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The Open PSF ripping guide

The Open PSF ripping guide 12/05/03

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 · 3 years ago

Maintained by someone42 (
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  • Introduction
  • The basics of PSF
  • What is PSFLIB?
  • Ripping tools
  • Learning Assembly
  • Is it custom?
  • Is it streamed?
  • Ripping
  • Timing and Tagging
  • Ripping Example
  • History
  • Conclusion/Credits


Welcome to this PSF ripping guide. Hopefully it will answer your questions related to PSF ripping in general. This document does not apply to PSF2 or other formats.

This guide was created for a number of reasons:

  • At time of writing only *8* people had posted complete rips.
  • Compare this to the potential tens of thousands who download the rips - The psf_rippers message group spiralled into a flame war after someone requested some rips, stating that they did not know how to rip and that there was no guide
  • There simply isn't another document like this! (at time of writing)

I encourage you, the newbie, to ask questions, so hopefully this can become a sort of faq, and I ask you, the veteran, to post all the wisdom you have gained while ripping here so that it may be passed on.

"I have little programming experience, but there is this game I want to rip and I'm willing to do a lot to do so"

OK, before you begin, answer the following questions:

  • Are you willing to learn a programming language?
  • Are you willing to learn assembly (specifically MIPS assembly)?
  • Are you willing to stay up to 1am on Friday/Saturday nights stepping through R3000 assembly?
  • Will you still be willing to rip the music if you spent two weeks doing the above?

"WHAT!? So it takes that much to rip PSFs. I'm outta here!"

Wait, don't let that put you off. Remember, if you rip a PSF set after learning programming and assembly, you will have gained new skills. There are people in this world who look for people who are highly skilled in programming. Why not use this as an excuse to learn programming? Also keep in mind that "reverse- engineering a competitor's product to find out how it works" is actually legal, and numerous companies have hired people to do that. Just think of Bleem (they were sued not because of reverse-engineering, but because of copyright breach of the BIOS and stuff like that).

If you already have programming background and know assembly, then good for you.
Seriously, I am a BASIC programmer, and I managed to rip a set. Some sets are easier than others.

I AM NOT A PRO AT THIS. I only created this guide because no-one else wanted to.
Hell I'm a BASIC programmer!


To be able to start ripping, you must know how the PSF format actually works.
All a PSF file is, is a compressed PSX-EXE that plays the game's music.
Specifically, you get the main game executable, hack all the non-music stuff out of it, import relevant music data and voila.

This hacked out music-playing section is referred to as the "driver".

Remember, a PSX-EXE has a defined "text entry" and a defined "text length". No data outside these bounds is defined. Remember this when importing music data.

All sequenced data contains two parts: the samples, and the sequences. Those who know tracked music or who track themselves know what I mean. Samples are sounds (eg. A piano). Sequence data dictates exactly how these sounds are to be played.
Indeed, speeding the sound of a middle-C on a piano up by a specific amount makes it sound like playing a middle-D. As well as that, sequence data also dictates tempo, volumes, what samples are to be played etc. (much like MIDI).

Note that the SPU has its own independent 512KB of RAM to store ADPCM-like samples in. As a result many games have separate "sample packs" for each individual track, even if they contain duplicate instruments.

In "normal" PSFs, sample data is always VAB and sequence data is always SEQ.
Sometimes a driver will use SEQ but not VAB. Sometimes it is VAB but not SEQ.
Sometimes the driver is completely custom so the formats may be more obscure (eg. FF7). Note that I personally do not have any experience with custom drivers. (*Someone add something here*)

All music playing drivers (including custom) consist of the following psuedo- Routines (routines that aren't named like that, but do the things in their name):


And hidden away in some interrupt routine:


As a PSF ripper it is your responsibility to find all of these routines. It helps if you can find a "sound test" routine in the code (eg. In debug mode of the game) since it will most definitely contain these routines, except for InitSystem.


PSFlib can be described as a hack to get PSFs even smaller than they already are. You must understand that only some PSF sets can be converted to minipsf (which is another name for psflib).

Many PSFs contain common data. The most obvious of this is the driver. The driver is included in every single PSF. So if the driver is 50KB, and there are 50 psf files, then the driver takes up 50KB * 50 = 2.5MB. For the sake of bandwidth, it makes sense to somehow eliminate this redundant data. You can do this by including the driver once, as a separate file, and having all other files refer to this one file.

This is achieved by the _lib tag. The PSF specification defines the loading order of psfs/psflibs as:

  • _lib, actual psf, _lib2, _lib3, _lib4 etc.
  • _lib2 (and up) and _lib do not have to exist
  • _libN tags must be in order (ie. To have _lib4 you must have _lib2 and _lib3, but _lib does not necessarily have to exist as it is not a _libN tag)

The first file found in the loading order will have its entry point address used. That is, if a _lib tag exists, then the exe start (entry point) in the file pointed to by _lib will be used. If not, then the entry point defined in the actual psf will be used.

Lets say we have the files hello.psflib and foobar.minipsf. foobar.minipsf refers to hello.psflib using a _lib tag. hello.psflib has an entry point of 0x80026477, text start of 0x80010000 and a text length of 0x10000. foobar.minipsf has an entry point of 0x801fffff, text start of 0x80100000 and a text length of 0x8000. Because hello.psflib is referred to by the _lib tag, it is loaded first, so the entry point is 0x80026477 and the memory at 0x80010000 - 0x80110000 is filled with the contents of hello.psflib. Then the actual psf is loaded at 0x80100000 - 0x80108000, its entry point is ignored. Notice how the actual psf overwrote an area in memory of the psflib? This was intentional (eg. Track specific driver code) but in general make sure your text start/text length of your minipsfs and psflib do not overlap unless intended.


OK. When I first found out about PSFs I was ecstatic. True-quality game music in 10-100 times less space than MP3! I wanted to rip legend of legaia, but Neill's mini-howto referred to using "IDA Pro". Since this costs something like $400 I decided not to rip legend of legaia. But one day while surfing I found:

http://www.alp(hello)"world"th2/psf/ida.htm (remove the (hello) and "world")

[Yay! CaitSith2 has gotten a new site]

There you go, that's a lot of questions answered.
(If you already have IDA Pro still go here to get the PSYQ signature files) (Please do not download those files if you are not going to surely rip PSFs. They are big and I'm sure caitsith2 would appreciate less bandwidth use.) PSFLab, PSF-O-Cycle, PSFPoint and of course Highly Experimental are available from Neill's site:

Of course I stole these links off the "links" section in the psf_rippers group. I also found to be useful:

Search.exe (Search V1.1 by Reptile) (finds SEQ/VAB data in data files with virtual filesystems)

Seq2mid (useful for figuring out which SEQ files are which)

PSEmuPro - Despite being an old emulator, it has a debugger which can step and set breakpoints (but unfortunately cannot assemble into memory)

Paper and hex calculator - I have many pages filled with hex numbers scrawled all over them. Most starting with "80"

WinHex - Any hex editor will do, but since WinHex was the one I had, this is the one I used. However it is crippleware and cannot save >250KB files. You can find many others on the internet. (*Someone add something here*)

Cygnus Hex Editor - - allows saving, has basic features (eg. search)

AdriPSX - - This is a pretty good emulator in terms of speed and compatibility, but the highlight is that its savestates are not compressed, which means you can hack them! (Or extract music data from them)

ePSXe - - ePSXe savestates are simply g-zipped, so you can use programs such as WinZip or WinRar to unzip them. [Thanks to Knurek for pointing that out]

Also look at the psf_rippers group at You can generally ask ripping related questions there. I would not post rip requests there if I were you :)


If you do not already know programming/assembly, then be prepared to learn a lot. It may not be worth it to learn programming just to rip PSFs, but if you decide that you like programming and go furthur, then all the better for you.

First, you should learn a high-level language such as C, C++, Pascal and BASIC.
Assembly should NEVER be your first language. Learn what iteration is, learn what conditions are. Learn what common conventions in programming are. If you find this all boring, then you will find PSF ripping even more boring.

Don't ask me (or anybody) where to find tutorials. I can find hundreds of C tutorials on in two minutes. So can you.

Once you have learnt a programming language, or if you already knew one, then it is time to learn assembly. Assembly tends to be about the same across all platforms, so you can start by learning x86 assembly.

The Art of Assembly is far by the best online assembly tutorial ever (IMHO). I started with the 16-bit version, I don't think it matters which version you select, as long as you know the difference between NAND and AND, the difference between passing by reference and passing by value etc.

Big read, isn't it. 1000+ pages when printed actually. In fact it is used as a textbook in some university computer science courses. But it teaches you nearly every single thing about assembly, and more. You can learn assembly by this text alone.

I learnt R3000 assembly nearly by accident. One day I decided I would get into N64 emulation. So I created a dissassembler for the N64. This required me to go through all opcodes. Since ultimately I wanted to make an emulator (I never did), I went over what each instruction did. The N64 uses a r4300i processor, which is backwards compatible with the R3000, so when it came to PSF ripping, I knew my way around.

The document I used is known as the "MIPS IV Instruction Set". A quick search on google points to: isa.pdf

Note that the MIPS IV instruction set includes additional instructions not present on the R3000 processor in the playstation. In fact the playstation CPU is missing a floating point co-processor! But this document describes exactly how each instruction works, including psuedo-code. (Ignore all 64-bit instructions as well). The MIPS architecture is very popular among embedded systems, so if you are ever going to get into that kind of stuff...

The playstation CPU is actually a variant of the R3000, all non-coprocessor instructions should work, but there is no floating point unit, and there is an additional vector/matrix math co-processor. The memory management coprocessor is also there. You do not need to know anything about them (the math/memory coprocessors) to rip PSFs.

You will also need to know about the general playstation architecture, especially the SPU. - contains one very good document - is actually the library reference for the net yaroze devkit, but the functions are similar Look at the "files" section in psf_rippers yahoo groups ( as it contains other library references that you will find useful. The "compilers" and "Ripping Tools" sections contain these files.

(*Someone add something here* - I didn't have to refer to much architecture stuff to rip lol, so I don't know many sites)


Generally, your first rip should not be a custom driver because they are the hardest. To figure out if it is a custom driver, look for the following text strings:


Notice how they are backwards? That's because MIPS is a mainly big-endian architecture, so stuff is backwards. Keep this in mind when ripping. Also, it helps to treat everything as words (MIPS WORD IS 32-BITS!). Most of the time everything is aligned to 4 byte boundaries.

Oh, and if you find many many of those strings, you've got yourself a non-custom driver.


Another thing to consider is whether the game uses streamed music or not. If the game uses streamed music, ripping a psf will be impossible. A psf is self- contained, so it *cannot* read off a cd or do non-sound stuff. Therefore streamed music (which reads off the cd) will not work.

(There may be cases where it is possible to rip streamed music. If it is psf2, Neill Corlett has made a generic psf2 streaming driver. A psf2 is not entirely self-contained. Also, if the streamed music is very very short, a psf rip might be possible.)

How do you tell if it is streamed? Neill offered a simple way: just play the game on a real playstation, then when you start hearing the music you want to test, hit the eject button. Listen for a few minutes. If the music continues, then you have sequenced music, which can be ripped into psf. If the music starts skipping or abnormally looping, then that music is probably streamed.

Another way to test is to use an emulator that supports the "P.E.Op.S. DSound Audio Driver 1.7" SPU plugin. In the config it has a "developer window" which you can use to mute SPU voices. Now play the game and get up to some music, all while that annoying developer window is showing. Then while the music is playing, you'll notice some streams going in the developer window. Mute all those streams except for one. If all you hear is a single instrument (or alternating instruments) playing, you have sequenced music. If you hear the music in full, you probably have streamed music. You may have to test more than one of those streams (voices). Also note that sometimes you get sound effects or drumloops, which can be misleading.

Finally, you can use a program like psmplay to search for streams within the game data. This will not always find the streams, but at least you know that if it finds streams, the music in those streams is definitely streamed.

Remember, games can sometimes store music in both streamed and sequenced formats. For example, Final Fantasy 9 has sections of streamed music, but the majority of the soundtrack is sequenced. In a case like that, you can only include the sequenced music. Streamed music is often of a much better quality (eg. live orchestra as opposed to "synthesised") and often accompanies streaming video.


Here's the big part of it. Open up the main game executable in IDA Pro, named something like "SLUS_010.13". If you can't find it then open up "SYSTEM.CNF" in a text editor and there should be a line saying "BOOT = cdrom:\<filename>". <filename> is the filename of the boot exe, which is usually the main exe. Sometimes this is not the case, such as with Dino Crisis 2 (this loads another file and executes it). (Be sure to enable "view hidden files".)

IDA Pro will probably recognize the EXE as a PSX-EXE, but sometimes it doesn't correctly apply the psyq signatures (go to http://www.alp(hello)"world"th2/psf/ida.htm (remove the (hello) and "world") to find those signatures if you don't have them). To apply them click "File", select "Load file", and click "FLIRT signature file". Then double click on "PSYQ". You can also press SHIFT+F5 or click on that funny flower thing, and if PSYQ is not there, press insert (on your keyboard) and double click on PSYQ. (Thanks to zoopd2 for pointing all that out.)

This file is actually a PSX-EXE (it took me a while to figure that out). Wait for IDA Pro to finish its analysis. Note that the analysis is sometimes very wrong, so you may have to work on the file yourself. Go to start() or main(). start() calls main() anyway, so that doesn't matter. Write down the address of these entry points. This is the start and will be your "hook" that you will use to figure out where you are.

Note that just after the start() entry point is a loop which copies nulls into a range of addresses. This is the "BSS clearing loop". WATCH OUT. This thing can overwrite your psf data if you are not careful. Be careful also that:

 lui $t0,0x8005 
addiu $t0,0xFFFC

will NOT load 0x8005FFFC into $t0, but will load 0x8004FFFC. Why? Because all adds are signed adds (even if it is unsigned, which simply means overflow is never raised). Because 0xFFFC is negative, it decrements 0x8005 as a form of "borrow".)

Familiarise yourself with the known calls. Look out for spu calls (_spu_xxxxx) and stuff like ssSeqOpen, ssSeqPlay, ssVabTransferBody, ssVabOpenHead etc. If all these appear in IDA Pro then half the rip is done.

(If the driver is custom, you will have to find equivalent functions. You should probably try identifying low-level SPU calls first, so you can work your way up.)

If not, then you will have to find them (or their equivalents). Look for things like SsInit or _SsInitSoundSeq. It is dreadfully obvious what functions these are related to. Just as a refernce, the psuedo-functions you are looking for are:

 InitSystem (SsInit, ResetCallback) 
InitMusicSystem (_ssInitSoundSeq, _ssInit???, SpuSetReverb, _SpuInit, SpuStart)
LoadSampleData (ssVabOpenHead, ssVabTransferBody, SpuSetTransferMode,
LoadSequenceData (SsSeqOpen)
PlaySequenceData (SsSeqPlay, SsSetMVol)
PlayNotes (_ssNoteOn)

Note that PlayNotes will probably "find itself", as it will already be programmed into the game code to tie itself to an interrupt routine. LoopInfinitely is what you have to put in yourself (when all init stuff is complete and the program is sitting "idle", waiting for interrupts).

All the functions in parenthesis are functions which *may* be associated with the psuedo-functions. I'm not 100% sure of this. (*Someone add something here*)

Finding these psuedo-functions is one of the hardest part of ripping. One trick is to do a "stack trace". This is where you use PSEmuPro and set a breakpoint on a function under investigation, and henceforth set breakpoints on the return addresses as they come. This produces a list of originating function calls. If you examine where $a0, $a1, $a2 and $a3 (argument registers) point to and find pQES or pBAV, then you may have found a loading function. Note that sometimes arguments point to pointers (and even pointers of pointers).

PSEmuPro is useful in another case. If you patch a PSX-EXE and use PSEmuPro's "devkit mode" then you can run this patched PSX-EXE, but it will be as if you ran it off the CD. In this way the game will function exactly as it normally does in PSEmuPro, but with the patched stuff in. This technique does not work with ePSXe, but I believe you can stuff around with savestates to achieve the same effect.

Another way to point out functions is to look at another file. I noticed "GetVideoMode" was above "PCopen" in another game, it appears in legend of legaia there is a very similar function above "PCopen", so I named that function "GetVideoMode".

Functions can sometimes be revealed by debug info. The programmers of legend of legaia were nice enough to leave numerous debug strings in the code including "This is not SEQ data". Obviously this text would only be displayed inside a SEQ loading routine, so by finding references I found ssSeqOpen.

You may also have to find some music data to test with. For now, just pick whatever is loaded first (eg. Title screen) to make things easier. You have got to isolate exactly what data is associated with the music. If the game just loads different files in a music directory, then that is easy. If the game uses a virtual filesystem, then you may have to do signature searches (pBAV, pQES).

The encoding format used by the SPU seems to have a recognizable format. There seems to be two bytes (eg. 27 02) followed by a series of 14-bytes that seem to be close to each other eg. "EF EE DD CD CC DC". (Not always like this, but there are definitely sections with sequences like that.) This is recognizable in hex editors as you can see a column of 02s or 03s or whatever. Take this advice with a grain of salt, I do not know the format and it is protected by Sony, however I do know it is based on ADPCM, so it makes sense as the two bytes are a "block header" and the 14 bytes "block data". Even custom drivers have this sort of format.

After finding the main music functions and isolating some music data, you should then NOP out all non-music stuff in PSFLab. The easy way to do it (ie. The way I do it) is to look at a function call (jal 0x80??????) and put a breakpoint two instructions ahead (remember MIPS architecture executes the instruction immediately following the jump in memory, before the jump). Then hit F2 to save the state, hit F5 and see whether the breakpoint fires. If it doesn't then the psf playing core will freeze at that section. Try and see what it does in IDA Pro. If it is something like "MulMatrix0" or "SetGeomScreen" which are obviously not music related, NOP it out. Otherwise write down the address and NOP it out anyway. NOTE: sometimes you may have to follow the call and do this process within the call, sometimes subroutines contain calls to all types of devices. Every now and then run the altered PSX-EXE in PSEmuPro to see whether it still works. It was really funny seeing the legend of legaia title screen get progressively stuffed up (while the music was still active, of course).
Eventually you will get to a point where all the music is loaded and the command to start playing has been issued. Simply create an infinite loop (don't forget the NOP following the jump). Test it in PSEmuPro to see whether it still works. Chances are it won't. You see, by NOPing out all these functions, you've stripped away certain routines crucial to music. Music data has to be loaded from the CD, doesn't it? But you've NOPed out the CD routines! You have to import the music data you've isolated into some location, change the exe size to incorporate it, make sure the music data isn't stuffed around with (eg. By the BSS clearing loop), and force the music loading routines to point to the locations you've loaded the music data into.

If it still doesn't work, analyse the nature of all the functions you have NOPed out. Find out which ones don't like to be NOPed out and figure what is wrong with them. Sometimes they contain subroutines that call non-music stuff, like PADInit, which you will have to NOP out. Find out at what point the music stops - start with an unaltered PSX-EXE, slowly make changes to it, testing it with PSEmuPro. This allows you to pinpoint the problem.

After a lot of debugging, you should now have a PSX-EXE that works in PSFLab and ePSXe/PSEmuPro. Well done, you have your first PSF! (Just save it in PSFLab as PSF). Now you will have to do the rest of the set. If you have a sound test mode available in the game, get into it and see where each track is stored (by setting breakpoints). Often SEQ data is paired with VAB data (beware, they can be paired in any order). Sometimes there is a common sample set. Sometimes there is more than one VAB associated with a SEQ. If you really want, you can reverse- engineer the virtual filesystem of the game to make finding the other files easy for you (which is what I did), but I warn you this can be hard. Of course if you have individual files for each track stored on the CD obviously, then it is all made for you.

Oh yeah, remember to "remove unused data".


After making the entire set, you have to time and tag the set. This should be pretty self-explanatory, but keep in mind:

  • Don't put your name in the "artist" tag, do some research and find out who the composer actually is
  • Also find out the correct copyright dates
  • Don't take credit for someone else's rip
  • It is conventional to time for two loops (ie. Play tune, play tune again, fade)
  • Do not fade on tracks that do not loop
  • Try to time as accurately as possible
  • You can use psfpoint to make things easier for you (eg. For copyright)


[ Note: Many will find this section confusing and cryptic. I suggest you go to zophar's domain's psf section and download the Vanguard Bandits rip, then open up vb.psflib in psflab so you can follow on. I can supply the original psx-exe on demand]

Originally, I decided to include all my notes from the legend of legaia rip, but they were scattered and I couldn't remember exactly how I went through it. So I chose another "easy" rip and documented that.

During this rip I found out a new hex editor, "Cygnus Hex Editor" and a new emulator, "AdriPSX".

OK, I'll select a game in my collection that hasn't been ripped: Vanguard Bandits. Looking at cdrom:\epica.bin, there seems to be pQES and pBAV signatures all over the place, indicating a possible easy rip.

Anyway, we'll open Slus_010.70 in IDA Pro and wait for the analysis to complete.
PSYQ is recognized, so nothing needs to be done there.

Well what do you know! A range of ssSeqXxx functions are detected as well as ssVabOpenHead etc. This should be easy.

main() contains the following calls:

 jal _main 
jal GetSp
jal SetMem
jal SetVideoMode
jal ResetCallback
jal VSync
jal 0x800162E0 - This calls GetSp and VSyncCallback
jal 0x800163A8 - Does some PAD stuff, calls SsInitHot. Although this is a sound function, I think it just makes the "bleep" noise that you hear when you select something. It also may have something to do with the streamed music at the start.
jal 0x800130E0 - Large function, makes CD related calls. Probably a loading routine, or part of the start up video routine.
jal 0x80016A6C - Doesn't make any calls, moves data around
jal 0x8001493C - Makes lots of ssInit-like calls. I'm naming this function MusicInit because that's obviously what it does.
jal GsInitGraph
jal 0x80018468 - HUGE function, obviously game loop
jal ResetGraph
jal 0x80014D4C - Calls SsQuit
jal PadStop
jal StopCallback

When making a PSF, we will only consider 0x8001493C, as that is obviously crucial to the music system. All other functions (except the game loop) are non music related. SsQuit does not need to be called. Technically, the game should never execute anything after the game loop, except in an exception.

The next function we'll examine is 0x80018468, the game loop. It initially has two calls:
jal 0x80018270 - Calls lots of things including SsVabTranfer. Although this may be important, I think it just loads sound effects
jal 0x8002842C - Goes furthur into the game loop

Before we go through 0x8002842C, consider that music only starts when you press "Load". So we'll need to find out what function is called when you press "Load".

Put a breakpoint on 0x8002842C. Progressively going through and putting breakpoints two instructions after each call, we find that the menu screen displays on 0x80077FD0, and no breakpoints fire. After you select "Load", the breakpoint fires! Note that v0 = 1 here. I did a little experiment, if you select "Start" v0 = 0. If you select "Options" the breakpoint doesn't fire.

Indeed there is an instruction that compares v0 to 1, and if it is 1 jumps to 0x800284B8.

The first function called in 0x800284B8 is 0x80029F34. This seems to make a lot of music calls, but also a lot of other functions. Setting a breakpoint two instructions after this indicates that this function really is a "Load" function, since the breakpoint doesn't fire while you are in the load screen (but if you press triangle to go back to the main menu, then the breakpoint fires).

So we will examine 0x80029F34.

The first function called is 0x8002A178. This makes many music related calls, including ssVabOpenHead and ssSeqOpen. None of the other functions seem to make music related calls, except for:

 jal 0x80014B98 - Calls music volume related functions 
jal 0x8002A0E0 - Calls SsUtVibrateOn, plus graphics calls. I think we can ignore this one
jal 0x8002A268 - Makes reverb calls, ssSepClose. This probably stops the music.

I decided to try an experiment. I opened Slus_070.10 in PSFLab (using "Import PS-X EXE") and at 0x80029F50 created an infinite loop:

 j 0x80029F50 

Then exported the PS-X EXE as sces017a.exe on my hard drive. I used PSEmuPro's "Run DevKit" mode to load and execute this patched exe. (Using the "Load exe" function). Ok, PSEmuPro freezes. Maybe it doesn't like infinite loops.

We'll try something different. It appears that if you select nothing, the following instructions are executed:

 80029f50 lui   v0,0x8007 
80029f54 lw s1,v0,0xf4f8
80029f58 addiu s2,zr,0x0001
80029f5c jal 0x0002a8cc
80029f60 sw s0,s1,0x0058
80029f64 jal 0x00014694
80029f68 nop
80029f6c lui a0,0x8003
80029f70 addiu a0,a0,0xb06c
80029f74 lui v0,0x8007
80029f78 jal 0x00059a98
80029f7c sw zr,v0,0xf2d4
80029f80 jal 0x00015fdc
80029f84 nop
80029f88 jal 0x0002a060
80029f8c nop
80029f90 lh v0,s1,0x0014
80029f94 nop
80029f98 bne zr,v0,0x00029fb0
80029f9c nop
80029fb0 lh v0,s1,0x000c
80029fb4 lhu v1,s1,0x000c
80029fb8 beq zr,v0,0x00029fe8
80029fbc addiu v0,v1,0xffff
80029fe8 lh v0,s1,0x0014
80029fec nop
80029ff0 bne zr,v0,0x0002a000
80029ff4 nop
8002a000 jal 0x0002ab2c
8002a004 nop
8002a008 jal 0x0002a0e0
8002a00c nop
8002a010 j 0x00029f88
8002a014 nop

(This is psemupro disassembly, hence the 0x0??????? instead of 0x8???????)
As you can see, it is a loop. The only music related call is to 0x8002A0E0. This calls SsUtVibrateOn. If you look, SsUtVibrateOn is just a null function! So we can happily say that 0x80029F50 is where we can put the infinite loop when the final PSF is made.

The next function to examine will be 0x8002A178. It makes the following calls:

 jal 0x800173D4 - calls strcpy, nothing to do with music 
jal bzero
jal 0x800149F0 - calls SsStart and SsSetMono/SsSetStereo based on a value in memory. Keep this one in mind as we will have to patch it to always be stereo
jal 0x8002A2F4 - calls SsVabTransfer and SsSeqOpen, as well as a variety of video calls. Important.
jal 0x8002A414 - graphics system calls, non-music
jal 0x8002A480 - more non-music stuff
jal 0x8002A704 - more non-music stuff
jal 0x800332A4 - calls SsUtSetReverbDepth, SsSepPlay and SsSetSepVol
jal 0x80016E84 - non-music

Only 0x800149F0, 0x8002A2F4 and 0x800332A4 seem to be important here. We will patch 0x800149F0 when making the PSF. We will analyse 0x8002A2F4 and 0x800332A4 now.

0x8002A2F4 contains the following calls:

 jal 0x80016AE8 - calls strcpy, nothing to do with music 
jal 0x80013230 - calls cd related functions
jal 0x8003326C - doesn't make any calls, but probably unrelated to music
jal 0x80013390 - another cd related function
jal SsVabTransfer
jal SsSeqOpen
jal 0x80013D2C - doesn't make any calls, but probably unrelated to music
jal 0x80016C30 - LoadImage, not related to music
jal DrawSync
jal 0x80016BC8 - not related to music

0x800332A4 contains the following calls:

 jal SsSepSetVol 
jal SsUtSetReverbDepth
jal SsSepPlay

Next we need some test data. Looking at the signatures and their positions, I can see that we are not dealing with a very simple filesystem. In fact things are wrong with the VAB and SEQ data - they are non-standard. It appears the loading routines do something to the data. Perhaps some sort of compression or encryption is applied?

At 0x8002A328 there is: li $a0, 0x1A2. What happens if this is changed? Whoa! It changes the background. Whoops, that wasn't what was intended. But it points out that 0x80013230 is the loading function. At 0x8002A368 there is another call to 0x80013230. Only problem is, $a0 comes from 2($s1). In PSEmuPro, at that point 2($s1) = 0x1A8. What if it is 0x1A9? The game makes weird sounds. Oh well...

But above is move $s1, $v0. $v0 is a function return register, and the nearest function is 0x8003326C. Analysis of this function reveals it actually indexes an array of words at 0x80064C40 that contains:

 0x01A7 0x01A9 0x01AB 0x01AD 
0x01A7 0x01A7 0x01A7 0x01AF
0x01B1 0x01B3 0x01B5 0x01B7
0x01B9 0x01BB 0x01BD 0x01BF
0x01C1 0x01C3 0x01C5 0x01C7
0x01C9 0x01CB 0x01CD 0x01CF
0x01D1 0x01D3 0x01D5 0x01D7
0x01D9 0x01DB 0x01DD 0x01DE

(The value returned is a pointer to a list containing halfwords: value, value+1, value+2)

Except for a few entries, it appears that each entry increments by 2. Above the call to the function 0x8003326C is move $a0, 0. $a0 seems to be the index to this list. What happens if this is 1? Hehe, it's different music playing in the background. We have found the music loading function.

By setting a breakpoint on 0x8002A364 we find out that the subroutine 0x80013390 actually loads the music data off the cd. Stepping and setting breakpoints inside this routine, we find that it contains calls to CdGetSector followed by a call to 0x80013E5C. The arguments to both of these is 0x801FF6F0, and looking at that area it is a sector of the cd. You would think that CdGetSector gets that sector, and 0x80013E5C decodes it. It definately is the decoding routine we are looking for. It references to some memory variables that were set in another subroutine within 0x80013390.

After some thought, I've decided it's too complicated to reverse engineer.
Although it would be possible to create a program to decode the data, it would be more efficient to just dump the 30 or so tracks from memory.

There's this emulator called adripsx. It is pretty good, but I've picked it because it saves its states in a raw format. So we can hack stuff into it, and hack stuff out of it!

Searching through, we find at offset 0x1B6CF8 within the savestate is the instruction move $a0, 0 (the one that changes music). The original bytes are: 21 20 00 00, and the new ones are: <musicno> 04 24 where musicno is the index into the array described above somewhere and is a little-endian 16-bit number. Yay, you can also change the music this way.

We still need the address of the data and length of data to start extracting it though. For safety, we are going to freeze the game with an infinite loop just after the load. This is to ensure that memory variables don't get overwritten. Since the loader is called at 0x8002A35C we will freeze it at 0x8002A364. Looking in the decoding routine, it seems that $t2 is used as a "destination pointer". At the start of the routine $t2 is loaded from 0x8006F0D0 and at the end $t2 is written back to 0x8006F0D0. It makes sense that after everything is loaded, 0x8006F0D0 will contain the address of the last byte that was written, or one byte more than that. Since I can't be bothered finding out, we'll just add 16 to that offset. Why 16? I just felt like it. The starting offset is always 0x800EB7B0, but just to be sure I looked in the code. $s3 is loaded from 0x8006F4F8 (which is 0x800B7E00 at this point) and 0x339B0 is added to it (actually, 0x339B0 is loaded into $s0 and $s3 is added onto $s0). This forms the start address, as a further instruction is "move $a1, $s0" where $a1 is the destination address for the loaded function.

I also calculated that to get the savestate offset you subtract 0x7FE73644. So 0x8002A364 in memory would be equivalent to 0x1B6D20 in the savestate. Anyway, we patch that address with D9 A8 00 08 00 00 00 00 (j 0x8002A364, nop). By that calculation the data should be at 0x27816C. It is! The end offset should be at 0x1FBA8C. It appears to be. However something is wrong. The length does not include the VB (VAG Body). Looking at the code following the loader function, there seems to be another loader function which loads the VB. Oops, looks like we forgot about that.

More analysis reveals the VB is loaded into 0x800F3E70. (I really should have picked this up before). It is contained in $a1. Just to be sure, we'll make it write $a1 to 0x8006F0D4 and we'll read off that. We'll remove the patch we applied earlier and put a new one at 0x8002A374 (0x1B6D30 in savestate) which is:

 lui $t0, 0x8007 
addiu $t0, 0xF0D4
sw $a1, ($t0)
j 0x8002A380

I can't be bothered writing all the hex codes for those instructions. I just realised one more thing is needed: the end of VB data. The second loader function uses $s2. Hey! I just realised something, the VB is stored in a raw format! That means we can just extract it from epica.bin. The filesystem is trivial. I picked it up in one minute. All it is, is an array of words (32-bit) as in offset of file 0, length of file 0, offset of file 1, length of file 1, offset of file 2, length of file 2 etc. The VB is always stored one file number after the SEQ/VH (which you get from that array mentioned above). So the first VB is 0x1A8. To get the offset/length, multiply by 8 = 0xD40 and look at epica.bin. 0x1A8 is at 0xC78000 and has a length of 0x1F3E0. Easy.

Now we have all the SEQ/VH/VB files for all tracks. Note: I made a program to help me extract the files in both cases. It took me only about 30 minutes to do that, it would have taken me hours to do it manually with a hex editor.

At this point, we have enough information to start making the final PSF. We open Slus_010.70 in PSFLab using the "Import EXE" function. The BSS clearing loop only clears out 0x8006C770 to 0x800751A8, so we don't have to worry about that. Now we go through everything like we did before, only we NOP out non-music stuff. The first few calls are standard. At 0x80015444 a call is made to VSync. Although this runs properly, it is non-music related, it consumes CPU time and does not enter an idle loop (j currentaddress, nop). We'll NOP it out. At 0x80015454 there is a call to numerous functions which are all init functions. However that call does not work in PSFLab. So we will NOP it out (the _SsInitHot probably starts the title theme, which is streamed). The next call (at 0x8001545C) is completely CD related so we'll NOP it out. From now on I'll abbreviate NOP it out with NIO. The call at 0x8001547C is the MusicInit function that was identified earlier. Even though this takes CPU time, we must not NIO. The call to GsInitGraph can be NOPed out since it is a graphics call. Then the main game function is called. Note that since this main game function will never return (we'll idle it before that), we'll NOP out everything after it up to the jr $ra.

Now we're in the first level of the main game loop. The first function is probably non-music related. It does contain ssVabTransfer, but ssVabTransfer is supposed to come later. (This is probably for sound effects). We will NIO.

In 0x8002842C is the title loop. There are lots of functions here, but the only one we're interested in is the "load" function. If you remember it was located at 0x800284B8. Except for the variable saving/stack instructions, we'll NOP everything out up to there and since we do not intend the function to return, further to the jr $ra. In fact, since we are not intending to return, we can forget all the stack crap! (But I'm keeping the addiu $sp, 0xffd8 just to keep sp consistant)

Now that we're in 0x80029F34, remember we said we would put the idle (infinite) loop at 0x80029F50? Well lets put it in, and NOP everything out after that since it's never going to be executed.

Inside 0x8002A178, the first two function calls work and are fast, so we'll leave them in (they jsut call strcpy). The call to bzero can also be forgiven (for now, later we'll see if things work without it). The call to function 0x80033C50 is the stereo/mono select. The branch that selects mono is "80014A0C: bne $v0, $0, 0x80014A24". If this branch is removed mono cannot be selected, so we'll NIO.

0x8002A2F4 is the next function. In fact, this is the main loading function and a lot of work will need to be done here. The loading calls can all be NOPed out. Now we have to load the data ourselves. I loaded the SEQ/VH into 0x80100000 and the VB into 0x80120000, just because. Remember to set the exe size to accommodate this data! It was initially 0x0005C800, I set it to 0x00190000. $s0 is the start of the SEQ/VH data and $a1 is a pointer to the VB. Note that the SEQ/VH also contains offsets which are used, hence we can't just dump some value into $a0 (they specify the offset of VH from $s0).

The code I put in was:

 8002A364: lui   $s0, 0x8010 
8002A368: addiu $s0, 0x0000
8002A36C: lui $a1, 0x8012
8002A370: addiu $a1, 0x0000

Oh dear, it seems $s3 has to contain some location that will store the vab id and seq id. Lets just make it 0x800FFFE0. I added in:

 8002A35C: lui   $s3, 0x8010 
8002A360: addiu $s3, 0xFFE0

OK, the ssVabTransfer and ssSeqOpen function complete successfully. This is good. Keep in mind that $s3 value (0x800FFFE0) for later. The remaining calls in 0x8002A2F4 are non-music related, so we'll NOP them out.

Back in 0x8002A178, all the calls from 0x8002A204 to 0x8002A224 seem to be graphics related, so we'll nop them out. Notice here how there are references to 0x10($s0) and 0xE($s0)? These are the vab id/seq id, so $s0 will need to equal 0x800FFFE0. You know what the code looks like. Now we go into 0x800332A4.

0x800332A4 virtually runs itself. It needs no patching whatsoever! Even though it indexes a table of reverb depths and volumes, it works fine! (The tables are included with the exe).

At 0x8002A240, that one remaining function is a graphic function, so NIO.

Now press play...Yay, it works!!! We'll go back to 0x8002A1E8 (the bzero call) and see whether it works without that call. Yes it does work without it. Now it's time to "Remove Unused Data". I used to "I'm paranoid" box and set it to 256 (to encompass those tables mentioned before). Note: I decided to change the tick mode from SS_TICKVSYNC (5) to SS_TICK240 (2) because 240 is better than VSync (60).

Now to do the other PSFs. To make things easier, why don't we psflib the set? To make a psflib in this case, we'll split the driver and music data. The driver occupies the region 0x80010000 - 0x80100000, so we'll make the exe start 0x80010000 and exe size 0x000F0000. The music data goes in 0x80100000 - 0x801A0000, so we'll make the exe start 0x80100000 and exe size 0x000A0000. There, then we create the _lib tag (in the music data psf): "_lib=vb.psflib".

Now to import all the other data into seperate PSFs, well I got a program to do it for me. Just for interest, the offset to import the SEQ/VH data is 0x800 in the PSX-EXE of music data, and 0x20800 for the VB in the PSX-EXE of music data.
(I just used exe2psf in batch processing to convert/make the set.)

AH CRAP. Some of them don't seem to work properly - they just bomb out halfway through. Looks like we're gonna have to debug.

Well actually, it appears the "remove unused data" stunt really stuffed things up. Well, since we're using psflib this is easy to fix, just use an un-removed-unused-data driver. Yeah, that's better. Word of warning: "Remove Unused Data" can stuff things up.

F***. Some tracks are still stuffed up.

OK I tried importing SEQ/VH to 0x80160000 and VB to 0x801A0000. It appears to work... The lesson seems to be: if it doesn't work import it to a different address.

Now to time them. Timing is just listening to them to find the loop points. It's pretty tedious, but you get to listen to music. Since Vanguard Bandits doesn't have an OST, I didn't name the tracks. I could have named them things like "title screen" and "battle 1", but I don't know what they all are.

I also ran psfpoint:

 psfpoint -game="Vanguard Bandits" *.minipsf 
psfpoint -year=2000 *.minipsf
psfpoint -copyright="2000 Working Designs" *.minipsf
psfpoint -psfby=someone42 *.minipsf
psfpoint -volume=1 *.minipsf
psfpoint -artist=??? *.minipsf

I stuck with titling them "000" and "001" etc.
NB: I put "pseudo-names" in the comments section.

If you look at the set, you will notice that the artist field is ???. I tried to find out who the composer was (I even finished the game again) but surprisingly, no hint of the composer is found in the credits. I am guessing it is Noriyuki Iwadare (Lunar) based on the style, but that is a guess.

After all of that, you have a complete PSF set. Most PSF rips won't be as easy as this though.


10/24/03 - Initial version
10/26/03 - Minor changes (thanks to zoopd2)
11/24/03 - Major changes, added rip example
11/29/03 - Minor changes (eg. speeling errars), CaitSith2 new mirror, added "Is
it streamed?"
12/05/03 - Fixed reference to CaitSith2's mirror


Thanks has to go to all the people at psf_rippers for all their help in ripping legend of legaia.
Very special thanks has to go to Neill Corlett for creating the psf specification, highly experimental and ripping FF7, FF8 and FF9, the *best* game music you can ever listen to.
Special thanks to CaitSith2 for offering an excellent PSF mirror. [He has got a new one, unfortunately he isn't mirroring sets > 10mb]

Here are just some links:

Hopefully this guide has helped you. Remember, it is in no way complete! While ripping, you may discover a technique or find a trap. Don't keep it to yourself, e-mail me ( and I will add it to this guide, credit goes to you. The more people who contribute, the better the psf ripping scene can grow. All sections marked with (*Someone add something here*) are sections which I'm not sure of or have no experience with. I'd appreciate those who do know about those sections to contribute.

Comments, suggestions, contributions, random information? is the address.

This guide is OPEN. This means although I maintain it, it will hopefully grow with user contributions. I encourage you to contribute and to ask others to contribute to this guide. You may alter this guide, distribute it, and distribute altered versions as long as credit is given where due and this paragraph remains and remains unchanged.

someone42 (Christopher Chua)


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