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Life of Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin (1814-1876)

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 · 8 Jun 2021
Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin
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Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin

1814 - Born in the village of Premukhino in the province of Tver (today Kalinin)

1828 - Moves to St. Petersburg to attend the artillery school

1829 - Begins to attend artillery school

1832 - Obtains the position of Sub-officer. He is sent to Grodno and Misk, Poland

1835 - He obtains military leave

1836 - He moves to Moscow to study philosophy

1836 - Translates Fichte's "Vocation of the student"

1838 - Publishes the preface to Hegel's "University Lessons"

1840 - Moves to Moscow and later to Berlin to study and prepare for a professorship at the Moscow University

1842 - He moves to Dresden and collaborates with Ruge in the drafting of the "German Annals"

1842 - Publishes "The reaction in Germany"

1843 - He moves to Bern and Zurich, where he meets Weitling, one of the first members of the Communist League

1844 - Transfer to Paris via Brussels

1844 - He is recalled to Russia by the Russian government

1844 - December, he is deprived of his noble status and sentenced in abstentia to forced labor in Siberia

1844-1847- Meet Proudhon and Marx; he forms cordial relations with George Sand

1847 - Bakunin delivers a violent speech against the Russian government at the banquet commemorating the Polish uprising of 1830. He is expelled from France. A Russian ambassador, to discredit him, spread the rumor that Bakunin was a revolutionary spy

1847- In Brussels he meets Marx again

1848 - Returns to Paris after the February Revolution

March 1848 - Meet Marx and Engels in Cologne. Disagreements begin with the two economists who openly disapprove of Bakunin's attempt to provoke a riot in Baden

June 1848 - Participates in the Panslavist Congress and the Prague insurrection; Marx publishes false accusations that Bakunin is a Russian agent responsible for the arrest of Poles

End 1848 - Expelled from Prussia and Saxony, he spends the rest of the year in the Principality of Anhalt

December 1848 - Publishes the "Appeal to the Slavs"

1849 - He secretly escapes to Leipzig where he prepares for a riot in Bohemia

April 1849 - He is in Dresden

May 3, 1849 - Popular revolt in Dresden. Bakunin emerges as a "victorious leader"

May 9, 1849 - The revolt is suppressed. Richard Wagner, Bakunin and a companion, Heuber, flee to Chemnitz, where Bakunin and Heuber are arrested. Wagner hides in his sister's house and runs away

January 14, 1850 - Locked in the Königstein prison, he is sentenced to death

June 1850 - the death sentence is commuted to life imprisonment and subsequently to extradition to Austria

March 1851 - Imprisoned in Prague and later in Olmatz. Sentenced to death. The sentence is revoked but Bakunin is chained, hand and foot, to the cell wall. A short time later he is handed over to the Russians who imprison him in the basement of the Fortress of St. Peter and Paul

1851 - Confession before Nicholas I

1854 - Transfer to Schösselberg prison where he contracts scurvy and loses all his teeth

1857 - Tsar Alexander releases him and sends him into permanent exile in Siberia

1858 - he Marries a young Polish woman, Antonia Kwiatkowski and moves to Irkutsk

June 1861 - he manages to escape from Siberia, arrives in Nikolavsk in July, sails with the "Strelok" for Kastri, where he embarks on an American merchant ship, the "Vickery" bound for Hakodate in Japan. He arrives in Yokohama, and in October he sets sail for San Francisco. In November he arrives in New York. On December 27, 1861 he is in London

1862 - Publishes "To the Russians, Poles and other Slavic comrades" and "The cause of the people: Romanov, Pugachev or Pestel?"

1863 - He reunites with his wife in Stockholm. He goes to Londra and leaves for Italy. In Paris he renews his friendship with Proudhon

Mid 1864 - Return to Sweden. London, where he meets Marx. In Paris he renews his friendship with Proudhon. He finally arrives in Italy and settles in Florence

1864 - He founded the newspaper "Libertà e Giustizia"

October 1865- He is in Naples (Italy)

September 25, 1868 - Founds the "International Brotherhood" or Alliance of Revolutionary Socialists.

1867 - In Genoa he attends the inaugural Congress of the League for Peace and Freedom and writes "Liberty, Federalism and Anti-theologism"

July 1868 - Enrolled in the Genoese section of the International. He settles in the Ligurian capital

September 25, 1868 - Founds the "International Brotherhood" or Alliance of Revolutionary Socialists

January 1869 - The Alliance dissolves

March 1869 - Collaboration with Neachev begins

Autumn 1869 - Transfer to Locarno. He translates the first volume of the "Capital"

September 1869 - Attends the Congress of the International in Basel

March 20, 1870 - Marx foments hatred for Bakunin among German colleagues by declaring that the Russian anarchist is a spy for the Panslavist Party, from which Bakunin receives 25,000 francs annually.

June 1870 - Breaks with Nechaev

1870 - Publishes "Letters to a Frenchman"

September 9, 1870 - He moves from Locarno to Lyon, where he arrives on September 15

September 28, 1870 - A popular uprising is suppressed. Bakunin is forced to flee due to an arrest warrant

1870/71 - Writes "The Knuto-Germanic Empire" [the title is violently provocative: the "knut" was the untreated leather whip used to punish the condemned. See, for example, "Michael Strogoff"] with the parts known under the name of "God and the State"

1871 - Writes "The Paris Commune and the Idea of ​​State" and publishes "The political theory of Mazzini and the International"

Autumn-Summer 1872 - Stay in Zurich

September 7, 1872 - Bakunin is expelled from the International at the Hague Congress

1873 - Publishes "State and Anarchy"

October 12, 1873 - Bakunin withdraws from the Jura section

First half of 1874 - Bakunin lives in Italy with Carlo Cafiero near Locarno

1874 - Bakunin joins his friends in Bologna where an insurrection is planned, but is forced to flee in disguise to Switzerland. He settles in Lugano

1875 - In poor health Bakunin is hospitalised in Bern

July 1, 1876 - Bakunin's death

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