or a long time I was downloading file 13970 and after 968 blocks it cut
me off and I was no longer on line. I got an error message HDER, I'm
using an Atari 1040ST, and a 1200 baud MultiTech Modem, Is this
normal? Can you help me set up ymodem to speed up downloads or even
xmodem1k would be better than xmodem?


That file is quite large...there a couple likely possibilities why
you may have dropped the line while you were receiving it.

The first is interference on the line while you were downloading.
Even though it is electronic data being transferred, it is subject to all
the same things as you are when you are talking on the phone. In fact,
the modems are much more sensitive to it than you are. I'm sure you've
been talking on the phone many times when you could hear a bit of
crosstalk on the line. Crosstalk is being able to hear a conversation
that is not supposed to be on your connection. You've also heard
static, whistles, and pops sometimes. We humans are terribly discerning
and selective about what we'll pay attention to. Most crosstalk or line
interference isn't so bad that we cannot hear the person who we are
talking to. We are able to "filter" out the extraneous noises and
concentrate solely on the other person on the line with us. Consumer
grade modems, unless you spend an awful lot of money, are not able to be
as selective as we humans. To them, every sound (er, electronic signal)
on that line gets equal attention. If the background "noise" is strong
enough, the modem can't filter it out. If it is bad enough, one or both
of the modems on the line will drop carrier.

One indication of line noise can be noticed if your terminal
software displays errors during file transfers. If the receiving modem
detects an error, it will signal back to the other modem to retransmit
that block that didn't make it through okay the first time. When this
happens, many terminal programs will display a count of bad blocks
encountered. When you see a lot of error blocks, you are best off
disconnecting and trying the download in another online session. It is
almost a certainty that your call will establish a path through other
switching stations, so you will probably not encounter further troubles.
But if the trouble is between you and your telephone switching station,
or between your GEnie node and its switching station, then you might run
into line problems with greater consistency. Pray it was a problem
elsewhere. <grin>

Another nasty guy is call waiting. Call waiting is the natural
enemy of modems. When you hear that pulse of tone indicating to you
that someone else is trying to call you while you are on the phone, you
have no problems with that. But a modem breaks carrier immediately!
There are some very expensive modems with enough error detection and
error correction logic built into them to compensate for call waiting,
but most consumer-level modems aren't capable of this. If you have call
waiting as one of the services you've contracted for with your phone
company, consider getting rid of it. If you can't or won't get rid of
call waiting, call your telephone customer representative to find out if
you can disable call waiting for individual outgoing calls. In most
areas that allow you to disable call waiting, you just punch up *70 and
then dial the number. If you don't have touch tone service, you might
be able to dial 1170 in front of the phone number. What happens then is
for that single outgoing call, people calling you will get a busy signal
if they try to call you while you are online. Most modems will accept
the addition of *70 to the front of the phone number. But not all areas
with call waiting allow for disabling call waiting in this manner.
Check with your phone company if you have call waiting.

If you have any telephone extensions in the house, someone picking
up another phone on that line could cause a disconnect.

Another thing you want to pay attention to is how much free space
you have on the disk that you are downloading any file to. If your disk
fills up while you are still receiving a file, you are out of luck.
Most terminal programs are nice enough to notify you of the problem, but
some might behave badly and shut down the modem. This isn't terribly
likely, but you never know.

Finally, it could be a GEnie problem. But it has to be a
documentable problem...that is, you have to provide GEnie with enough
information so they can run diagnostics on the line and GEnie equipment
to see if anything is wrong. Here is the information you have to
provide GEnie Client Services in order to help them help you. Be
prepared to tell them what computer, what modem, and what terminal
software you are using. You'll also have to tell them where you are and
what phone number you call to connect to GEnie. They'll also want to
note what baud rate you are using. And there is one more piece of
information that can save them a whole lot of time in tracking down a
suspected GEnie problem. At any GEnie page prompt, type and enter the
word PORT. This will return with a long port number and a short MRC
number. Make note of both of them and give them to Client Services when
you report the problem.

The trouble with the PORT command is that you can't use it
retroactively. That is, if a problem actually breaks the
connection between you and GEnie before you use the PORT command,
there is no guarantee that your next call to GEnie will be on the
same port as it was previously. For that reason, I always do a PORT
command as soon as I log onto GEnie. In fact, it's part of my autologon
routine for GEnie. This way, if I have a line problem and want to tell
GEnie about it, all I have to do is look back in my capture buffer for
the PORT number I was using.

Obviously you can't do a PORT command while you are in the middle
of a file transfer, but if you ever notice spurious characters appearing
on your screen while reading email, reading messages, or while you are
moving about on GEnie, get to a page prompt as soon as possible and do
the PORT command just in case you have to report a problem. Or, if you
do like I do (doing a PORT command as soon as you logon each time), you
won't have to worry about not getting a PORT number -after- troubles
start occurring. You'll have the PORT number already!

To notify GEnie Client Services of a possible GEnie problem, you
can get hold of them in one of two ways. To send them email on GEnie,
just enter the word FEEDBACK at any GEnie page prompt. You will then be
prompted to type your message to GEnie Client Services. The other way
is to call them on their toll-free voice line. The number is 1-800-638-

Many terminal programs support xmodem, xmodem 1k, and ymodem batch
file transfer protocols. You'll have to check the documentation for
your terminal program to see how they are used. However, if your
program doesn't support any or all of these, I would heartily recommend
you download XYZ.ARC. It is file #13099 in the ST Roundtable's Software
Library. It includes all the information on how to use it. With some
terminal programs, you can run a program like XYZ.TTP without exiting
the terminal program. If yours doesn't, you might have to quit the
terminal program and start XYZ.TTP from the desktop when you want to
transfer one or more files. XYZ.TTP supports the xmodem, xmodem 1k,
ymodem, and zmodem transfer protocols.

If you have any questions that are more specific to the software
you are using, let us know which terminal program it is. If it's one
that one or more of us sysops are familiar with, we can probably

you in to the parts that you are having trouble getting to work right
for you.

Well, I think I've given you MORE than enough to mull over in one
session. I hope you had your capture buffer on! I can get a bit
professorial at times and run away at the keyboard. <grin>

Jeff Williams
Atari ST Roundtable

////////////////////////////////////// GEnie QWIK_QUOTE /////
/ "I once had a tech school teacher who summed it up pretty /
/ well. A student came to him whining that a transister /
/ that he'd been issued for an experiment was bad. The /
/ teacher said, "Well, you learned something then. You /
/ need to learn to LIKE problems, because it will be your /
/ job to fix them." That's why I love my job so much. The /
/ only time I don't love a problem is when it's one I've /
/ solved a million times before." /
///////////////////////////////////////// R.RANDALL5 ////////

Yours For The Asking

Program Name : Many Borders & Many Icons
Library Area : 5
Program Number : 15594, 15549
File Size : 46620, 177660
Program Type : DTP Icons and Borders
Author : Dennis Kamber
Ver. Reviewed : N/A
File Type : Tradeware (See Read-me file for details.)

[*] [*] [*]

WHAT IT IS This little collection contains well over 1,000 borders
"""""""""" and icons! For ease of downloading it has been split into

These were formerly PrintMaster type icons and borders, to the
best of my knowledge, every thing in this package was found in the
Public Domain.

PD_Q RATING * * * *
PD_Q COMMENTS If you are into Desktop Publishing in any shape or form,
""""""""""""" GET these files! There are literally thousands of icons
and borders to choose from. all in .IMG format. Each .IMG file contains
50 or so icons, ready for clipping using your favorite .IMG utility.

'Till Next Time

COMMENTS? If you would like to ask a question, leave a comment or just
""""""""" drop in and say hi, you can contact us in CAT 34. Or if you
prefer to remain private, you may use the "FEEDBACK TO SYSOPS" command
on page 475, or leave a message to one or more of the following

o John F. Peters (ST-GUEST) Publisher/Editor
o Darlah J. Pine (DARLAH) Editor
o Sandy Wilson (SANDY.W)
o Fred Beckman (FB)
o Jeff Williams (JEFF.W)
o John J. Kennedy (JJKENNEDY)
o Larry Duke (LARRY.D)

HOT OFF THE PRESS GEnie Lamp is published on the 1st and the 15th of
""""""""""""""""" every month for our Atari ST RoundTable members on
page 745, option 5.

If you prefer to download your issue of GEnie Lamp, you will find
the current issue as well as all the back issues on page 746, in the
GEnie Lamp library, #35.

PROBLEMS? If you are having trouble finding your way around GEnie or
""""""""" have a question you would like an answer to, we've asked
Ms. GEnie, our resident expert, to start a column just for you. If
you would like to have Ms. GEnie tackle one of your questions, you can
post your message in CAT 34, TOPic 4. (See "[ASK] MS. GEnie" for more

½ 1990 by T/TalkNET OnLine Publishing, Atari Corporation, GEnie, and
the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact.
The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services
of Atari Corporation.

To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon
connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.
Type XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for
your information.

Signed articles are the opinion of the authors and are not necessarily
the opinion of the publisher or staff of GEnie Lamp. We reserve the
right to edit all letters and copy.


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